The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 512 The abyss finally meets you

Chapter 512 The abyss finally meets you
"There is definitely something wrong with the abyss!"

"How could the successor become the reincarnation of the abyss?"

"A first-level reincarnation team composed of four sixth-level and one fifth-level? Are you kidding about the reincarnation space?"

In the hell camp, the internal high-level meeting of the demon organization, a bald and pale man wearing a retro noble dress said in disbelief.

Although Li Ming has never met him, he has talked about him countless times.

Lord of the Starry Sky.

The eighth-level reincarnator boss of the demon organization.

"Sorus, the patriarch of the Successor family, is at your place. Ask him what's going on?" Star Lord suddenly asked another middle-aged man.

Lord Ramand, the father of Li Ming's partner Hasuun.

Seeing that Lord Starry Sky had a bad attitude, Lord Ramande would not tolerate him and simply ignored his question.

What he said makes sense. Dealing with the Abyss is a matter for other camps to join forces. What does it mean for the Hell family to contribute?
Others also think it's reasonable. If they can help out by playing in heaven, who will go if there's no benefit in playing in the abyss?

"Abyss doesn't dare to take over the subordinate world, so there's nothing to worry about." Someone said.

At this time, a smiling, younger-looking man acted as the peacemaker.

But Lord Lamande would not do what he wanted: "About the abyss, we only need to inform other camps. If we want to take action, we must act together. How can it be possible to only let hell contribute?"

He had just lost a seventh-level reincarnator, so of course he couldn't let it go.

Now he just hopes that other people will suffer the same loss as him, so that he can save a little face.

Regardless of the several reincarnation teams in the abyss, they are all supermodels in their respective ranks, but to these eighth-level reincarnations, they are nothing.

But others, such as Maharaja Ramanda, simply did not believe that they would encounter any losses.

"I asked Solus, and he said that he was separated from his family during the battle, and he didn't know the whereabouts of his children. It seems that the heirs were recruited by the abyss at the critical moment of life and death."

"It may also be that the recruitment method has simply been modified, but what is certain is that the Abyss is indeed very different."

"Lord Lamande, the issue of the abyss has a very high priority. Why don't we ask Saulus to ask?"

Another eighth-level giant with a mouth full of fangs said.

The Lord of the Starry Sky is very angry, but there is no other way, reincarnators are all selfish.

"Are you going to take action against the abyss?" Mammon asked.

The Lord of the Starry Sky was very unwilling, but there was nothing he could do. Now everyone knew that the seventh-level reincarnator under him had been killed, and of course they were not willing to spend their own resources to work for the Lord of the Starry Sky.

"It's very common to recruit dying people as reincarnations, but with such purposeful recruitment, has the abyss become conscious again?" Mammon guessed.

But his seat is not lower than that of the Star King and the two, which shows that he is another eighth-level reincarnation.

Hearing this, other people in the meeting place frowned.

"Of course!" Lord Starry Sky agreed.

Both of them are enhanced vampires, and they are both eighth-level reincarnators. They are too similar, so their interests inevitably conflict, and their relationship has never been good.

Lord Lamande's face softened slightly: "Since Lord Mammon has spoken, of course I put the overall situation first."

Although there are some disputes within Hell, it is generally very stable.

Of course, none of them knew that a man named the Joker had come to the subordinate world of hell.

Lord Lamande was even a little relieved. Although his son was not interested in practicing, he would not be in any big danger.

"This is the general information about the hell camp given by Hassoun."

Solus quietly came over to greet the clown, and Li Ming had already taken control of the web. The universe where Spider-Man once lived was included in the subordinate world of hell, so they can come and go freely through the web of fate.

"Ha, that's so thoughtful." The clown smiled and took it. Solus looked at the clown with a little fear. Although this man was very weird and had almost no power, Solus would not underestimate him.

Not only because of Li Ming's instructions, but also because the clown is not acclimatized and is very adaptable to the rules of the reincarnation space.

Less than a month after arriving in this world under hell, the originally peaceful world has now fallen into chaos.

"The King of the Starry Sky is here. The third son, Chaatu, hehe, we have decided to be him."

The clown identified the target.

"Be careful yourself. This is a world travel watch. It is a cracked version and can travel through the world under hell. From now on, we will remain strangers." Solus said.

The Joker is here to cause destruction, and he belongs to the underworld among the underworld. Sorus is an undercover agent, and he belongs to the white lane here. They must not interact with each other.

"Don't reveal Hasu'en, otherwise even Lord Lamande will be implicated." Solus warned again.

The clown nodded, he was already shaking and impatient.

"Let hell feel hell hahaha!"

The clown is still not well-known, but the name Li Ming is being targeted by reincarnators.

A subordinate space of the heaven camp.

"What? The protagonist of the world is also called Li Ming?"

Michelle looked at the information uploaded by the reincarnation in heaven in surprise.

Since the last heavy loss, Michelle has been silent for a long time.

Mainly, he has to upgrade the matrix and recruit additional troops.

Now that the pressure within the Angels organization has eased, his mind is starting to become more active again.

He had absolutely no hope for Angel Flesh, so Michelle wanted to seek more opportunities for herself to make meritorious deeds.

At this time, the name Li Ming came into his sight.

He hadn't remembered that Li Ming had ever fought with him. He just felt that the name appeared a bit too often.

The protagonist of the plot of this joint confrontation mission is Li Ming.

In the mission briefing uploaded by the only remaining Paradise Reincarnator in the "Transformers" world, the protagonist of the plot was still named Li Ming.

And the appearance is exactly the same.

The most important thing is that these tasks also have traces of the abyss!
Individually it could be said to be a coincidence, but together several points were enough for Michelle to investigate.

Plot protagonists with the same appearance are very common in the reincarnation space, and even the Angel Organization has created files specifically for these people to facilitate exploration in the mission world.

He entered Li Ming's appearance and other information into the file to search, but found nothing.

Then Michelle ghost entered the information into the list of reincarnators, but the search results also found no matches.

But just when he was about to give up, Michelle accidentally clicked on all the options in the list of reincarnators, including those who had been eliminated from the list of reincarnators.


[Name: Wang Hu]

[Faction: Unknown]

[Number of missions: 2]

[Status: dead]

(End of this chapter)

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