The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 513: What newcomers to the chapter wheel must know

Chapter 513: What newcomers to reincarnation must know

Michelle was shocked. He never expected to find clues in the list of reincarnators.

He carefully read the information about the reincarnator named Wang Hu.

There is very little information, and it basically comes from a reincarnation named Da Zuo, as well as videos.

Yes, video.

Li Ming still doesn't know that Da Zuo, who once gave him a newcomer introduction, actually secretly recorded the video.

This is one of the ways for low-level reincarnations to obtain points. If you create a profile for a newcomer and submit it to the camp, you will receive another points reward.

Eat both ends.

Michelle didn't see anything from the video. It was completely the normal behavior of a relatively vigilant rookie reincarnation person.

Because this "Wang Hu" only appeared publicly once in the reincarnation space, the data shows that he died in the second mission world.

Samsara Center Entertainment Area, Eden.

The speaker was a bearded man, nodding and bowing to Michelle.

"This..." Da Zuo frowned. He had only met Li Ming once, and it had been so many years, so he really couldn't think of anything from his memory.


But Michelle always felt something was wrong, so he found another clue.

But people like him can live longer in the reincarnation space. After all, there is no danger to his life if he stays in the center of reincarnation.

Michelle now became interested.

But he also had his own database. After rummaging through it, Da Zuo quickly replied: "This Wang Hu only appeared once in the Samsara Center, and there is no other information."

Big left.

In order to demonstrate his ability, Dazuo quickly explained to Michelle: "Although many new reincarnations are cautious, there are always some things they don't pay attention to."

"Do you know this person?" Michelle threw a document over and had no intention of talking nonsense to the low-level reincarnators.

Although Dazuo seems to be hanging around at the bottom, in fact he is an experienced veteran who has survived nine missions in the world, otherwise he would not have time to be a novice commentator.

Dazuo quickly took it. Although Michelle was not the boss of his camp, it did not prevent him from coming over to lick it.

I have never experienced camp confrontation, so I naturally have no information about the camp.

If Li Ming were here, he would immediately recognize that this man was the reincarnator who gave him the novice introduction when he first entered the reincarnation center.

"Your Excellency Michelle, it is an honor to meet you."

The reincarnation number is very useful. There are many special props that can run on the reincarnation number, such as world tracking props.

It's just that Da Zuo's strength is really too poor. After spending nine mission worlds, he has not found a suitable employment direction in the camp, and he doesn't want to go to the mission world to work hard anymore, so he has to do some non-dangerous things to earn points.

The legendary branch leader of the Angel Organization, Dazuo had never come into contact with a boss of this level before.

Upon seeing this, Dazuo immediately added: "But I have his reincarnation number!"

Michelle stood up immediately and was about to leave.

"For example, every time I explain to new people, I will add them as friends. Many people will accept it, and I will get their reincarnation numbers."

Dazuo was a little proud. He relied on this method to deceive many reincarnations.

"Although I forgot when Wang Hu disappeared from the friend list, I still keep the reincarnation number."

Michelle immediately gave Dazuo a large amount of points and exchanged them for Li Ming's reincarnation number.

Then he took out a world tracker and entered Li Ming's number.

World Tracker prompts quickly.

【Cannot be traced】

Michelle's eyes narrowed. If the reincarnator corresponding to this number dies, it should prompt that the reincarnator's number is invalid.

In other words, this Wang Hu, it should be Li Ming, is really alive!

For a moment, Michelle thought of the inexplicable disappearance of the previous camp confrontations, the Heaven and Hell camps that had repeatedly failed in Abyss-related tasks, and even the successor team that Abyss suddenly joined this time. This Li Ming has a big secret!
He hadn't yet connected Li Ming with angel flesh and blood. After all, in Michelle's memory, the person who took away angel flesh and blood was a reincarnation of hell. Both appearance and ability were very different from Li Ming.

He immediately wanted to find the Heavenly Reincarnator who had just returned from the Spider Universe, but all the people Michelle sent out were dead, and he really didn’t want to ask Neptune for information, so he had to find someone to contact the Sanren Reincarnator Ai Serrell.

Of course, he didn't forget to secretly contact the base projection inside Quan Angel Base.

Li Ming still knew nothing about his secret being exposed, but even if he knew, Li Ming had already been mentally prepared.

You often walk by the river without getting your shoes wet.

It's normal for someone to notice him too many times. The main reason why Li Ming avoids information leakage is just not to let others know all his information at once.

Otherwise, if the opponent directly sends out eighth-level or ninth-level reincarnations, he will be GG.

With the behavior of reincarnators, this is not impossible.

At this moment, Li Ming is busy with the general election.

After sending the clown away, he can finally interfere in the election.

The public opinion war outside is still raging, and the motion to repeal the "Gotham Act" in Congress has not stopped.

Li Ming's opponents had now changed the direction of their public opinion attacks. Now they were attacking Li Ming's manipulation of Congress.

There is no substantial evidence. Anyway, it’s just pouring dirty water on Li Ming.

Not to mention, some people actually believe it.

But Li Ming doesn't care, so what if he believes it?
It’s not like you have to buy products from his Gotham Group.

The stronger the criticism outside, the higher the Gotham Group's sales, which is equivalent to advertising in disguise.

But he also knew that this stalemate in Congress could not last long, so in October, one month before the November election, Li Ming and T&T candidate Norton Rivers jointly released a message.

If Norton Rivers is successfully elected, Li Ming will formally establish the superhero organization, the Justice League, and place the Justice League headquarters in Washington, subject to official supervision!

The matter of aiding New Gotham was also said by Li Ming to be done as a member of the Justice League.

Norton Rivers publicly supported this, saying that Li Ming did not violate the Gotham Act.

This news was like dropping a nuclear bomb into the world of public opinion, instantly covering up all other news!
The Justice League has always been just a small group in people's mouth, with only four members: Li Ming, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman.

Now Li Ming means to directly establish the Justice League, which is the first public large-scale superhuman organization.

With Li Ming's reputation among superhumans, especially superheroes, he certainly has the qualifications, not to mention that Superman, Batman, etc. will definitely support him.

What shocked people the most was the fact that the Justice League would be located in the capital and subject to official supervision.

Will Li Ming, the King of Gotham, accept official supervision?
"In order to maintain world peace and jointly resist foreign invasion, it is inevitable to establish the Justice League."

Li Ming publicly explained this.

"Cooperating with the authorities is also to improve efficiency and express our determination, not to compete for power but to safeguard justice!"

Everyone was immediately impressed by the magnanimity of the King of Gotham. The reputation that Li Ming had lost some time ago was suddenly made up for, and even far exceeded.

Of course, only Li Ming knows the actual situation.

Under official supervision?

That's right.

But Li Ming did not say who the specific supervisor was.

He did this mainly to use the ability to supervise superhuman beings as bait to make the outside world turn around and support Norton.

Compared with repealing the "Gotham Act" and then spending a lot of effort to infiltrate Gotham, the opportunity to master the superhero organization is more attractive.

After all, with power, money will follow.

But they would not have thought that Norton was actually Li Ming's man.

After Norton takes over, Li Ming will stuff his clones into the Justice League's regulatory department.

I supervise myself, which is also called supervision!
(End of this chapter)

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