The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 515 Justice League Expansion

Chapter 515 Justice League Expansion
In fact, it can be said that Li Ming already has more than half of the conditions for establishing a multiverse superhero organization.

In terms of members, he has the Justice League that is about to be established, as well as the Avengers. In terms of advanced power, there is Supreme Strange and the God of Story Loki. These two definitely have eighth-level strength.

However, it is unclear how much strength Loki, the God of Story, would still have if he left the multiverse.

If that doesn't work, there are Superman, Wonder Woman, Scarlet Witch Wanda, Thor, Captain Marvel, Extremis suit Iron Man and others.

After mastering Spider-Man's web of destiny, Li Ming has actually been able to establish Marvel's internal multiverse organization.

If you upgrade the [Stowaway] privilege again, you should be able to take people across time.

However, most of these are big guys from the Marvel Universe. The Justice League of the Gotham Universe has not yet grown up, so Li Ming is not too anxious.

However, Li Ming still felt that having only one and a half level 8 members was not enough. He planned to focus on finding boss-level teammates.

Although Li Ming didn't know that half of his identity had been exposed, fortunately, he never lacked the awareness to prepare for war.

The general election in November came as scheduled, and Norton Rivers was elected as the next commander-in-chief with a high vote.

Li Ming and Bruce.

Faced with Bruce's concerns, Li Ming explained this.

On the surface, Li Ming was busy preparing for the establishment of the Justice League with Bruce and Clark, but behind the scenes, Li Ming's clone factory was in full swing and had already placed and replaced many people.

Correspondingly, Zhenglian also has certain immunity rights. For example, if accidental casualties or property losses are caused when protecting the earth and people, the official will not care as long as the compensation is in place.

He wants to control every move within the officialdom.

Batman is the smartest among the members, and everyone is convinced, so Li Ming successfully became the boss again.

The pressure of public opinion on Li Ming was also swept away.

With the support of Gotham Group and Wayne Group, the Justice League is more powerful than the Avengers.

The next commander-in-chief has openly supported the King of Gotham, and no matter how much trouble he makes, it will be of no use.

The leader is naturally Li Ming, but considering that he often goes to other worlds, Li Ming entrusts Batman to manage it on his behalf.

The establishment of the Justice League has also been officially put on the agenda, and various details have been established one by one.

Moreover, Zhenglian also has a dedicated post-disaster reconstruction department. Referring to the Disaster Control Bureau in Marvel, you might be able to make a fortune if you encounter supernatural things.

The duty of Zhenglian is to protect the earth and resist various supernatural threats and even natural disasters. As for fighting crime, that is the personal hobby of Zhenglian members and no one can interfere.

Li Ming still kept his promise to Georgia and "discovered" exculpatory evidence for him, allowing him to avoid prison.

After suffering a loss once, Li Ming would not let his opponent take advantage of him again.

First of all, the Justice League makes it clear that it is a public organization and is not exclusive to the United States. After all, Wonder Woman's main activities are in Europe, and Superman is an alien.

After two months of busy work, after the leadership handover ceremony, Norton Rivers officially moved into the white house.

With Mysterio's skills, it would be easy for Li Ming to "find" this kind of evidence.

This involves the most important source of funds. At this time, we focus on naming two big money.

Therefore, this also prevents the government from using financial problems to get in Zhenglian's neck. However, for the large number of manpower provided by the government, Li Ming simply reviewed and accepted all the orders.

"The officials will definitely put people in. Instead of letting them make small moves, it's better to put it out there. I've already told Sunday that if anyone has any problems, I will notify you directly."

Bruce is also familiar with Sunday and knows that this is a very professional intelligence team under Li Ming and has helped Batman many times, so he accepted this statement.

Of course, the most important thing is that this came from Li Ming's mouth.

However, in the eyes of the outside world, Li Ming only accepted the manpower provided by the official after a simple review.

But in fact, in this "simple" review, Li Ming took the list of clones and checked them one by one. On the list?

Take it in.

Not on the list?
go well.

There are many staff in the Justice League, but not to mention the clerks and guards, even the cleaning staff are clones of Li Ming.

Not only Zhenglian, but also the government's specially established regulatory authorities are treated in this way. Although the regulatory authorities will inevitably have a small number of official people sneaking in, it is harmless.

Because their leader, Ponte Baker, had already promised Li Ming not to interfere with the Zhenglian operation.

That's right, Ponte Baker has been confirmed to be transferred to the Zhenglian Supervision Department, the Director of the Superhuman Security Control Bureau.

Li Ming's enemies really celebrated this because they felt that Li Ming's support for Pent's ascension would definitely create a gap between Li Ming and the new leader Norton.

But little did they know that Li Ming had already laid out the plan ten years ago.

Those enemies are not without ambitions. It can be seen from the name of the Superhuman Security Control Bureau that they are not satisfied with supervising the Justice League, but also want to supervise all superhumans.

It's just that Li Ming won't give them this chance.

The Justice League is headquartered in the outskirts of Washington, D.C., where there is enough space to build.

Li Ming was so wealthy that he bought the land directly, and the construction task was handed over to Li Ming's private engineering team.

Steel Armor Legion + Terminator Legion + Robot Legion!
They were all eliminated models. Li Ming directly recycled them and became a construction team. Not to mention, the efficiency was amazing.

Especially the construction of such an important facility completely eliminates the possibility of leaks.

The Justice League's headquarters is fully enclosed, with only Terminators able to enter and exit, and is monitored 24 hours a day on Sundays.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if a mosquito flies in, Li Ming can tell whether it is a male or a female.

Once the Justice League headquarters is built, Li Ming and Bruce can get busy with another important thing.


Now that the Justice League is an open organization, there will definitely not be only four people, although the original Justice League members, such as The Flash, Cyborg, etc., have not yet gained abilities.

But others are joining in.

The first is of course Aquaman. Although Arthur has not yet become the King of Atlantis, he has been trained by Bruce since he was a child, and his strength is stronger than in the movie.

If Orm comes to Arthur for a one-on-one fight now, Arthur will definitely not lose as easily as in the plot.

Then there's Clayface.

But this is not the familiar villain Clayface. This Clayface was originally a black policeman in New Gotham named Ethan Bennett.

During an operation, Ethan was captured by Jerome and injected with a lot of chemicals, which later gave him the ability of Clayface.

His whole body turns into a puddle of clay, he can change his appearance at will, and he can use the clay to attack.

Not long after Ethan gained his powers, he was easily persuaded by Batman to join the Justice League because he was a police officer.

Two Robins and Batgirl also wanted to join, but they were too young, and Li Ming and Bruce rejected them at the same time.

In fact, Li Ming wanted to persuade Martian Manhunter to join. After all, he had superhuman level strength, but after a little testing, General Swanwick refused. It seemed that the earth was not in danger, and Martian Manhunter did not intend to reveal his identity yet.

Li Ming is not in a hurry, just take your time and everything will work out.

(End of this chapter)

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