The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 516: All those who turn the chapter are my wage earners!

Chapter 516: The reincarnators are all my wage earners!

Li Ming no longer has to worry about the Justice League. With Bruce and Sunday here, things can definitely be done beautifully.

Isn’t that what you do to train your younger brothers?

After he got tired of Diana for a while, he returned to the biochemical world.

The turmoil in the Gotham world gradually subsided, but the turmoil in the reincarnation space became more and more intense.

The emergence of Spider-Man totem redemption directly disrupted the ecology of the reincarnation space.

But what Li Ming is most concerned about is how many points he has earned.

5730 million!
This is the total income of Li Ming, and it is also the answer sheet handed over by the reincarnators in the past six months.

Including his original 4520 million, Li Ming now has a total of million points!

Become a billionaire with points!
Li Ming didn't know if any reincarnation had higher points than him. Anyway, he already had enough points with things like the Plane Crusher and the Immortal Killing Sword that he had seen before.

It's just that this Immortal Killing Sword is just a piece of equipment from a parallel world. Although it is very powerful, it is still far from the saint's weapon that destroys heaven and earth in Li Ming's impression.

In other words, the entire reincarnation space has been affected.

Wouldn't it be nice for him to use these 70 million to exchange for source power to advance?
After reading the harvest, Li Ming briefly understood the current situation of the reincarnation space through his reincarnations.

The name of the Spider-Man totem quickly spread in the Samsara Center. There is no shortage of smart people in the Samsara space. Naturally, it can be seen that exchanging temporary strength is just drinking poison to quench thirst.

One word——

An old silver-coin third-level reincarnator who had survived nine missions and was already planning to retire had saved enough 30,000 points and entered a joint exploration mission.

"It's better to rely on props than to rely on yourself. At worst, I'll let Elios out and swallow it slowly." Li Ming muttered.

Which reincarnation person hasn’t ordered an enemy yet?
In the past, as long as the reincarnators ensured that their strength was higher than that of their enemies, they would be fine.


What's more, what Li Ming is very scheming about is that his price setting has nothing to do with strength. Regardless of whether it is level 3 or level 5, exchanging for level 6 strength requires 30,000 points.

Suddenly, the people of the fourth and fifth levels of reincarnation were panicked.

The number of reincarnators below level six exceeds 99% of the total number of people in the reincarnation space!

The plane crusher is quite useful, it can directly crush a world, even if it is from another camp.

But Li Ming also scorned it, of course not because it sold for 70 million and was a one-time item.

But now the fact is here, regardless of whether you are level 4 or level 5, your life is only worth 30,000 points at most!
For third-level reincarnators, although thirty thousand is a lot, middle-level reincarnators also have more than one or two enemies, and there will always be enemies.

But the Spider-Man totem targets the third to sixth level reincarnators, which covers a large area.

Although the steel suit has also changed the ecology of the low-level reincarnators, the big bosses in the reincarnation space will not care.

But an unexpected event occurred.

So in order to avoid such an embarrassing thing happening again, the fourth and fifth level reincarnators also began to exchange the power of totems, just to protect themselves.

There was his enemy there, a fifth-level reincarnator, and then this third-level man just exchanged the power of the sixth-level totem and beat the fifth-level enemy to death!
As soon as this incident came out, it immediately caused a sensation in the entire Samsara Center.

At this time, the Samsara Center was completely in chaos.

Who would dare to exchange for other enhancements before having a surplus of 30,000 points?

Now, it's just the beginning.

When there are more reincarnations in the mission world, as long as they return to the center of reincarnation, they will definitely be poisoned by the Spider-Man totem.

What makes Li Ming most happy is that the Spider-Man totem has also boosted the sales of steel suits.

After all, the middle-level reincarnators have to start accumulating points, and the bottom-level reincarnators have to pay more attention to efficiency.

And among the exchange items in the reincarnation space, which one is more cost-effective than the steel suit?
The plan of many low-level reincarnators is to use the steel suit to get through the early stage, and then switch to the embrace of the spider totem.

Regardless of the overall pattern of the reincarnation space, this is also the most suitable strengthening route for ordinary reincarnations.

Therefore, the sales of steel suits, especially the Mark 3 Ultua, have increased significantly. It is foreseeable that due to the influence of the spider totem, the sales life of the Mark 3 Ultua will be longer than the previous two models. Points, all points!
Although Li Ming's mental endurance is now very high, he still can't help but feel overwhelmed.

Most of the points saved by the reincarnators now will go into his pocket in the future. Can he not be excited?

The reincarnators are all my wage earners!

But just when Li Ming's blood was boiling, a message from a reincarnator suddenly called.


Li Ming frowned, wondering why the undercover agent next to Michelle suddenly contacted him.

"Hi, Mr. Gin." Li Ming was in a better mood and his tone became cheerful.

But the words coming from the other end of the communication made his expression suddenly change.

"Michelle knows that you are a reincarnator and is investigating you!"


Li Ming knew that he would be exposed sooner or later, but he was still a little caught off guard.

And the person who discovered his identity turned out to be Michelle, which made it even more difficult.

"What does he know?" Li Ming asked.

"Your name and reincarnation number, but it is not yet confirmed which camp you are from." Cassian revealed, "Michelle is more inclined to believe that you are from hell, but Abyss is also very suspicious."

Reincarnator number?
The reincarnation number and the reincarnation communication number are different.

After knowing that there were such things as tracking props, Li Ming was very careful not to reveal his reincarnation number.

Even when he first became friends with the ninth-level boss, the Supreme, he used the reincarnation number of Ebony Maw.

So how did you leak it?

and many more……

Li Ming suddenly remembered that he had indeed added others as friends.

That new commentator Dazuo?
Li Ming suddenly felt heartbroken. Even though he had been very vigilant at the beginning, he was still deceived by the reincarnation man.

What a beast, deceiving him into being young and ignorant.

I didn’t expect that there are so many ways to add a friend.

It’s impossible to guard against it.

“Has Michelle revealed what he’s going to do next?”

After coming back to his senses, Li Ming continued to inquire.

"None of the sixth-level reincarnators from the Angel Division are on missions anymore. I heard that maybe Michelle wants to start an invasion mission." Cassian replied.

This cast a shadow on Li Ming's heart.

Is Michelle so cruel?

Are you going to call me directly?
If Li Ming hadn't confirmed it again and again, he would have thought that his modification of Michelle's memory had been exposed.

"You...can you stop it?"

Cassian asked suddenly, but Li Ming knew that he was not worried about himself, but about his girlfriend Jaina.

"Don't worry, he is just my defeated general." Li Ming replied nonchalantly.

But after hanging up the phone, Li Ming quickly opened the portal to the Supreme Strange World.

Since the world he was in was at risk of being invaded, of course Li Ming wanted to go to a world where he was absolutely sure.

(End of this chapter)

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