The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 517 The Abyss Alliance is established, and Supreme Strange joins!

Chapter 517 The Abyss Alliance is established, and Supreme Strange joins!
Kama Taj.

"Lee, it's amazing how far you've come."

Supreme Strange exclaimed.

Li Ming's [Supreme Strange Spell] has reached Level 8. Supreme Strange recalled that when he first practiced, it took him hundreds of years to reach this level.

"Most of it is your fault."

Li Ming is not arrogant at all. He knows how much help Supreme Strange's magic notes have given him, and the road from Level 8 to Level 10 will be more difficult. Supreme Strange took hundreds of years to complete before.

"How is your health?" Li Ming asked.

Because when Supreme Strange turned black before, he quickly gained strength by devouring massive amounts of mysterious creatures, which also caused his body to be extremely unstable.

"Thanks to the medicine you gave me, my body has recovered well and the sequelae have completely disappeared." Supreme Qi Qi replied with a smile.

Although the output world of Blood Orchid is very primitive, the things are indeed good things.

He will definitely not let go of the opportunity to harm others.

Tony clicked on the circular energy source on his chest. The location of the Ark reactor was now replaced by a magic core that could store excess magic power.

It has been more than a month since Li Ming returned to this universe, and he has been busy with the wedding of Supreme Strange and Christine.

At this moment, the Supreme Being was strangely embarrassed.

Otherwise, Supreme Strange will have no choice but to collect figures everywhere to find a way to rescue Christine.

Although it is also red and gold, it has a cape, just like Dr. Strange's outfit.

Tony raised his hand and introduced.

Once his body has adjusted and regained its balance, Supreme Strange will have a child with Christine.

"This armor can directly transmit magical energy, and can also use many spells that ordinary wizards must cast incantations."

However, his eyes noticed that the red armor Tony was wearing was very different from the Mark series in appearance. It had little metallic feel and there were faint magic runes on the armor.

Because he is the officiant again.

There is no way, who makes him a righteous leader?
"If you take good care of your health, you don't need to go to Li. He doesn't have children. He needs to go to me to learn how to take care of children."

At this time, Tony suddenly came out from the side and said with an air of dignity.

Li Ming has attended the weddings of many important people, including Penguin's, Tony's, Superman's, and Supreme Strange. He was the officiant in three of the four weddings.

Seeing that the supreme strange state was indeed very good, Li Ming also teased: "Maybe it won't be long before you get what you want."

"Ding ding."

Li Ming had no room to reply. He really didn't plan to be a father yet.

"Spellcaster Armor."

After all, both Supreme Strange and Christine knew that the reason why they had the chance to get together was all because of Li Ming's help.

Very nonsense.

Moreover, the Red Queen is constantly debugging the blood orchid and adding many other drugs. Now the effects of the blood orchid-related medicines are almost doubled compared to before.

Of course, if the energy of the magic core is used up, the user still has to rely on the user's own magic power.

This is a magic armor created by Tony after studying the Kama Taj spell and combining magic with steel suits.

The actual combat effect king has been tested, he can't beat Tony wearing the caster armor.

"There is still a lot of room for improvement. If the metal is tempered better with magic power, the magic power stored and the power of the spells that can be cast will be greater." Tony was not complacent.

After all, he knew Li Ming's needs, and this caster armor was not enough.

But Li Ming was already very satisfied. After all, he had only left the Supreme Strange World for more than a year, and Tony was already making rapid progress in developing a magic armor.

Nothing major has happened in the past year or so. At most, Namor is being targeted by various countries and cannot take care of himself.

However, when various countries were hunting down the people of Talokan, Natasha stood up and protected the Namor refugees in the name of the Avengers, so that various countries could no longer act recklessly. In the past, no national force would have bothered with the Avengers.

But now the Avengers has become a super-large international hero organization, and its influence is growing day by day.

There is also the support of King Tracha of Wakanda. After all, minorities help minorities.

Countries have only observed human rights for once.

Of course, the more critical reason is that the major forces have also captured some Talokan people, so they can use them sparingly.

While Supreme Strange and Tony were both there, Li Ming told them about the idea of ​​a multiverse superhero organization, and also gave Spider-Man's web-weaving organization as an example, which aroused their interest.

"Thousands of Spider-Man? Why haven't you heard Peter mention it?" Tony was surprised, "Didn't Peter from our universe go?"

Li Ming shook his head.

"For the multiverse, Spider-Man accepted by the web is only a minority."

“Great idea.”

Tony applauded with both hands. His awareness of crisis has always been very high, and now he is willing to have the opportunity to help each other with superheroes from other universes.

Supreme Strange also nodded.

His horizons are broader, so he thinks more.

Although Supreme Strange has almost stood at the pinnacle of the universe's strength, he knows that there are still higher powers above him.

If these beings have any ideas, the threat is not just a certain universe.

In order to cope with the possible crisis of the multiverse, it is of course no problem to work together in advance to deal with it.

"But what should this organization be called?" Tony asked.

Li Ming smiled slightly, he had already thought about it.

"Abyss Alliance."

"Sounds like a name that villains would choose." Tony's intuition was accurate.

Li Ming immediately denied: "No, this means that we are like an abyss, swallowing everything that endangers the security of the multiverse."

Now his ability to tell lies is getting stronger and stronger, but Li Ming is not completely deceiving. Compared with him who just wants to know the origin of the world, and the resources are provided to him alone, the subordinate worlds controlled by other camps are really Even the land had to be looted.

"And I must remind you that compared to the Abyss Alliance, there are many other organizations that aim to invade the world and control the multiverse." Li Ming gave eye drops to other camps in time.

Sure enough, this information instantly alerted Supreme Qi and Tony, and they quickly asked Li Ming for details.

After hearing Li Ming talk about other large and small camps, which control at least thousands of multiverses, they felt even more necessary to establish a multiverse protection organization.

"Actually, the Abyss Alliance has been besieged once. It is now being rebuilt, but it is still a thorn in the side of other multiverse forces. If it is discovered, it may come back again." Li Ming took precautions in advance.

"So you should think about it before making a decision."

At this time Tony asked: "If we don't join the Abyss Alliance, won't they invade?"

Li Ming shrugged.

Supreme Strange answered on his behalf: "Who would give up fat?"

After becoming the Supreme Mage, Supreme Strange realized that mysterious creatures from different dimensions coveted the earth every day, and he had long been used to it.

"If someone really comes to invade the Abyss Alliance, we will definitely help with all our strength!"

Tony finally said firmly, and Supreme Strange nodded.

Li Ming smiled happily.

What I'm waiting for is your words.

(End of this chapter)

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