The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 518 Zombie Marvel Universe

Chapter 518 Zombie Marvel Universe
"Michelle is not very efficient at work. Why aren't you here?"

Li Ming waved his hand to turn off the virtual projection. He had already learned three more technologies, but no one has invaded yet.

Because Li Ming's own knowledge level is closely related to his Cybertron inheritance, he has long developed a good habit of serious study.

After all, the reward for studying hard has been changed from high scores to Transformers, so it would be rude to complain that you are tired.

"Michelle's application to start the invasion mission was stuck, because the invasion mission will consume the world's origin."

Li Ming returned to the reincarnation space, and Cassian reported in time.

"Because the mission world you are involved in is only Level 4 and Level 5, the Angels don't pay enough attention to it. They prefer to let Michelle lead the reincarnation team to investigate."

When Li Ming heard this, he knew that he had killed the seventh-level reincarnator in hell. Saviola's story had not been leaked. Whether it was Neptune's team members or Athelil's mouth, they were very strict.

Insufficient intelligence will inevitably lead to insufficient preparation, and insufficient preparation will certainly lead to insufficient response.

Li Ming was worried about a large-scale invasion, but the Samsara team would be fine.

Needless to say, there is no need to mention the robot army, just the number of cannon fodder piles will suffice.

The biochemical army has undergone the biggest change. At first, it was dominated by zombies, but now it has become a world of genetic debugging.

Especially the emergence of Titanosaurs made the biochemical army become the strongest army in Li Ming's hands.

The virus inside is much stronger than the T-Virus.

Li Ming is already very familiar with this time period when the universe plot begins.

But Li Ming has one regret.

Just do it when you think of it. Now Li Ming doesn't have to look forward and backward when doing things.

And if he can win over others, why should he do it himself?

The portal opens directly. The Zombie Universe and the Supreme Strange Universe belong to the same multiverse. He does not need to use the parallel time and space portal.

He still couldn't let go of the zombies.

The Terminator Legion was used by Li Ming as a special unit, such as intelligence infiltration, driving biochemical dinosaurs, etc.

Then Li Ming returned to the Supreme Strange Universe again. Since Michelle was held back, he couldn't just wait.

Speaking of zombies, Li Ming suddenly thought of a world.

He has a group.

Ahem, it's not that he has fallen in love with a certain zombie, but that the biochemical army was born due to a biochemical virus. Now that there are no biochemical zombies, he always feels a little embarrassed.

Although he has six infinity stones and can withstand the sequelae, the reincarnator has various methods, and it is best if he can not expose this trump card.

Li Ming sorted out the power in his hands.

Among the four major legions, the Iron Legion has all been replaced. Now it has Mark 43 as its main armor, which is the suit that Tony first wore in Avengers .


Is Ebony Throat great?

When he watched "What If" before, one of the episodes was about what if the entire universe was infected with a zombie virus.

Thanos Crisis.

The change came from Hank Pym. Like other timelines, he tried to go to the quantum realm to find his wife, a generation of Wasp.

Luckily, he found his wife sooner than the normal timeline.

But unfortunately, the Wasp in this world was infected with a quantum virus and turned into a zombie.

Hank Pym was, predictably, bitten.

Moreover, this virus can not only turn people into zombies and lose their minds, but it can also retain some of their previous abilities.

So even though he became a zombie, Hank Pym still controlled the equipment and returned to the real world from the quantum realm.

And this is a world with superheroes. Superheroes infected with quantum viruses are much more infectious than ordinary people.

For example, Iron Man, after the disaster here is over, he can go to the other side of the earth wearing the suit.

Within a matter of weeks, the world was plunged into a full-scale zombie crisis.

So Thanos, who came to Earth aggressively to snatch the Soul Stone, was blessed again.

When Li Ming walked out of the portal, he immediately noticed that someone was falling from the sky.

Hulk. Well, no, the Hulk is getting smaller and smaller in the sky, and after landing, he completely changes back to Banner.

Baby Hulk doesn't like Earth because too many people here scold him.

However, Hulk just has a bad reputation, mainly because of General Ross's crazy rhythm.

In fact, Hulk mostly fights back. Although he has a bad temper, he does not cause as many casualties as Hatred.

There is no way, the father-in-law just can't stand the son-in-law.

Of course this is a joke, as long as the power is not under his own control, General Ross will target him.

As in the normal plot, Banner smashed through the ceiling of the Sanctuary of New York, but the difference was that this time there was no Doctor Strange and King to greet him.

Because Doctor Strange and King have also turned into zombies.

Banner didn't know anything after landing, and was almost attacked by the zombie Iron Man. Fortunately, the second-generation Wasp Hope came to save him.

Then he met the only remaining survivors in the world.

Spidey, Winter Soldier, Happy, Sharon Carter, Wakanda security captain Okoye, and the soy sauce man Kirk.

The reason why Okoye appears here is that she is looking for the missing Black Panther, the king of Wakanda.

The only person Banner has any memory of is Carter's niece Sharon, whom he met in SHIELD before.

Banner was very sad to hear that everyone he knew was gone.

But these people are inextricably linked to their familiar friends. Iron Man is Spider-Man’s adoptive father, Happy is Iron Man’s bodyguard, Winter Soldier is Captain America’s mistress, and Sharon is the niece of Captain America’s girlfriend. , or Captain America’s girlfriend…

Captain America is having a great time.

They soon regained their composure. They were all people who had experienced strong winds and waves, and understood that the most important thing now was to look forward.

Just in time, they received news from the radio that there was a survivor camp in New Jersey and an experimental base for SHIELD. The news also mentioned the antidote, so everyone decided to go there together.

A group of them came to the subway station. Yes, after the world collapsed, this group of superheroes could only travel by subway.

However, a certain Hammer God had already experienced the boss battle while riding the subway.

Fortunately, Manhattan and New Jersey are not that far apart.

It's just here that they have differences. Little Spider feels that they should not be separated, but Okoye insists that everyone should explore separately to improve efficiency.

Everyone chose to listen to the Wakanda security captain.

Then try and die.

Happy was the first to suffer. He was not afraid of ordinary zombies with Tony's hand armor, but the enemy's shots were more accurate than him.

Hawkeye - Zombie only.

"Happy!" Sharon, who was in his group, shouted as Happy disappeared into the darkness.

"No, no, don't be Happy."

The little spider was very panicked. Happy was the person he was most familiar with on the earth.


At this moment, there was a sudden loud noise in the darkness, followed by Happy's shout.

"Oh my God!"

"Guys, I'm fine!"

"A...superhero saved me."

What appeared in front of Happy was Li Ming who landed through the ceiling.

"Superhero landed, huh?"

Li Ming said hello to Happy.

"Yes, of course." Happy responded blankly.

Li Ming used source power to trap the zombie Hawkeye. He didn't want to experience whether he was immune to the quantum biochemical virus.

Then, under Happy's surprised gaze, Li Ming snapped his fingers, and a blazing flame surged out from his fingertips and swept towards the surrounding zombies.

In just a moment, the surrounding zombies were swallowed up by the flames.

(End of this chapter)

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