The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 519 Zombie Rescue Plan

Chapter 519 Zombie Rescue Plan
"Sunday, have you collected it?"

Li Ming asked Sunday as he followed Happy in the direction of Little Spider and others.

"Quantum viruses have been collected and currently cannot be actively manufactured. Only basic replication can be used." Sunday responded quickly.

The basic replication she reported was to increase the number of viruses by infecting clones with quantum viruses and spreading them continuously.

But Li Ming already felt that it was enough, as long as it could be used, he didn't need to know where it came from.

Back in the hall, the Winter Soldier and Okoye were fighting the zombie Falcon. The Falcon caused them a lot of trouble with its ability to fly.

Li Ming stared at the second-generation Captain America and raised his hand to control him in mid-air.

"This new world is not beautiful." Li Ming sighed.

Brave New World was the title revealed in Li Ming's previous life "Captain America 4", but until Li Ming traveled through time, "Captain America 4" was still in production.

Judging from the content revealed by the media, "Captain America 4" was filmed into "The Incredible Hulk 2".

The results are obvious.

Well, although Falcon is a little uncomfortable playing Captain America, Li Ming, at least don't do a bad job like "Captain Marvel 2".

"But, may I ask...who are you?"

Some brains, but not much.

The survivors gathered together again.

Now is the end of the world, and there is no time left for them to mourn. The living people can only abandon their sentimentality.

"Is he your friend?" Li Ming turned to the Winter Soldier and said, "I'm sorry."

The zombie apocalypse has come out, and people have quickly accepted the multiverse.

If it weren't for Li Ming, they would have lost their staff again just now.

But I heard that it’s been overthrown and started over?

Li Ming briefly explained and made an excuse. After all, he couldn't say that he came specifically to destroy your world.

It's probably because the screenwriter and director also felt that Falcon couldn't handle the box office, so they wanted to bring the Hulk to the table.

Okoye was the first to say to Spider-Man.

"I knew the experience I learned from watching horror movies was correct!" Little Spider clapped his hands and said proudly.

Although his body was under control, the Zombie Falcon continued to struggle, and he even activated the cannonballs on his wings.

"My name is Li Ming. I come from the multiverse. I happened to see that this universe needs help."

"My bad, we really shouldn't have separated."

Everyone's eyes naturally focused on Li Ming who extended a helping hand.

Li Ming took back his hand. He had just deliberately tested it to see how the zombies infected with the virus would react.

It's just that the zombie falcon ignored that it was enveloped by Li Ming's source of power, and the cannonball couldn't be fired at all. Instead, it exploded inside the wings, and half of the zombie falcon's body was blown away.

The Winter Soldier shook his head: "I should feel bad, but I don't."

Little Spider became familiar with it, pointed at the zombie Hawkeye floating behind Li Ming and raised his hand to ask: "But Li, why did you kidnap Mr. Hawkeye?"

"I want to try to see if I can remove the virus from them." Li Ming replied.

"The antidote? We heard that there is an antidote in a survivor camp in New Jersey." Little Spider said immediately, "Then we are preparing to take the train there."

"It's definitely not going to be a peaceful road."

Li Ming suggested: "Why don't you tell me the location so that we can travel faster."

He remembered that on the train, the Spiders met the zombie Captain America, and Sharon was killed on the spot after encountering her zombie ex-boyfriend.

Wasp Hope was also injured and infected with the quantum virus, and she used her last strength to send everyone to their destination.

If Li Ming hadn't come, this would have been a desperate world.

After hearing Li Ming's words, everyone felt free to do anything, and soon Okoye found the location coordinates.

Then they saw a portal leading directly to the SHIELD base they were going to.

"Walking faster." Li Ming said with a smile. When they arrived at this base, everyone immediately discovered something unusual.

The outside of the base was surrounded by zombies, but with the base's barbed wire fence as the boundary, not a single zombie tried to cross in, even if the barbed wire fence in some places had collapsed and exposed gaps.

"Why don't they climb over the barbed wire?" Little Spider was confused.

Others didn't know, so Okoye could only reply palely: "They don't have to climb anything."

In the end, Li Ming gave the answer.

"No, they are rejecting and fearful."

Everyone was immediately surprised.


"Don't zombies have no brains? Are they still afraid?"

"Of course." Li Ming nodded and pointed forward, "For example...him."

He pointed in the direction, and a red figure slowly flew over.


Banner yelled in surprise and rushed over to hug Vision.

This was the first familiar person he saw after returning to Earth.

Sharon doesn't count, she's not familiar with it.

The zombie Hawkeye doesn't count either, it's not human.

Others are also very happy, because Vision is a real Avenger and very powerful.

But only Li Ming knew that things were not that simple.

If they had been more observant, they would have realized that Vision and Wanda were never separated. Vision is a robot and is not on the menu of quantum viruses, but what about Wanda?
But Li Ming didn't say much. He also wanted to get from Vision a way to use the Mind Stone to eliminate the quantum virus.

Although he had the Mind Stone and could research it based on his scientific level, Li Ming didn't bother with the ready-made stuff.

Everyone happily followed Vision into the base, where Hope also saw the head of Ant-Man Scott, who was thought to be dead.

His head was placed in a glass jar, and he was looking at everyone with surprise.

"Hey, Hope!"

Scott was very excited, but seeing the sad expression on Hope's face immediately, he quickly comforted him.

"Don't be sad. You always said you wanted me to lose weight. I finally succeeded."

"Zombie viruses can overload the human brain system. After I discovered that zombies hate the properties of the Mind Stone, I have been studying which specific energy frequency can cure them."

"It finally worked out with Scott."

Vision explained.

Banner immediately thought of a way: "Then we can save the world as long as we send out the frequency of the Mind Stone to the whole world through broadcasting!"

"Theoretically, it is possible, but with the current level of human technology, it is still not possible to transmit the frequency of the ability of the Mind Stone."

"Wakanda can!"

Okoye said immediately, her face full of pride: "Thanks to Wakanda's energy shield, Wakanda is the last refuge of mankind on earth."

The Winter Soldier, who had lived in Wakanda for a long time before, immediately agreed. He also knew that Wakanda's technological level leads the world.

And if you put it this way, all zombies on the earth can be cured, but zombies cannot be killed casually.

Considering that if a solution was developed earlier, fewer zombies would die on the earth, the Winter Soldier hurriedly ran out.

"I'm going to search the base to see if I can find transportation."

"Sergeant Barnes, you can't find it." Vision said afterward, but the Winter Soldier did not look back.

On the other hand, Banner and Okoye glanced at Vision strangely, feeling that Vision didn't want them to leave?
But the little spider didn't have that much thought.

He suddenly said: "So now our mission has become...a plan to save the zombies?"

(End of this chapter)

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