The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 520 How scary is it that a robot also has a love brain?

Chapter 520 How scary is it that a robot also has a love brain?
Little Spider's "Zombie Saving Plan" encountered a major setback before it was officially implemented.

Because during the process of searching the base, the Winter Soldier found many corpses and even found the long-lost Black Panther!
From Black Panther's mouth, they learned that all of this was Vision's trap.

He deliberately spread the news about the antidote and attracted survivors to this base, with the purpose of using living people to feed Wanda, who had turned into a zombie!

Even the black panther has had one of its legs eaten.

Seeing the miserable appearance of his king, Okoye almost started to have sex with Vision, but considering the strength of Vision that he had known before, he reluctantly gave up.

Everyone was also shocked and couldn't believe that Vision, who had been an Avenger and fought alongside them, would do such a crazy thing.

"I don't quite understand, since you can cure the talking head, why not cure her?" Little Spider asked,

"She was too strong and resisted the treatment." Vision shook his head.

Li Ming's heart moved. This quantum virus is easy to infect, just a wound is enough, but it is much more difficult to get rid of, and the stronger it is, the harder it is to cure.

This is... great.

In the future, if any camp makes Li Ming anxious, he will give the subordinate worlds of that camp a set of world-destroying combos.

Spider-Man screamed.

Li Ming didn't care about the darkened couple. He took the time to copy Vision's research information on the Mind Stone.

"Why not kill her?" Okoye asked angrily.

After all, love itself is unreasonable.

"Oh, Baba Yaga!"

"I...I can't do it."

Because the Winter Soldier's search for the base just now, coupled with everyone's loud questioning of Vision, had woken up the sleeping witch.

Very contradictory.

In fact, he has not completely turned dark, otherwise Vision would not let the Winter Soldier find the Black Panther. He knew that what he did was wrong, but he could not let Wanda go.

He is considered one of the creators of Vision. He still can't explain what Vision does, but he doesn't think it is so incomprehensible.

First release the quantum virus to create chaos, and then release Elios to devour everything.

Vision hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded after seeing Spider-Man, Winter Soldier and others struggling to deal with the witch.

The heavy door of the main control room of the base was violently broken open by Chaos Magic, and a burst of red light hit. In the light, the completely zombie-like witch twisted her neck and stared at everyone.


This time it's the real deal - you woke up the Witch!

The mind gem on Vision's head emits energy rays, opening an exit for everyone.

"Vision, I need your help, take us out of here!" Banner quickly said to Vision.

Make the robot crazy and make the robot black.

Banner was even more incredible: "So you tricked innocent people into dying in the name of love?"

Vision hesitated, which was incredible for him as a robot.

"There is a jet in the warehouse over there." He pointed not far away and said.

Banner was stunned: "Aren't you coming with us?"

Vision shook his head: "I want to atone for everything I did, but I really can't bear to leave her."

After speaking, Vision swept around with energy rays, sinking the entire base into the ground, briefly delaying Wanda's progress.

Then he stretched out his hand and took off the Mind Stone above his head!
Of course, he also died.

"It's really terrible, the robot is also a love brain."

Li Ming shook his head. In fact, with Vision's ability, it was not impossible to restrain Wanda, a zombie whose strength had been greatly reduced.

But Vision would rather seek death than take action against zombie Wanda. How scary is love brain? Robots are so crazy!
"Come on, the zombies are coming too!" the Winter Soldier shouted.

Without Vision to emit the energy of the Mind Stone, dense zombies were running toward everyone.

Zombie Wanda also rushed out from the ground and was staring at Vision's body in a daze.

"You go first, I will help you resist for a while." Banner said.

Little Spider quickly refused: "No, we can't have any more sacrifices."

"So." Banner handed the Mind Stone to Spider-Man, "Then help us get revenge."

But Li Ming is right next to him, how can he let Banner die?

Is he a good opponent of the righteous leader?

Of course, the real reason is that this universe and the Supreme Strange Universe belong to the same multidimensional universe. If I don't save myself, won't my character collapse?
Li Ming directly used his power to throw Bruce Banner into the plane.

"Can you fly? If not, just sit still!"

After speaking, Li Ming waved his left hand, and a blue wall of energy blocked all the zombies from the hangar.

Zombie Wanda flew up immediately upon seeing this, but the Scarlet Witch in her prime had barely touched the threshold of the seventh level at most, let alone transformed into a zombie. Li Ming could suppress her without much effort.

At this time, Black Panther and Banner finally started the plane. This was a SHIELD plane. Although it was not as good as the Quinjet, it was more advanced and had a short take-off distance.

While Li Ming was holding Zombie Wanda back, the plane finally started to fly, and Li Ming didn't want to fight with a brainless person. After the plane flew away, he directly activated the power of the space gem and came to everyone.

After calming down at this time, Little Spider suddenly thought of another thing. He asked Li Ming: "Hey Li, can you send us directly to Wakanda?"

"I mean that swoosh..."

As he spoke, he moved his hands in circles in front of him, imitating how Master Kama Taj used the portal.

"Indeed." Li Ming nodded.

"But you may have overlooked one thing."


Everyone was a little puzzled.

Li Ming turned directly to Banner and asked: "Dr. Banner, do you still remember why you returned to Earth?"

"Oh, let me remind everyone, Thanos is coming to attack Earth!"

"Wait..." Banner quickly reacted, "Is Thanos already here?"

Li Ming confirmed his guess: "Yes, and it's in Wakanda."

"Who is Thanos?"

The little spider was confused, so Banner briefly explained Thanos and the Infinity Stones to everyone, and everyone in the plane fell silent.

The earth is like this, and there is a big devil from the universe knocking on the door. Isn't it too miserable?
"What about Wakanda?"

Black Panther and Okoye turned pale, and when they saw Li Ming shaking his head, they both shed tears of grief.

But Li Ming's bad news wasn't over yet.

"And as expected, Thanos should already have five infinity stones in his hand."

Now even the most optimistic little spider doesn't want to play anymore.

Delete your number.

"But we are not without hope." But Li Ming immediately smiled, making everyone regain hope.

Because he took out his Infinity Gauntlet, and the diamond-filled gems on it sparkled.

"Infinity Stones, I have six!"

(End of this chapter)

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