The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 522 Mysterio shocks the universe

Chapter 522 Mysterio shocks the universe

Earth number 21818.

This string of numbers seems inconspicuous among the numerous numbers in the Marvel Universe.

Even the introduction is the story line of T'Challa becoming Star-Lord.

The protagonist is T'Challa, the former Black Panther, and the story unfolds as he replaces Quill as Star-Lord.

But what Li Ming is most concerned about is a supporting role in the story.


Unlike the overlords of the universe who destroyed everything in other stories, the Thanos of this universe became a predator under Yondu.

It wasn't that Thanos gave up on his lofty ideals, but that T'Challa told him another possibility to save the universe.

In this story, when Yondu was hired by Egg to go to Earth to take away Peter Quill, he did not go into battle himself, but asked his younger brother to take action, and he was captured.

But there really is something in this universe that allows resources to grow again.

Embers of Creation.

Unlike Quill, his title of Star-Lord is the name of many people he has helped in the universe. During his career as a predator, T'Challa robbed the rich and gave to the poor, saved many planets, and was respected by countless people.

So Thanos listened to Star-Lord T'Challa's words, disbanded the Dark Order and joined the Predators, hoping to use the Predators' characteristics across the universe to find the cosmic treasures T'Challa mentioned.

Yes, T'Challa's title is also Star-Lord.

Ignoring his younger brother who was blind to the faces of Earthlings, Yondu discovered that T'Challa was full of desire to explore the outside world, so he let him join the Predators.

Once he gets one, he has it forever.

Li Ming can understand Thanos changing his salvation policy, but he cannot understand Thanos completely giving up his power.

This thing is also one of Li Ming's goals.

Thanos also came into contact with T'Challa at this time, when he was still the famous leader of the Dark Order.

With the Embers of Creation, he almost no longer has to worry about resources in the future.

Although he has transformed from the overlord of the universe to a gentle savior, many of Thanos' subordinates will definitely have differences with him. It is normal to leave, but they won't all be gone, right?
Again, the multiverse has its own particularities.

Although the embers of creation that exist here may only be enough for a few hundred planets, for Li Ming, the number of treasures is only 0 or infinite.

But what he thinks is the most valuable here is Thanos.

Want to ask the reason why the two younger brothers got the wrong look?
"Two observation holes, two listening holes, and one feeding hole are all matching. Who says he is not Peter Quill?" The two younger brothers said plausibly.

It only takes a few dozen grams to rejuvenate a resource-depleted planet in a matter of minutes.

Of course, all the cosmic treasures were made up by T'Challa.

Until T'Challa asked him: "Why don't you consider letting the resources of the universe grow again? For example, I know there are several things that can do it."

From then on, the universe lost a funny father-worn man and gained a star-lord whom everyone admired.

The younger brother did not capture Peter Quill, but brought back T'Challa who ran out of Wakanda's shield.

Since this cosmic Thanos can be fooled into giving up his goals and giving up all the power in his hands by Star-Lord's unreliable reasons, it proves that he must be very good at PUA, no, guidance.

Li Ming is a righteous leader, and he must guide a promising young man like Thanos to do good.

He thought it would be interesting to have Thanos mixed into the team of Iron Man, Doctor Strange, and Thor, so he got excited about it.


The same Star-Lord, the same cosmic spirit ball, the same Kree pursuers blocking the way.

But when Star-Lord is replaced by T'Challa, everything is different.

Star-Lord Quill was beaten by his pursuer Korath, but T'Challa gained a little fanboy.

Coras even expressed on the spot that he wanted to abandon the dark side and join the bright side, leaving Ronan's camp and joining the command of the legendary green forest hero Star-Lord.

But unlike Quill, when T'Challa finished taking care of the other guards and carried Coras out of the temple, the outside was densely packed with pursuers.

"Don't move, predator, we have the upper hand!" said the pursuer captain.

But faced with dozens of black muzzles, T'Challa did not panic. He spread out his hands confidently and said, "It seems so, but predators never act alone."

Normally, reinforcements should have appeared after he said this, which made the pursuer captain nervous.

But five seconds later, nothing happened at the scene.

T'Challa had no choice but to repeat it, but this time he was not very confident: "I told you, the Predator never acts alone."

Five seconds later, it was still calm.

"Is this your propaganda slogan?" the pursuer captain asked strangely.

Just then, a gunshot was heard in the distance.


The pursuers immediately turned around, only to see a bullet draw a beautiful arc in the air, hitting the pursuer captain's throat, and then continued unabated, accurately penetrating all the pursuers in various curved and irregular routes. the person's neck.

Arc shot!

The person coming was naturally Li Ming.

T'Challa relaxed completely, walked over with his new little brother on his shoulders and said, "You even made me worried."

"Don't worry, let the bullets fly for a while." Li Ming responded with a smile.

"But this move of yours really saves bullets."

T'Challa was referring to Li Ming killing dozens of people with one bullet, but he was a little confused: "But why do you insist on using such a primitive weapon and need to change bullets?"

"No, no, no, these two are different."

Li Ming raised two pistols, black and white, in his hand.


"White Ivory."

"They are much more powerful than ordinary pistols, and they can also have unlimited bullets when necessary."

These two pistols were still trophies obtained by Li Ming in the previous camp confrontation mission, but as his strength improved later, the pistols were no longer useful.

Then Li Ming pointed to Korath on T'Challa's shoulder and asked: "Another fan?"

T'Challa nodded.

"Xing-Lord's reputation is easy to use. He can do anything with twice the result with half the effort." Li Ming said with a smile.

"Don't make fun of me. Your reputation as Mysterio is no less important than mine, whether among us predators or the outside world."

T'Challa said, covering his face.

Yes, Li Ming has also joined the Predators, and has been for almost two years.

Li Ming's goals are closely related to the predators, so he also came in to get familiar with the protagonists.

Because he was here to make friends, Li Ming didn't reveal too much about his personal abilities. For this reason, he also took out a lot of equipment that had been left to gather dust in the warehouse.

Even so, he has gained great fame in the universe.

As for the title, it is Li Ming's daily persecution of the mysterious guest.

It is also in line with the persona Li Ming gave himself here, a visitor from the multiverse.

In the past two years, Li Ming has made great progress in analyzing the Reality Stone. He has also confirmed that Thanos in this universe is indeed different from other universes.

Thanos in this universe pays more attention to emotions and his actions are not as ruthless as other Thanos.

So he always wanted to persuade Thanos to be good, and Li Ming had a way in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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