The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 523: Teaching Thanos to coax children

Chapter 523: Teaching Thanos to coax children
Although T'Challa didn't know Spider-Man, he, like Li Ming, felt the terror from Spider-Man again.

Koras, a fan of Star-Lord, is really eloquent. From the time he woke up on the spaceship to the time he arrived at the target planet, he kept talking non-stop about how Star-Lord saves planets and robs the rich and gives to the poor in the universe. Deeds.

When he met the other marauders and learned from them that Li Ming was the equally famous Mysterious Visitor, Colas became even more excited.

"Oh, I love Mysterio. I still remember your deeds on the Lagoras-1 satellite, when you used a primitive musket to shoot across eight hundred miles and headshot the evil warlord Baker!"

Of course, what Colas was talking about was the cosmic distance unit, but Li Ming automatically changed it to the earth unit in his ears.

"And more and more!"

The Marauders also joined in the discussion.

"Once we were surrounded by more than 300 pursuers. Mysterio used those two pistols and kept firing bang bang bang bang. It only took more than ten seconds for all the enemies to fall!"

Li Ming and T'Challa looked at each other, turned and left at the same time in tacit agreement.

This is the large bar on the trading planet and where Yondu's team of raiders currently take their vacation.

Because Thanos abandoned evil and turned to good, his adopted daughter Nebula was not transformed into a robot. She joined the Predators with Thanos and had an ambiguous relationship with T'Challa.

Thanos drank himself a glass of wine and asked.

"She doesn't want to come over, does she?"

"Yondu wants to sell it. I persuade him to keep it. It can be used to help other planets in the future. Can you see if you can open it?"

"it is good."

Li Ming agreed casually. He sensed that there were ordinary infinite gems inside. He didn't care if they were not multiverse level gems.

T'Challa responded immediately.

But Li Ming turned around and asked: "I'm going to find the big guy, do you want to go?"

Li Ming smiled as if he had known this before, and then walked to the booth not far away, where a big purple man sat alone, still wearing the clothes of a predator.

T'Challa threw the cosmic spirit ball to Li Ming.

Li Ming nodded.

"Hey, two handsome guys."

At this time, a blue-skinned beauty with blond hair and big waves came over and greeted the two of them.

"Well, Nebula should have something to do, we can come together." T'Challa was a little shy.

T'Challa looked at Nebula and found that she had turned her head to the other side. He could only reply helplessly: "Let's stay here."

"Talk slowly."


"Hey Nebula."

Then he sighed.

Li Ming nodded as a greeting, and then planned to leave space for the two of them.


"I think you two, father and daughter, should have a talk."

"It's useless, Li." Thanos patted Li Ming's arm, "I'm very grateful that you always create opportunities for us, but Nebula always... hates me."

After saying that, Thanos raised his head and drank another drink.

In this world, because he gave up early, Thanos did not attack Gamora's planet and only adopted Nebula's daughter, so he gave all his love to Nebula.

After stepping down from his position as the hegemon of the universe, Thanos became more focused on family ties, and the one he cared about most was his adopted daughter Nebula.

This also turned him into a sentimental old father.

"Although so many years have passed, Nebula still can't forget the blood stained on my hands and can't forgive me." Thanos said dejectedly. If people from other universes saw Thanos like this, even Gamora and Nebula would probably be shocked.

The super devil who is determined to destroy half of the universe would actually show such a posture?
However, Li Ming nodded secretly in his heart.

What I want is Thanos.

If Thanos doesn't care about emotions, how can Li Ming PUA and persuade him to be a good person?

Only by caring deeply can you be concerned, and by being concerned can you become a superhero.

This is also the reason why Li Ming has been watching Nebula's cold violence against Thanos in the past two years, and Thanos has become increasingly distressed but remains indifferent.

When Thanos is at a low point, you can gain the greatest favor by helping him solve his difficulties.

Moreover, Li Ming has been subtly influencing Thanos in the past two years, which has made him completely give up the idea of ​​killing half of the universe.

Now is the time.

"I think... Nebula doesn't care about you as much as he appears."

Li Ming's words made Thanos's eyes suddenly light up. He grabbed Li Ming's hand and asked excitedly: "Really?"

You're such a daughter-in-law, you can regain your composure for just a second, right?
Li Ming nodded firmly: "It must be, otherwise why would Nebula join the Predators?"

"But that's because T'Challa is here." Thanos became unconfident again.

He felt that Nebula was doing it for T'Challa. Although he was an old father, Thanos still felt that Star-Lord T'Challa, a son-in-law, met the standards very well.

Li Ming shook his head and disagreed with this view: "How old was Nebula when she joined the Predators? It would be too far-fetched to say that she fell in love with T'Challa at that time."

"I think it's because of you. Even though Nebula seems to be ignoring you, she knows about every mission you go on."

But Thanos still dare not be so optimistic.

"Let's do this." Li Ming put his arm around Thanos' shoulders, "If you do as I say, you will definitely be able to test out Nebula's true thoughts."


Thanos nodded wildly, it was about his daughter, and he obeyed Li Ming's words.

It didn't take long for T'Challa and Nebula to summon the Marauders on Yondu's side and tell them the information about the Ember of Creation.

After learning that just twenty grams could rejuvenate a dying planet, T'Challa and Nebula decided to get it.

Yondu, however, strongly objected.

Because the owner of the Ember of Creation is the leader of the largest evil force in the universe.

Collector Di Fan.

Since Thanos abandoned the Dark Order, Difan saw the right time and quickly recruited the leaderless Dark Order, taking over the space left by the cosmic forces after Thanos washed his hands.

Yondu didn't want to mess with such a giant.

But Li Ming, Nebula, and Thanos in the team all agreed with this action, and with the personal persuasion of his godson T'Challa, Yondu finally agreed.

If it had been the time when the Predators first came, Thanos would have been more excited to know about the Embers of Creation, but this time Thanos' reaction was just average.

Instead, he paid more attention to the few books Li Ming stuffed him and worked overtime on research.

The books were written with names such as "Actor's Self-cultivation" and "Performance Training Manual".

The action plan was quickly determined. Yondu and Nebula pretended to trade the cosmic spirit ball. Li Ming and T'Challa took the opportunity to sneak in. Then in order to attract their attention, Thanos and the Predators were outside to attract the attention of the Collector's guards. .

"By the way, what's the name of the Collector's security captain?" T'Challa suddenly asked.

Thanos' expression remained unchanged.

"Ebony Throat."

(End of this chapter)

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