The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 524 Is Wakanda not over yet?

Chapter 524 Is Wakanda not over yet?
As the overlords of the universe, the Collector in this universe is much more imposing than those in other movie universes.

The base camp was also used as a base camp. This time, Di Fan's guards were spread throughout the entire Celestial Group.

It's just that the collector's hobby has not changed. Even after the expansion of power, the collector is no longer content to wait for others to come to trade, but actively sends troops to snatch the things he is interested in.

For example, Asgard's three-piece suit, Thor's hammer, Loki's dagger and Hela's crown.

It is not difficult to imagine that all Asgard in this universe were wiped out in one fell swoop, which would be even worse than in the original plot.

But as long as Di Fan does not close the door-to-door transaction channel, Li Ming and T'Challa can find a way to sneak in.

The only point is that the prophet doesn't know everything.

When Thanos and others successfully caused a riot outside, as expected, only the security team and a large number of warning robots came over.

"Oh, it seems that something has gone wrong." Colas felt that something was wrong.

"No, it'll be fine."

As soon as T'Challa came in, he was shocked by the dazzling array of collections. These collections were placed in transparent cabinets. At a glance, he had at least tens of thousands of them here.

The two men opened the storage cabinet in the same way. They both shot and broke the door lock and released a duck and a dog.

"She made the plan and there will be no mistakes."

Hope arose in Colas's heart: "Do you know anything else about the plan?"

After all, if Li Ming is willing, even collectors can be part of Li Ming's collection.

Li Ming was noncommittal.

His collection comes from all over the world and is much better than that of a collector.

Listening to the words of Thanos' old father, Koras gave up asking any more questions.

"Wow, Difan's warehouse is too big."

T'Challa was amused, and he patted Li Ming proudly: "It seems that I have a better vision."

Li Ming was very envy after seeing it. He also had a lot of collections. It seemed that he should build a similar place on Sunday when he had time.

Thanos did not panic and raised his hands in surrender.

Dark elves, space dogs, Howard the Duck and many more strange species, most of which can communicate.

And this is just one of Difan's collections.

T'Challa is eyeing Howard the Duck, while Li Ming is more interested in Cosmo the space dog.

However, Li Ming and T'Challa infiltrated smoothly, and they entered Di Fan's collection warehouse together.

Thanos shook his head: "I don't know the plan, but I know my daughter."

The area they were in was full of special creatures that Di Fan had collected from the universe.

"Embers of Creation? In the plant area, I know the way." Howard the Duck said.

Cosmo's telepathy has not yet been developed and he cannot actively communicate with others.

"Maybe we should find someone to ask for directions." Li Ming pointed to the collection cabinets around him and said.

They followed Howard the Duck all the way, but when they passed by a wine bar, Howard the Duck jumped up and sat on it.

"Wait a minute, I want to quench my thirst."

The bartending robot quickly brought it a glass of green liquid, but at this time the surrounding alarms sounded, and they were exposed!

The surrounding passage doors began to fall, and T'Challa quickly urged Howard the Duck.

But the duck didn't want to leave: "Don't worry, we've just started to enjoy it."

Seeing that he was unreliable, Li Ming, T'Challa and Cosmo quickly ran into the passage in front of them.

The metal door slammed shut.

At this time, Li Ming knelt down and stroked the dog's head twice, and then asked softly: "Do you know where the embers of creation are?"

Cosmo nodded obediently. Li Ming stood up and raised his eyebrows at T'Challa: "Good taste, huh?"

T'Challa could only shake his head helplessly.

But Cosmo pointed his paw at the closed metal door and whined twice more.

Li Ming quickly understood its meaning and was now on alert. They knew the location of Creation Ember and there was no way to get past it.

"Don't worry, good dog." Li Ming patted it on the head to indicate not to worry.

Everything is as planned.

"Let's take a stroll." Li Ming suggested.

Here is an exhibition hall for various vehicles, including Chitauri's mothership, Nova Corps aircraft, etc. Li Ming remembered that there was another thing that was very important to T'Challa.

T'Challa was self-righteous, and as they walked along, suddenly the necklace T'Challa wore around his neck began to glow.

"This is?"

T'Challa was very surprised. This necklace was something he carried with him when he left the earth as a child. It was a token of the royal family of Wakanda.

There has never been any abnormality in all these years.

He touched the necklace, and a spacecraft next to him was immediately activated, and the hatch opened automatically.

"No, it's impossible..."

An idea flashed through his mind, but he shook his head and denied it.

But no matter what, T'Challa planned to go in and take a look. When he raised his head and was about to remind Li Ming, Li Ming had already led Cosmo into the spacecraft.

"Did you see the sign on the ground?" Li Ming's voice came out.

T'Challa looked over and found an introduction to the collection written underneath the spacecraft.

Wakanda spaceship.

T'Challa immediately rushed into the hatch, and sure enough, the text, layout, and clothes on the dummy were all in the styles he was most familiar with.

"How is that possible?" T'Challa was very shocked. "Yondu told me that Wakanda had been destroyed in the war."

He took a few more steps deeper into the spacecraft, and immediately triggered the sensor, and a holographic projection appeared in the cabin. Although it was twenty years later, T'Challa could tell at a glance that this was his father.

From his father's projection, T'Challa knew that his father had never given up looking for him in the past twenty years.

Because he was taken away by an alien spacecraft, Wakanda has continuously developed spacecraft technology in the past twenty years and launched many unmanned spacecraft into the universe just to search for news about T'Challa.

"Yondu lied to me!"

T'Challa was a little emotional.

However, Li Ming pointed to the door of the spacecraft: "Maybe you can ask him personally."

T'Challa looked over, and sure enough, Yondu came over not long after waiting, but he was escorted.

Nebula raised her gun and pointed it at T'Challa, behind him was Collector Difan who restrained Yondu.

However, Li Ming and Gou Zi disappeared.

"Sorry, Chacha." Nebula said, "I owe a debt to the collector, and I need you to repay it."

But T'Challa's eyes were on Yondu, and Yondu understood the Wakanda-style spaceship when he saw it, and even avoided T'Challa's gaze a little.

After they all left, one person and one dog eating melons were revealed.

The invisibility ability derived from Spider-Man Miles was strengthened by Li Ming's source power and became even more difficult to detect.

At this time, because all the intruders were caught, the alarm in the collector's treasure house was also lifted, and Li Ming happened to go to get the ember of creation.

In the original plot, Nebula was going to get the Ember of Creation, but there was still a big drama waiting for her at her old father's place.

(End of this chapter)

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