The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 526: Your infinite gems are not as beautiful as mine

Chapter 526: Your infinite gems are not as beautiful as mine

In addition to Thanos, Yondu was also the one who resolved the family conflict.

Although Tracha was imprisoned in the collection cabinet, he had already planned to break the cabinet with the vibranium necklace around his neck and escape. However, he was soon caught by the Ebony Throat outside with his telekinesis.

But the maid who had just listened to T'Challa's speech suddenly rebelled and attacked from behind, killing Ebony Maw and saving T'Challa.

It's just that Difan came much faster than expected. Fortunately, Yondu showed up in time to relieve a lot of pressure on T'Challa.

Of course, the two of them combined could not put pressure on collectors.

On the contrary, collectors are playful and show off their collections one by one.

"This is a dagger made of dark matter, stolen from the leader of the dark elves."

Difan pierced the super alloy that T'Challa used to resist in just one stroke.

"This is a shield made of vibranium, stolen from a super soldier on Earth."

The next second a black spike appeared in his hand.

"and this……"

As soon as he finished speaking, a bullet filled with energy hit the crown on Di Fan's head, shattering the crown.

Difan looked behind him and saw that T'Challa and Yondu had taken the opportunity to escape.

Li Ming's voice came from the side, and there was a well-behaved space dog beside him.

Di Fan's face suddenly darkened.

"I'm diverting your attention, idiot."

"It seems that you two are going to die alone here today." Di Fan used the undead blade to pin T'Challa to the wall, and then said arrogantly,
But T'Challa suddenly laughed.

Di Fan took out a shield from the exhibition cabinet behind him.

But Li Ming was happy again: "You haven't reacted yet?"

Then a smile appeared on Li Ming's face: "Isn't it useless?"

He pointed at Mjolnir on the display cabinet behind Di Fan and asked, "Why don't you want that hammer?"

"Did your reputation as Mysterio come from your mouth?" Di Fan looked gloomy.

Di Fan threw down his shield and put a black crown on himself.

"The strange thing is that this super soldier is more difficult to deal with than the dark elf leader."

All attacks from T'Challa's energy gun were useless now.

"Actually, I'm more curious about another thing."

"The Blade of the Undead, the goddess of death from Asgard, I have to say that woman has really good taste."

He flew out black thorns continuously, leaving T'Challa and Yondu exhausted. Even Yondu's whistle arrow was interrupted by the black thorns.

"It seems that I was right." Li Ming came closer, "Then I'm curious about how you hung the hammer on the exhibition cabinet."

"Perhaps you haven't heard of it? Predators never act alone."

"Heh, little trick."

The collector didn't take it seriously. In the face of absolute strength, all these were in vain. After all, he had many other collections... Uh?

Just as he was thinking this, Di Fan suddenly discovered that the Thor's Hammer in his collection cabinet actually moved on its own. Mjolnir drew a straight line in the air and flew into Li Ming's hand!

"Yes." Li Ming weighed it twice and said to Di Fan with satisfaction, "Your collection is indeed good."

"But now it's mine."

Di Fan suddenly became angry, and his eyes seemed to have burning flames.

He didn't care if Yondu and others escaped or if his men died, but he couldn't touch his collection. Not to mention someone like Li Ming who is currently committing a crime!

Di Fan made a move with his hand, and a double-edged sword flew out of the exhibition cabinet. It was a weapon once used by Thanos.

"You succeeded in irritating me." Di Fan said through gritted teeth.

He rushed directly towards Li Ming. As one of the Elders of the Universe, the Collector was much weakened in the movie version, but he was not as weak as he appeared on the surface. He also wielded a double-edged sword with style.

Even though Li Ming was just having fun, the power of Thor that inspired the Meow Hammer was not weak at all. Di Fan seemed to have the upper hand, but Li Ming was able to stop him in time at every crisis.

Moreover, T'Challa kept interfering beside him, and when Di Fan was annoyed, he threw the double-edged sword at him.

Li Ming threw Mjolnir in time and intercepted it in mid-air. Then he opened his palm and Mewhammer flew back again, carrying a vibranium shield on the way.

Di Fan grabbed the double-edged sword that was knocked away and rushed over again, while Li Ming looked at his opponent's weapon and the hammer and shield in his hand with a strange expression on his face.

Damn it, I’m Captain America.

So Li Ming focused on two things, wielding the meow hammer to attack and the vibranium shield to defend, both offensive and defensive.

When he caught the opportunity, he threw up the shield, hit it hard with the Meow Hammer, and used the strength of vibranium to open a hole in Di Fan's head. Then he used thunder to hit the shield back, performing a set Silky combos.

Who hasn’t practiced the small combos of Thor’s Hammer in private?

Captain America and Loki like it with their real names.

However, when Li Ming threw the shield for the second time, Di Fan was prepared to catch it with his backhand, and threw the vibranium shield directly to a place where no one was around.

"Your hammer can come back automatically, but the shield can't, right?" Di Fan said bitterly.

But Li Ming asked directly: "Have you ever played Frisbee?"


Di Fan looked confused, then turned around and saw Cosmo the space dog running to the point where the shield landed and jumping up to catch the shield, then turned around and threw the vibranium shield back.

"Damn it! I won't waste time with you anymore!"

Di Fan was furious. If he remembered correctly, the space dog was also his collection.

So Di Fan pressed twice on the controller on his arm, and the collection cabinet immediately opened, revealing the ultimate treasure inside.

Infinity Gauntlet!

There are two gems, one red and one blue, on the gloves, and the cosmic spirit ball just obtained is also next to it.

As a collector, top treasures such as Infinity Stones are naturally included in his collection.

Di Fan put on the Infinity Gauntlet, and a powerful energy suddenly swept through the entire Void Land.

"Ou, the situation seems to be a little bad." Yongdu's face turned pale instantly.

T'Challa shot at Difan continuously, but the energy bullets seemed to be swallowed up without causing any waves.

"How should I punish you rats for daring to offend me?" Di Fan's hand lit up with red light, obviously using the energy of the Reality Stone.

"How about I turn you into real space mice."

Di Fan made a decision, but when he started to act, he suddenly discovered that the Reality Stone did not work.

At this time, Di Fan noticed that Li Ming in front of him also had an Infinity Gauntlet on his hand, and the Reality Gem on it was glowing, and the red light was brighter than him.

He was shocked and didn't know what was going on.

Li Ming's brisk voice sounded in time, but it sounded a bit mean to Di Fan's ears.

"Hey Difan, your Infinity Stones are not as beautiful as mine!"

(End of this chapter)

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