The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 527 Multiverse Courier Thanos

Chapter 527 Multiverse Courier Thanos
When the Collector looked down again, he realized that the Infinity Gauntlet was in his hand. It was clearly the stone human arm he had collected!

The real Infinity Gauntlet is still sitting quietly on the display cabinet.

He was shocked and angry, not knowing that the reality here had been modified by Li Ming.

But he was also very strange.

Where did Li Ming get the second Infinity Gauntlet?
It's a pity that Li Ming won't explain to him.

He used the gem energy to control the collector, then removed the controller bracelet from Di Fan's hand and threw it directly to the maid who was shivering in the corner.

"He's yours now."

The maid was very surprised, and then she looked like she had been avenged.

"Okay, I know how to handle it."

Difan suddenly felt bad. He quickly begged for mercy and said nice things, but the maid was unmoved and directly used the controller to open all the doors of the collection cabinets.

Of course, at the banquet, everyone inevitably asked Li Ming about the infinite stones.

The Ember of Creation was obtained, Thanos Nebula and his daughter settled their feud, Yondu T'Challa and his son's hidden dangers were eliminated, and even the many imprisoned intelligent creatures were freed.

But when King T'Chaka asked T'Challa why he went to the universe, Yondu was about to tell the whole story, but T'Challa was the first to ask because he was lost, and Yondu rescued him.

Just when Li Ming thought this, he suddenly thought that Supreme Strange had rescued Christine with his help this time, and there would never be another incident where he would throw all the superheroes and villains into the world melting pot in an attempt to reset his universe. Something happened.

"How is that possible?" Thanos was surprised.


So many people benefited, but only Di Fan was harmed.

At the critical moment, T'Challa still saved his adoptive father.

That's okay, anyway, Li Ming frowned when watching "What If 2" in his previous life, and it was a bit forced for the Supreme Strange to turn dark again.

"It failed every time."

"Being backlashed by the collectibles, Di Fan might have something in common with Supreme Strange."

The prince returned after an absence of twenty years. The King of Wakanda, the current Black Panther T'Chaka, was very happy and held a very grand welcome banquet.

Li Ming shook his head.

The raiders are together again, and this operation is a perfect ending.


Thanos was concerned about another thing: "Li, you have been to so many universes, are there any universes where my plan is successful?"

The Marvel dramas of that period were really mind-numbing to watch.

So Li Ming pulled out the Abyss Alliance and talked about it again. Everyone was amazed when they heard that Li Ming had seen many development possibilities of this universe.

Li Ming and the others, who had already walked far away, could only hear Di Fan's screams.

All the intelligent creatures who were forcibly detained by Di Fan came out, and then swarmed up, surrounding Di Fan.

Collectors’ righteousness!
Immediately after returning, the Predators came to Earth with T'Challa and returned to Wakanda.

But Colas, who was sitting next to him, quickly moved his chair back: "Captain of the Genocide, you're not still thinking about carrying out your plan, are you?"

"No, I'm just curious. After all, I still think that plan is very efficient." Thanos explained.

“Even in the toughest situations, people never give up hope.”

Li Ming answered Thanos' confusion.

"Then what is my father's final outcome?" Nebula asked.

"Um...most of them are betrayed and separated from their relatives, and destroyed in ashes."

Nebula trembled after hearing the answer, and Thanos quickly patted her shoulder: "Don't be afraid, I already know what I want most, and now I just want you to live well."

Li Ming was not trying to intimidate them. This was indeed the ending of Thanos in a normal plot. Both daughters left him, and he was beaten into ashes by snapping his fingers.

Of course, Thanos in other universes are also miserable.

For example, in "What If 1" of the same series, Thanos died at least three times in just nine episodes.

The zombie Thanos he had just solved, and the Supreme Strange World, were directly dissolving with the entire universe.

Finally, in the world of Infinite Ultron, Thanos came to Earth excitedly after collecting five Infinity Stones. When he was about to complete his domination, Ultron cut him in half with the Mind Stone.

So stop complaining about your teammates landing in boxes, after all, even Thanos can deliver expresses when he appears.

But Infinite Ultron is also a protagonist.

In the normal world, the Cradle of Life in "Avengers 2" created the superhero Vision. In the world of infinite Ultron, Ultron succeeded and he obtained a perfect body.

Then the superheroes were beaten violently, and the entire world's population was slaughtered. Only Black Widow and Hawkeye were left looking for the last chance.

After receiving a courier from Thanos, Ultron collected the six infinity stones, and the target of massacre shifted from the earth to the entire universe.

All intelligent life has become Ultron's target.

Asgard, Sakaar, Voidland, Xandar, etc., have not been able to escape Ultron's butcher knife.

When Ultron destroyed the last planet in the known universe, he thought this would be the end.

Observers who have been peeking at the screen habitually make narration comments.

But this time, Ultron Infinite heard it.

It realized that there really was a multiverse outside the universe, so he set his sights on destroying the multiverse.

The first obstacle it has to solve is the observer.

The Observers who have been able to escape to no avail can only start a war with Infinite Ultron, but even though they have penetrated several multiverses, the Observers have transformed into golden supermen, but they are still no match for Infinite Ultron.

Li Ming was reviewing the plot when a bald man with shining eyes suddenly appeared in front of him. He was in a mess, as if he was avoiding something.


Li Ming screamed, the person coming was the observer he was thinking about just now.

"What are you..."

Seeing Youatu like this, Li Ming suddenly looked strange.

It can't be such a coincidence, right?

But then Yuatu confirmed his suspicion.

The Observer was literally chased here by Infinite Ultron.

"Ultron can't track you in the world, so I can only hide here." Yuatu said.

After listening to the observer's simple story, everyone was shocked.

The slayer of the multiverse?
so horrible.

"As much as I hate to say this, I can't watch the multiverse I love being destroyed. I can only break my oath."

Youatu said seriously to Li Ming: "I need your help, Li!"

Faced with the request, Li Ming certainly had no reason to refuse.

Marvel's multiverse has long been regarded as his own backyard by Li Ming. How can he allow Infinite Ultron to run wild everywhere?

But his eyes suddenly turned to Thanos beside him, and then Li Ming's eyes lit up, and he immediately suggested to Youatu——

"We need a team!"

(End of this chapter)

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