The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 528 The Abyss Alliance gathers for the first time

Chapter 528 The Abyss Alliance gathers for the first time

Li Ming's proposal coincided with Youatu's, and Youatu had no intention of dealing with Infinite Ultron just by him and Li Ming.

It's just that the two had differences in the selection of the team.

First of all, there is no doubt that Supreme Strange's combat power is only half a level lower than Yuatu's.

But for the remaining team members, Yuatu initially planned to include Captain Carter, Party Thor, Leopard, Gamora and others.

But Li Ming refused.

The strength of these people is too low. In the original plot, most of them were just trying to make a fool of themselves. In the end, their victory depended entirely on the Supreme Strange God bringing five dishes.

Especially Captain Carter, who has the most roles. After watching "What If 2", Li Ming felt that this character was awkward.

It wasn't that he had any problem with Captain Carter, but he was a little speechless about the plot.

"What If 1" has a lot of Captain Carter plot, but first of all, it's actually not bad to have a sense of freshness, and the performance is not too outrageous.

Although he was carrying a shield in the finale, he was able to knock over Ultron who had collected all six Infinity Stones.

He knew that if he made a resume based on his past work experience and submitted it to a superhero organization, he would probably get stepped on, let alone pass the audition.

There are already too many flaws to complain about.

When Captain Carter met the original heroine of "What If 2", he turned against her and worked together to deal with Black Strange.

But these are nothing compared to "What If 2". The plot of Captain Carter in "What If 2" is very forceful.

The screenwriter no longer cares about anything and just praises it hard.

A sense of déjà vu in the BOSS battle in "Captain Marvel 2".

"Then do you have any candidates?" the observer asked Li Ming.

Youatu originally predicted that Captain Carter and others should succeed, but this time with Li Ming joining, the outcome was even more unpredictable, so he also agreed with Li Ming's view.

Li Ming's eyes moved to Thanos: "Want to join us?"

In addition to the Supreme Strange, Loki, the God of Story, also packs a Thor.

And then there’s…

Scarlet Witch, Extremis suit Iron Man, the kind who have learned magic.

"Me?" Thanos was a little surprised, "Can I go too?"

The Supreme Black Strange wants to sacrifice the superpowers of the multiverse to reshape his own universe. When all he needs to do is throw the collectibles into the furnace to succeed, Black Strange wants to go to unnecessary trouble and asks Captain Carter to help arrest people.

In the end, of course, Black Strange was defeated by the two Feng Aotian, and the multiverse ushered in peace.

It can even explain why the ending is forced to have two Feng Aotian saving the world.

So Li Ming refused Captain Carter to join the team this time. He didn't have an editor here to add drama to Captain Carter.

Of course Li Ming has this.

Then in the final battle, what should I do if Captain Carter and the original heroine obviously can't defeat Black Strange?
In the plot, the complete Captain Carter wears a six-infinity gem armor, a Hela crown on his head, and a vibranium shield. The original heroine wears ten rings and controls Thor's hammer, bringing her combat power to the extreme.

However, considering that "What If 2" is released immediately after "Captain Marvel 2", it seems understandable why "What If 2" is so much worse than "What If 1".

But Li Ming had already thought of his words: "The Abyss Alliance never rejects people who change their ways, and I think if you become a hero who saves the multiverse, Nebula will be very happy, right?"

These words are a sure blow to Thanos.

Thanos looked at his daughter and found that her eyes and face were full of confusion.

"Father, it's too dangerous for you to go." Nebula finally said.

But Thanos smiled and shook his head.

"If a crisis of this level is not stopped, our universe will be destroyed sooner or later. I will go."

He said firmly to Nebula: "For you."

At this time Li Ming spoke again: "Don't worry, I will give him equipment support."

He pulled out an Infinity Gauntlet, covered in gems. "There is still some time. You can get familiar with it first. As long as you don't use the power of six gems all at once, it will be fine."

Li Ming has the Infinity Stones, but Thanos doesn't use them often, so it doesn't matter if they are given to him.

After all, he was one of his own, and it was Li Ming's strength that was enhanced.

Then Li Ming and Youatu went to find someone respectively.

Yuatu went to find Supreme Strange. They knew each other, and Supreme Strange would certainly not refuse.

There was a mysterious introduction by the Supreme, and Tony also joined after receiving the news.

Li Ming has a little more room to run to.

He first went to the TVA world and told Rocky the matter, and he immediately agreed.

Although the Supreme Strange Universe does not belong to the same multiverse as him, the God of Stories is bound to do this.

By the way, they also pulled Sol out of the gentle land.

After settling Loki and the two, Li Ming returned to the long-lost world of 616.

Because there are no Infinity Stones in this world, Li Ming dislikes it. Although it is the first one to enter the Marvel Universe, it is also the one that Li Ming pays the least attention to.

But even so, there are people here who can help.

Kama Taj.

"Tommy, Billy, what did I say? You can't tease Uncle Wang."

Wanda's voice sounded, and the two little guys ran away immediately, leaving Wang helplessly stroking his wet hair.

As the only children of Karma Taj, Tommy and Billy are cared for by all the mages, and they are little boys, so they often make little pranks.

After Wanda settled the two little ones, she had time to reply to Li Ming's words.

"Guardians of the Multiverse? Can I join, too?"

Wanda did not refuse, but she was a little unsure.

After returning to a normal state of mind, Wanda also lost a lot of the Scarlet Witch's leering attitude, which added to her lack of confidence.

"Believe in yourself, Wanda."

Li Ming smiled and encouraged: "You have extraordinary talents, and you will definitely be able to protect the multiverse."

The power of the Scarlet Witch in the comics is indeed amazing, but the Li Ming in front of her is not clear.

But it doesn't matter, it's always right to be nice and obedient.

"I once threatened the safety of the multiverse, and now I should atone for my sins." Wanda took a deep breath, "I join!"

"Who is the opponent?" she asked.


Li Ming suddenly remembered something. Now that Ultron is carrying Vision's body, will Wanda be unable to do it?
Hearing Li Ming's question, Wanda shook her head, her expression even a little angry.

"I will never allow it to use the appearance of my lover to kill lives!"

Li Ming was relieved.

So the list of personnel for the first operation of the Abyss Alliance's Multiverse Guards was determined.

Li Ming, Observer, Supreme Strange, God of Story Loki, Six-Gem Thanos, Thor, Extremis Suit Iron Man, Scarlet Witch.

Originally, Li Ming wanted to rope in Captain Marvel, but Captain Marvel was too busy and had to protect the safety of many planets, so Li Ming gave up.

But the current lineup is enough.

Hopefully Ultron Infinite can hold up.

(End of this chapter)

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