The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 535 Abyss Succubus Li Ming

Chapter 535 Abyss Succubus Li Ming


Michelle was shocked at first, but then changed to shocked.

Because he remembered all the abnormalities in the abyss recently.

The active reincarnation squads are all invincible beings of the same level. Recently, a team of successors, almost all of which are sixth level, has appeared, causing quite a stir in the reincarnation space.

Michelle didn't care much before. After all, paying attention to the Abyss was the job of the Angel of Quan branch. Now that I think about it, the Abyss is a bit scary.

Being invincible among low-level and mid-level reincarnators is nothing; many reincarnations with outstanding abilities can do it.

But now he discovered that Abyss is also very strong among advanced combat forces!
Li Ming, Supreme Strange, and Thanos, each of them can compete with the eighth-level boss, and he can see that this so-called Abyss Alliance is not exerting its full strength at all.

Of course he underestimated Loki and overestimated Li Ming.

After all, Li Ming's ability to fight against Infinite Ultron depends on the Infinity Stones, but if you only count this universe, that's not wrong.

The three of them said quickly.

So Li Ming turned to look at Michelle's subordinates, Zuo 1 and Zuo 3.

You can't be too lazy to name it, right?
"We follow your orders."

This is very scary.

Therefore, Michelle was very respectful on the surface and accepted everything Li Ming said, hoping to escape successfully.

Michelle said this, but in her heart she made up her mind to go back and tell her backer, the eighth-level referee Hayes.

But Li Ming suddenly shook his head.

Michelle was heartbroken at this moment, lamenting that she had been too hasty and was blinded by her achievements.

Faced with Li Ming's solicitation, Michelle said nothing and directly agreed.

The energy of the Reality Stone gathered in the heads of the two people, and it took a while before it gradually dissipated.

If you dare to have small thoughts, then it must be that establishing your authority is not enough.

However, Michelle did not relax his guard. His eyes kept going back and forth between Li Ming and the two people shrouded in red light.

The gems in his hand glowed one after another, and finally stopped at the red reality gem. The scarlet energy immediately enveloped Zuo 1 and Zuo 3 at the same time.

I just don’t know why they are still called by code names when they are already at the peak of level six.

"Forget it, your opinions don't matter anyway."

Li Ming didn't know what he was thinking, but he could roughly guess it.

The two opened their eyes again.

"Your Excellency, we will obey your orders."

Even if Michelle doesn't pay much attention to the Abyss, he knows that the Abyss is targeted by all the major camps. It's a miracle that they can recruit reincarnations. It's unimaginable to have a bunch of eight-level and above strong men. .


Michelle was shocked and immediately took out the Spear of Longinus and prepared to fight back, but noticed that Zuoyi and the others only had a moment of pain on their faces, and Li Ming had no follow-up action against him, so he stopped in time.

"Seating three people per seat?" Michelle called to her younger brother softly.

"I'm fine. Your Excellency Li Ming didn't hurt us." Zuoyi replied.

"Me too." Zuo San also nodded.

"Wait..." Michelle's eyes suddenly widened, "What did you call him?"

"Your Excellency Li Ming."

Zuichi replied in a respectful tone.

Michelle immediately realized that both of them had been brainwashed.

He felt that something was a bit tricky. Michelle had also experienced this kind of thing. It was nothing more than brainwashing and then interrogating information.

"It seems like I have to pay a little more for something and a handle." Michelle thought to herself.

But the next second, he heard Li Ming say.

"After you go back, you should still follow Michelle's command. Just inform me of any information in time."

At this time, Michelle really panicked. Normally, reincarnators have been brainwashed and can recover after receiving treatment when they return.

But according to Li Ming, this brainwashing is actually permanent!

He didn't think that at Li Ming's level, he would ignore the detection and treatment of the reincarnation space. Michelle suddenly felt horrified, and he asked Li Ming in horror: "What on earth did you do to them?"

Li Ming smiled and said nothing.

Cognitive modification.

Just as Li Ming used Sithorne's chaos magic to do to Neptune, in the Marvel universe, Li Ming, who holds six Infinity Stones, can naturally recreate it perfectly.

In fact, what Michelle himself didn't know was that he had also been dealt with in this way.

The way the Supreme modified his memory was similar to this.

It's not that Li Ming didn't want to change Michelle's perception. Li Ming had already tried it before Michelle was aware of it.

But there was an inexplicable force in Michelle's spirit that blocked Li Ming's modifications, as if Li Ming lacked some kind of authority.

"Personality?" Li Ming thought of this thing that Michelle had been talking about and pursuing hard.

"You are different from them. I value your strength and wisdom very much, so I won't treat you like that." Li Ming said condescendingly.

When he heard this, Michelle was immediately relieved, although he knew that as a seventh-level person, he was not so easy to brainwash.

But the methods used by Li Ming were beyond his understanding. Since Li Ming can modify the cognition of the sixth level peak, it is difficult to say that Li Ming cannot deal with him in this way.

Because there was no memory of the last fight, Michelle never thought that it might be the reason why Li Ming's real strength was at the same level as him.

"Thank you, Mr. Li Ming." Michelle responded immediately.

The younger brothers have rebelled, so of course Li Ming will do whatever he says.

"No, you don't understand enough." Li Ming leaned down and got slightly closer to Michelle, "What I value is much more valuable than angels."

"You're still worried about your personality, right?"

Michelle's pupils shrank, she didn't expect that Li Ming really knew him so well.

Does he really value me?

He couldn't help but think so.

"Even if you reach the seventh level, the angels' support for you is still not enough."

Li Ming seemed to understand everything and spoke slowly and calmly.

In fact, he is thinking, don't let it slip.

"After all, personality is so important. Isn't it difficult for you who lack key resources?"

Michelle took a deep breath and finally couldn't help but answer: "Yes...the status cannot be upgraded, and consuming resources can only achieve half the result with twice the result."

Oh, it turns out that the status can be upgraded.

Li Ming got the key information.

"What type of personality do you want?" A curtain of light suddenly appeared on Li Ming's hand, and he slowly drew on it.

Michelle couldn't see clearly and didn't dare to read the information on the light screen, but Li Ming's actions gave him the feeling that Li Ming really had a lot of information.

"Oh, I found it, a person of the angel series." Li Ming nodded clearly.

Right again.

Michelle lowered her head.

He already believed that Li Ming really knew the other camps very well.

"It's not a big problem. I think I have one. What's it called... Oh, Uriel."

A ball of pure angelic power emerged from Li Ming's hand.

Michelle looked up suddenly and realized that this was an angel, and that it was of a very high level.

Because his memory was modified, he did not find that he had seen this person before.

"Want it?"

The abyss succubus once again bewitched.

Michelle admitted.

At this moment, he was really moved.

(End of this chapter)

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