Chapter 536: Deceiving
"miss you!"

Michelle finally told the truth.

There was only one reason why he was madly targeting Neptune's Quan Angel branch, just for the sake of angel flesh and blood, including actively looking for violators this time, and frantically wanting to make meritorious deeds.

He wants to upgrade his angel status!

The angel organization has never given him a chance, and now he actually got the light from the mouth of the hostile abyss reincarnation.

Michelle's firm stance wavered.

Li Ming smiled in his heart.

To convince others, you have to do what they want. When the benefits given are large enough, he doesn't need to consider the issue of loyalty at all.

"I remember this was obtained from the flesh of Uriel after hunting him in a certain world."

Li Ming said it lightly, as if he was used to it.

His words made Michelle's heart pound.

Michelle was shocked. This was almost one of the most powerful existences among the named angels.

But Michelle still retained some sense.

Because these are just what Li Ming said unilaterally. Blank checks are the most attractive and the most useless.

"How can I trust you?" Michelle couldn't help but ask.

"I remember there was a world where an angel named Gabriel appeared, and there were God and Satan in that world." Li Ming groped his chin and murmured, "If you behave well, it's not impossible to consider it." .”

"In addition to daily information, if the angels want to launch an invasion against me, you will bring them to this world."

Oops, sorry, but I really need this.

What was even more surprising to Michelle was that the conditions given by Li Ming were not harsh, and even somewhat generous.

After all, if you put this price elsewhere, you have to sell it ten or eight times before you get anything.
Ah, bah, bah, I, Michelle, will not do anything to betray the organization.

Although it is a betrayal organization, it is very cost-effective.

"I can!"

"If that doesn't work, then..."

Because he didn't know much about personality, Li Ming didn't stick to his words.

Michelle answered immediately, with a trace of passion in her eyes.

"I know a lot about similar worlds, but I don't know if you can hunt them yourself to gain status."

And those are basically ordinary angels. Don’t even think about it if you don’t have super powers at Gabriel’s level!

"I only need you to do one thing, and I can take you to a world where angels appear."

There is also this kind of specialized world within angels, but it is strictly guarded and only those with enough merit can enter.

"Very good, very energetic." Li Ming nodded approvingly, "It's a good thing to pursue."

Anyway, this is how I obtained my person. If you can’t do it, that’s your problem.


Li Ming smiled slightly and asked in a pretentious manner: "Do you know why you already knew that the invasion mission application was failed before you came?"

Michelle shook her head.

As a result, Li Ming's next words made him panic again.

"I made Hayes do it."


Michelle blurted out immediately regardless of her fear.

Hayes is his backer in the Angel Organization, an eighth-level reincarnator, and his master. How could he be from the Abyss?
"Before you came here, you thought you couldn't lose."

"Before you see it with your own eyes, you also think that the cognition of reincarnators cannot be permanently modified."

Li Ming sent out soul torture one after another, which really made Michelle feel less confident. "Do you really think the angels are all monolithic?" Li Ming continued to ask.

Michelle could only shake her head.

Just kidding, it’s not like the Angels organization can’t seem to say anything, so how can they be united?
Thinking about it this way, it is not impossible for Hayes to rebel.

And Michelle was even thinking that if Hayes and Li Ming were really together, then Li Ming's promise would definitely be fulfilled!

As for doing this would betray the angels?
Michelle had no psychological burden.

He is a reincarnation person. Isn’t it the most basic thing to be aligned with interests?

It’s not like there aren’t reincarnations who rebel, there are those who rebel and go to hell.

But Michelle was not so optimistic and still couldn't believe it.

"If you think about it again, does Hayes' situation within the Angels really look that good?" Li Ming completely controlled the rhythm and led Michelle into the pit little by little.

Michelle was just about to say that Mr. Hayes was living a good life within the Angels, but he couldn't help but remember that Hayes had just been punished internally not long ago, and Hayes was indeed a bit unsociable...

No one can be a seamless egg, Michelle really had doubts after thinking about it on her own.

And this kind of thing is easy to explain.

"Yes or no, you can go back and ask yourself soon."

Li Ming said confidently, as if he wasn't worried at all.

"But you don't dare ask!"

Facing Michelle's confused gaze, Li Ming said in a positive tone: "Because you are afraid!"

"You worry that if Hayes isn't, you'll be exposed."

"Then you will die without a burial place, and all your hard work for so long will be reduced to ashes."

Michelle felt a surge of anger in her heart. She was about to say how could she be so cowardly, but then she felt like she was poured cold water on after hearing the consequences.

This is indeed the case.

If Li Ming was lying to him, wouldn't he die suddenly on the spot?
But Michelle thought it was impossible, because he had a lot of tricks up his sleeve, and he could make insinuations and inquire in different ways.

If Hayes was not from the Abyss, why would Li Ming go to such lengths to deceive himself?
Moreover, under the joint supervision of all the major camps, Abyss was not so surprised that so many eighth-level powerhouses and an eighth-level undercover agent from within the Angel Organization could suddenly appear.

Michelle didn't realize that she had now assumed that Hayes was an undercover agent.

"If Mr. Hayes is from the Abyss, then he rejected my application for the invasion mission so that I could come over on my own and join the Abyss?"

At this moment, Michelle was already overthinking.

The reason why he was led astray by Li Ming was all because of Li Ming's strength as a support.

There is no need for the strong to deceive the weak.

This is what Michelle has always known.

How could he have thought that Li Ming, an eighth-level powerhouse, was a fake wearing an experience suit?

"Let's just believe him. I can do a little test when I go back. If Mr. Hayes is really an undercover agent, he will definitely respond to me."

Michelle thought so.

"The most important thing is to get the benefits."

His heart was on fire.

"Gabriel's high-level angelic status, even if his level is not high, is enough to greatly improve my strength."

And Michelle was still thinking that even if Hayes was not from the Abyss after the test, all Li Ming asked him to do was to reveal a world coordinate, which would be worth it in exchange for returning to the reincarnation space alive this time.

Seeing that Michelle had finally made up her mind, Li Ming was full of amusement.

Desire is like sea water, the more you drink, the thirstier you become.

Once Michel makes a start, the outcome is not up to him.

(End of this chapter)

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