The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 537: Is everything a conspiracy from hell?

Chapter 537 Is everything a conspiracy from hell?

Michelle is back with two henchmen.

From confidant to confidant, there is only one Li Ming.

He was going to give a good report on why his team had been reduced again.

Fortunately, Michelle was already familiar with reporting on this kind of thing. Although he did not rely on writing PPTs to reach level seven, he had done similar things a lot and knew how to distance himself from the relationship.

By the way, the Angel executives felt that the Abyss Alliance headquarters world was a hidden danger.

"Okay, go back."

Referee Hayes disclosed the matter lightly without asking any further questions.

A flash of understanding flashed through Michelle's mind.

Mr. Hayes didn't feel strange at all. Did he really know that I would fail in advance?
But in reality, it was because Hayes had more important things to deal with.

At the high-level meeting of the angel organization, an eighth-level male reincarnator knocked on the table and said.

"Temporary strength is a big scourge, and now the reincarnators outside are in chaos."

Another referee, an old man with a white beard, continued: "If the points are used to redeem temporary strength, how can the reincarnations grow? If this continues, the backbone will not be replenished with fresh blood. This is digging our roots!"

"The spider totem has been handed over to the camp. Whether the holder survives will not affect the totem."

The woman in black who had appeared before interrupted him: "Even the Angels are in chaos. After several incidents in which potential reincarnators were overturned with temporary strength, the low-level reincarnators of the Angels also began to accumulate... Points can be redeemed for temporary strength."

"I have already discussed it with Gabriel, who is in charge of the subordinate world. There will be a large-scale intelligence collection operation next. Hayes, Riel, you will lead the others to cooperate fully."

Ninth level!

Hayes did not complain: "And the most important thing is that the intelligence showed that this spider totem was handed over by Sorus, the new seventh-level reincarnation of the hell camp. It is difficult to say that it is not a conspiracy of the devil organization."

"Which camp created this spider totem? It's too vicious."

"Now that the spider totem has reached the camp level, the reincarnators cannot interfere."

At this time, the woman in black looked at the angel leader sitting on the throne on the central high platform.

Michael gave the order, and Hayes and the woman in black quickly took the order.

Immediately, all the top leaders of the angel organization were silent. Although the people who could enter the venue were all eighth-level reincarnations, they were all extremely well-behaved in front of the angel leader.

From the perspective of Hayes and others, he seemed to be glowing.

"Sir Michael, if we kill Sorus, will the spider totem disappear?"

His voice was gentle and powerful, full of divine aura.

You can know from his name that if he dares to be named after Archangel Michael, he is naturally very powerful.

But Michael also frowned slightly at this time.

Even the Archangel can't do anything?

His words made other people's hearts sink.

Michael is a male figure, with blond hair and extremely handsome appearance, even more beautiful than his daughter.

"Excuse me, your Excellency, what is the main information that needs to be collected...?" Hayes asked.

Michael did not hide anything: "Investigate the camp consciousness in hell to see if self-will is born!"


Everyone was shocked.

But when they thought about it from the beginning, they suddenly became enlightened.

"Bang!" The white-bearded old man slapped the table, "The pricing and effects of Spider Totem are completely set up carefully by someone. If this is the case, it is indeed a conspiracy from hell!"

Others were also suddenly enlightened, and everyone suddenly understood.

"That makes sense. No wonder the Spider Totem is priced so cheaply. This is a desperate plan from hell. It's really vicious." Hayes muttered to himself.

No wonder they were so sure. There were obvious traces of a manipulator behind the Spider Totem. Otherwise, based on the pricing rules of the Samsara Center, it would have been possible for the Spider Totem's price to increase tenfold.

As we all know, the reincarnators cannot interfere with the camp, and only the camp itself can adjust the price.

What everyone also knows is that the Spider Totem was handed over to the hell camp by Sorus. Could it be that the Saurus people were reincarnators of hell but handed over the spider totem to other camps?

"But the reincarnators of the hell camp are also affected. It doesn't make sense?" The white-bearded old man was very surprised.

"So this is why you need to investigate. The object of the investigation is the reincarnations of hell. The base of reincarnations is so large. If consciousness is born in hell, there will definitely be clues."

Michael made his mission clearer.

"At the same time, we must also pay attention to the changes in hell. Every abnormal movement at the moment may be a way out for hell."

Everyone quickly agreed.

Factions have self-awareness, which is a common concern and defense for all camps.

The previous self-aware camp has been broken up...

and many more.

Somehow, Hayes in the crowd had an idea. He thought of Michelle, who had just reported the progress of the mission to him. He was very interested in the abyss in his words, and then thought of the report he had read before.

"Your Excellency the Archangel."

Hayes suddenly spoke, attracting everyone's attention.

Seeing Michael looking at him, Hayes hurriedly continued.

"Could this matter have something to do with the abyss?"


Everyone on the field frowned when they heard this name.

"Although the abyss once had self-awareness, it would be a bit far-fetched to drag it into the abyss, right?" said Rui'er, a woman in black.

"It's not just that." Hayes continued to explain, "Everyone should still remember the mass of angel flesh and blood in the Angel of Quan branch."

Everyone nodded, and Michael was also impressed. For this reason, he even promoted a branch chief.

"The flesh and blood of angels were stolen by Hell, and your disciple Michelle said it personally." Riel became angry when she mentioned this matter, and one of her juniors died in that mission.

"But before the angel's flesh and blood was lost, the same camp was still present in every mission." Hayes said loudly.

Rui'er's expression also changed: "Abyss?"

"That's right!"

"It's the abyss!"

"Angel Flesh has it, it also had it in the last joint exploration mission, plus there is suspected camp self-awareness, what a coincidence!"

Hayes' words succeeded in convincing others.

That's right, with so many coincidences, no one would believe it if they were all coincidental.

"Which branch is currently in charge of investigating the abyss?" Michael asked.

"It's the Angel of Power branch." Hayes answered.

Although the movements of Abyss were once very important, as Abyss continued to deteriorate, it was handed over to the most junior branch.

"Loren, you temporarily command the Cherubim and Quan angels and are responsible for investigating the abyss."

Michael ordered again.

Suddenly everyone cast envious glances at the old man with the white beard.

Cherubim is a branch directly under Michael. It is also the strongest among the angels. Only seventh-level reincarnators are eligible to enter.

After the meeting dispersed, Loren was in high spirits, but he also knew that the power in his hands was temporary, and it was realistic to use this power to accumulate strength for himself.

For example... to recruit people.

"Angel of Quan? Although it is a sixth-level branch, the branch leader Neptune does not belong to any faction. Michael seems to be interested in supporting him, and there are faint signs of Neptune's breakthrough. In this case..."

Loren immediately found his target.

"Plan ahead of time and provide help when Neptune has not yet reached the seventh level. It is much more efficient than spending more resources later."

(End of this chapter)

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