The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 538 Conquering Michelle, the new world "Constantine"!

Chapter 538 Conquering Michelle, the new world "Constantine"!
"This Hayes is quite sharp, and he actually suspected the abyss."

Not long after the high-level meeting of the Angel Organization ended, Li Ming learned the details of the meeting from Neptune.

This is all due to Loren. In order to win over Neptune, he inquired about Neptune and explained it in detail.

Although Neptune is the head of the branch, he has only served as the chief referee before. This is the first time he has heard of Michael's existence.

Of course, it's all Li Ming's information now.

However, Neptune's information has been passed on. As a close subordinate and disciple of Hayes, Michelle has not leaked it to Li Ming until now.

Still have to hammer and hammer.

Li Ming directly dialed Michelle's communication.

The communication was quickly picked up.

"Hayes told you about the investigation of the Hell Reincarnators, right?"

"Anyway, you will lead all suspicions to hell and temporarily peel away the abyss."

"What suspicion?" he asked pretending to be stupid.

"Your mission is to lead the suspect to the hell camp and find evidence that can lock the suspect." Li Ming directly ordered in an imperative tone.

Michelle was shocked. Li Ming knew about this just after Hayes ordered it.


Even he only found out through his relationship with Hayes.

The abyss was discovered, and Mr. Hayes mentioned it himself, which also made Michelle suspicious of Li Ming.

At least he didn't know about his two biggest concerns.

And now Michelle has decided that Hayes is not Li Ming's person.

I'm not your subordinate.

Then Li Ming's words made Michelle complain in her heart.

But Li Ming is here to establish his authority, and of course he will not let go of the bomb in his hand.

Michelle thought to herself.

But he thought about it and did not tell Li Ming about Loren's investigation into the abyss.

Michelle's eyes widened. The instructions given by Hayes to the reincarnators were to investigate the abnormal movements of the reincarnators in hell and not to promote self-awareness within the angel organization.

"How... how is it possible?" Michelle made a voice unconsciously.

This Li Ming seems to really know everything?

"Otherwise, why do you think I would let Hayes take the initiative to expose the existence of the abyss?"

"Hell is suspected of being self-aware." Li Ming also pretended to be slightly surprised, "Didn't Hayes tell you?"

There was sudden lightning and thunder in Michelle's heart. He was so horrified that he even felt dizzy in his mind.

Sure enough, this aroused Michelle's resistance.

Li Ming heard his shock and chuckled: "Active exposure can effectively prevent others from discovering more things, but it is a way to clear suspicion."

After experiencing Li Ming's indiscriminate bombardment, Michelle really believed this explanation.

But he was more concerned with something else.

Li Ming's various performances all point to one result - Mr. Hayes is really a person from the abyss!
Otherwise, it would be unexplainable that within the Angel organization, Li Ming knew everything not long after the top-level meeting ended.

"Oh, so Hayes didn't tell you. It seems he really wants to test you."

"After all, he is being focused on by that guy Michael. You can't contact me casually, and you can't reveal too much to you within the angel's sphere of influence. Everything depends on your own understanding."

Li Ming's two words suddenly came to Michelle's mind, which also solved his doubts.

Yes, Mr. Hayes, as an eighth-level powerhouse and an important figure in the angel organization, must have the Archangel's informants around him, and he must not be able to pass information to Li Ming casually.

So his role came into play, he could convey news to Li Ming without any scruples. In this case, Michelle's own abilities are very important.

Michelle got it!
"This is all really a test for Mr. Hayes."

After figuring everything out, Michelle suddenly felt very annoyed with herself.

"In vain, I thought I was very smart, but I didn't expect that I hadn't figured this out."

So Michelle's attitude towards Li Ming immediately changed 360 degrees.

"Your Excellency Li Ming, the current situation is like this..."

He told Li Ming all the current information about heaven in detail, and also made up for a lot of information that Li Ming had not heard from Neptune.

"Yeah, very good."

Li Ming nodded and said in a praising tone: "You are worthy of being a disciple of Hayes."

Michelle, who was praised, was a little smug.

"Then your next task is to establish the suspicion that Hell has self-awareness!" Li Ming ordered again.

This time Michelle agreed more readily.

His backing masters all defected to the abyss, and of course Michelle himself chose to change jobs.

At this time, Li Ming was extremely grateful that he had prevented the Supreme from killing Michelle. He originally wanted to divert the firepower, but he didn't expect Michelle to be so useful.

If Hell can be made the scapegoat of the Abyss, it will definitely provoke a war between Heaven and Hell, and other camps will inevitably join in by then.

It is easy to fish in muddy water.

The bigger the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish will be.

However, Li Ming learned a lot of useful information from Michelle.

Such as person.

You can upgrade by absorbing the same type of person. Li Ming has [Avenging Angel (A-level)], and the Uriel person with the spirit of the Avenging Angel can naturally be upgraded in this way.

Li Ming has always been interested in things that can improve his strength. He happened to have been in the Marvel world for more than two years, and Li Ming also wanted to change his environment.

Just when he thought of a world, a named angel appeared.


It's not that high in terms of strength performance.

It's just that God and Satan also appeared in that world at the same time, and their strength levels should not be low.

However, Li Ming thought that if he didn't go too far, he wouldn't provoke God to punish him.

The bold ones will be starved to death, and the timid ones will be starved to death.

It's Gabriel after all.

And the worst he can do is come back dead.

He has already thought about it. If he fails, he will go to the Ghost Rider world to find other angels.

He did it as soon as he thought of it. After arranging the renovation of the Abyss Alliance headquarters, Li Ming returned to the Gotham world and opened the parallel time and space portal.

Target - "Constantine"!
This is a film that combines a smoking cessation video and a cigarette advertisement.

The character who appears is DC's famous Zha Kang, John Constantine.

However, the plot has been adapted to a very large extent. Except for some character settings, it can be completely separated from DC's Constantine.

Although the box office is not very good, the film is still very well-made, and it can at least beat two "Doctor Strange 2", five "Shazam 2", and ten "Captain Marvel 2".

To put it simply, the plot is the story of the angel Gabriel colluding with the son of Satan, Mammon, to come to the world in order to test mankind, and then being stopped by the protagonist Constantine.

This is also the reason why Li Ming dared to cut Gabriel's flesh even though he knew there was a God in this world.

What's wrong with your child being disobedient and me teaching you a lesson?
(End of this chapter)

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