The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 539 I haven’t beaten the younger one yet, why is the older one here?

Chapter 539 I haven’t beaten the younger one yet, why is the older one here?
Los Angeles, the City of Angels.

After all, this is a film about angels, so it would be a bit strange not to take place in the City of Angels.

Li Ming went straight to the local cathedral. If possible, he planned to harvest Gabriel directly and try not to interact with Constantine, the protagonist of the plot.

Although he enjoys making friends with the protagonists in the story world, Constantine is an exception.

To be Constantine's friend, even a few lives are not enough to compensate.

In the comics, this guy is best at selling multiple souls and escaping from battle. Although the movie version is better and more like a superhero, all of Constantine's teammates except the heroine still died.

Li Ming didn't want to play tricks with Constantine.


It must be said that the church where Archangel Gabriel himself serves as the bishop is magnificent.

Before entering the church, Li Ming originally wanted to activate the annihilation charge, but after entering the church, he gave up the idea.

He was blinded by lard, so he dared to assassinate angels in a place covered by God.

This idea seems to be standard for the sons of devils, such as the witch-hearted devil.

They seem to have a tradition of recognizing sons, and the more unfilial the son, the more orthodox.

"I need to see the bishop." Li Ming replied.

For example... mammon.

The interior of the church is filled with an indescribable sacred atmosphere. At first glance, it is the entrance of God's care.

Not surprisingly, the staff immediately declined politely.

So Li Ming had to reveal something that Gabriel cared about.

There are even some half-baked exorcists who are cheating and messing up exorcism rituals, so they come to the church to tell the truth.

Unlike in China, recognizing sons is mainly popular in college dormitories.

This is the son of Satan, an ambitious demon who wants to come to the world and establish his own rule.

The church staff hesitated. Every year, the church receives various requests for help from demons. The demon mammon is a small scene, and the name that appears most often is Satan.

So he planned to lure Gabriel out.

Mammon cooperated with Gabriel and came to the world through Gabriel's hand, so what Li Ming said about Mammon in front of Gabriel would definitely attract Gabriel's attention.

Thinking of this, Li Ming turned around and walked out of the church, feeling the location of a demon gathering place outside the city before returning to the church.

If it were an ordinary believer, it would definitely not be possible to invite the bishop, even if there was a demon. Maybe Gabriel would just pick a boy and send Li Ming away.

"Please tell the bishop that I have a piece of news about the demon Mammon that I need to tell him. The bishop will meet with me." Li Ming said with a smile.

Some old ladies would come over and say that Satan had stolen their light when their home circuit breaker tripped.

"Sir, how can I help you?" A church staff member came over and asked.

"Sorry sir, the bishop is busy, maybe I can find another priest for you?"

But whether Mammon is really the son of Satan remains to be discussed. After all, Black Dwarf and others are also the sons of Thanos.

In the eyes of the staff, apart from being more handsome, Li Ming was not much different from those unqualified exorcists.

But he didn't dare to be too careless about things related to demons, so he went to report it anyway.

To the surprise of the staff, the bishop immediately agreed to meet the visitor after hearing the message.

So soon Li Ming saw this angel who resided in the world.

The long-haired Ancient Master.

It's not accurate to call her or him, and it certainly can't be used.

He should be used.

Because Gabriel in the film's setting has no gender distinction.

That’s why the androgynous Tilda Swinton was chosen to play the role.

Gabriel, wearing a black suit and with middle-parted blond hair, asked Li Ming gently: "I heard that you have a message for me about the devil."

Li Ming nodded.

Gabriel looked at Li Ming and said, "The image is indeed very outstanding, so the church staff brought you here without even asking for your title."

Li Ming liked this sentence quite a lot, so because of this compliment, Li Ming decided to give Gabriel a wing.

"Li Ming." He introduced himself.

"Let me ask, are you an exorcist?" Gabriel asked.

"That's right." Li Ming replied.

After briefly understanding Li Ming's situation, Gabriel finally got to the point: "So what is the information about the devil?" "Mamen will come to the world in the next few days."

Li Ming was not innocent, because on the way here, he had seen the news in the newspaper that the heroine's sister committed suicide by jumping from the psychiatric department of the hospital.

Gabriel's face froze slightly, then returned to his gentle smile.

"How do you know?" He asked.

"That's not important. I found a demon gathering place outside the city. I think we should go and take a look." Li Ming pretended to be a little hasty and said, "After all, we don't know the conditions for Mammon to come..."

"I go with you!"

Gabriel immediately interrupted Li Ming.

He was sure that Li Ming might really know something from somewhere, but Gabriel did not dare to let Li Ming keep talking about Mammon in this place shrouded by God.

Gabriel regarded God as his father, and he was afraid that his father would discover him when he secretly did bad things.

Li Ming secretly had fun.

Plan passes.

After the two left the church, Gabriel kept asking Li Ming about what he knew, especially who else knew about the arrival of Mammon, while Li Ming kept telling him in circles.

But secretly Gabriel had notified the devil's side and would silence Li Ming when they arrived outside the city.

As for Li Ming, when he walked out of the church, he began to accumulate energy for Annihilation, striving to achieve success with one blow.

Beating Gabriel directly to death might offend God and affect the freshness of the personal material, but beating him seriously would not offend the big boss behind Gabriel.

Moreover, Gabriel is also a big boss. Although the plot performance does not destroy the world, he is still careful not to make big mistakes.

So the two of them came to the suburbs with their own agendas. Li Ming had already prepared 6% of the annihilation energy. After the source of power rose to Level , the speed at which he accumulated energy also accelerated.

But just when Li Ming was about to make a sneak attack, he suddenly felt a sense of uneasiness and panic in his heart, as if he was being targeted by some powerful being.

Spider sense!

Li Ming secretly observed the surroundings, but there was nothing except Gabriel. Li Ming knew that Gabriel might be holding back evil, but he could at most call some demons to deal with him. Big demons should not be able to come to the human world.

and many more……

Li Ming suddenly thought of a possibility, and he tried to mentally shift the target of attack from Gabriel to those demons.

The threatening aura was immediately swept away.

He did not believe in evil, so he changed his target to Gabriel, and the terrible sense of oppression came again.

Now Li Ming knew the reason.

Out of sight of Gabriel, Li Ming rolled his eyes.

It's okay to deal with demons, but not angels. It's obvious who is behind it.

God, you are a bit protective.

"What's the big deal... I'll just dig some meat?"

Li Ming thought this in his heart, but the threat still existed.

Well, Li Ming gave up and took action now.

Gabriel has not yet officially implemented his plan, and God has not given up on him as he did at the end of the plot, so he is still under God's protection.

"Okay, I'll wait a few more days."

Li Ming thought like this, and the feeling of oppression disappeared instantly.

"I'll take it as your acquiescence." Li Ming said to God in his heart.

But in this case, Li Ming would have to put an end to the current situation.

There was a group of demons in front of them, and Li Ming didn't want to expose his strength so early and arouse Gabriel's vigilance.

So...he has to find a scapegoat who can divert attention.

"Ah, it's so bad that I made an appointment with someone at the time."

Li Ming glanced at his watch and immediately said in panic.

"He asked me to help check this information. How about you go over there first, Bishop, and I'll contact him back to see if there is any new progress?"


Gabriel asked calmly, but in his heart he had already given a killing order to the man Li Ming said.

"John Constantine." Li Ming replied confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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