The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 540 Constantine’s one-time sexual friend

Chapter 540 Constantine’s one-time friend

Li Ming managed to escape.

Ever since the name John Constantine came out of his mouth, Gabriel's attention had been drawn to Constantine.

The main reason is that Constantine is too famous and does have the ability to sabotage Gabriel's plan.

After all, Constantine has a lot of friends and enemies, and for him, both friends and enemies can become part of his strength.

Be strong when you are strong.

And Constantine also had good motives.

According to Gabriel, Constantine started smoking 13 cigarettes a day at the age of 30, which directly caused him to develop advanced lung cancer, and he was estimated to have only a few months to live.

Because Constantine committed suicide when he was a boy, smoking was officially certified by Gabriel as chronic suicide, and the rules of this world are that people who commit suicide can only go to hell.

If there are thousands of dead souls on the sea, Captain Jack is responsible for half of them.

If it were replaced here, there would be thousands of demons in hell, and Constantine would offend half of them.

Maybe half of it is understated. After all, even Satan has made words to personally collect Constantine's soul.

So in the midst of a bunch of demons in hell who wanted to be happy with themselves, Constantine sharpened his head and wanted to enter heaven after death.

Isn't stopping the arrival of Mammon and saving the world the great achievement that Constantine dreamed of?

Especially after Li Ming left, he rushed straight to Constantine's position, which confirmed Gabriel's suspicion.

At this time, Constantine, who had no idea that he had offended Gabriel, was leaving the apartment with the heroine Angela. He had just used his psychic ability to discover that there were indeed many strange things about the death of Angela's sister Isabel.

The channeling consumed Constantine a lot of energy, and he was in urgent need of a late-night snack to replenish his energy, but the oncoming Li Ming blocked the two of them.

"Hi, Jonathan."

Li Ming greeted warmly.

Constantine frowned: "You have the wrong person."

After saying that, he wanted to take Angela away, but Li Ming stopped him again.

"That's right, John Constantine."

Hearing that Li Ming indeed knew him, Constantine observed Li Ming carefully for a while to make sure that he had never seen him before and that he was probably not his enemy.

"Do you need someone to exorcise demons? I won't accept the commission for the time being."

But Li Ming shook his head: "The person you want to help is not me, but your friend Hennis."

Now Constantine is not in a hurry to leave. Hennis is one of his friends, a fat white man with psychic abilities. In the plot, he helped Constantine search for clues but was killed by the devil.

"What's wrong with Hennis?" Constantine was a little anxious, but he was ready to take action at any time.

"Call Hennessy and ask him not to touch the body and leave immediately, otherwise he will be killed by the devil." Li Ming answered him, which only made Constantine even more confused.

"Whose body?"

Angela asked next to her. She is a police officer and is very sensitive to the word corpse.

"You know her too, Isabel." Li Ming replied.

"My sister!"

Angela screamed, and Constantine immediately realized that Hennis would indeed be in danger.

He immediately took out his phone and called Hennessy. Fortunately, Hennessy picked up quickly.

"Are you in the morgue?" Constantine asked.

"Yes, how do you know?" Hennessy asked.

Constantine glanced at Li Ming and quickly told the other end of the phone: "Don't touch Isabel's body and get out of there quickly."

Hennessy hesitated: "I found out that there was a demon behind this girl's death. If I could know which one it was..."

"Hennis, now! Now!"

Constantine interrupted unceremoniously, and Hennessy finally obeyed.

After waiting for about fifteen minutes, Li Ming felt that the demon who was paying attention to Hennis had left. He probably didn't want to alert the enemy, so he nodded to Constantine.

"No homicide occurred, he is safe."

"Who are you?" Constantine asked quickly. "You can call me Lee."

Li Ming only told him a surname. After all, everyone knew that Constantine had a criminal record, so of course he couldn't reveal his full name.

"I'm an exorcist here to report that a demon is coming."

"Which demon?" Constantine frowned. This was not a good thing.

"I don't know." Li Ming spread his palms, "I only know the mark of the devil."

"It looks like a cross going through a circle."

There were so many demons that Constantine didn't know which demon it was referring to, but he knew who could find out.

He took out his cell phone and dialed again.

"Biman, help me check a mark..."

When he hung up the phone, Li Ming suddenly asked: "Is this friend of yours an exorcist?"

Constantine shook his head.

Biman mainly helped him collect some occult materials,

"Then this friend of yours is disposable?" Li Ming asked again.

"of course not."

Even though Constantine is a bastard, he still has a few true friends.

"Damn it!" Constantine suddenly reacted.

If Beeman helps him look up information, he will definitely be targeted like Hennessy.

Constantine immediately wanted to go to Biman, but Li Ming suddenly said: "It's too slow. You should have your own things to do, right?"

"What?" Constantine was surprised.

Li Ming pointed at Angela.

"Her sister's death is very strange. I originally wanted to investigate it, but now I think it would be better for him to investigate it himself."

"Me? How can I investigate?" Angela was at a loss.

"You and your sister are twins. Since you believe that she will not commit suicide for no reason, there must be a reason. Maybe you are the only one in the world who can find out."

Li Ming spread his hands and kept putting pressure on Angela.

"Please, this is a matter of concern to the entire human world."

The whole world?

Constantine element aware.

If you save the world, is that enough to go to heaven?
At the moment, Constantine didn't care that Li Ming was suspected of being a seducer. Nothing was more important than him going to heaven.

At worst, treat Li Ming as a one-time friend.

"Angela, let's go to Isabel's room. She must have left a clue for you."

he said immediately.

Then Constantine called his driver over and said to Li Ming: "Chas knows Biman's location. If you want to know who the devil is, follow him to protect Biman."

Li Ming nodded and agreed. He could not only divert Gabriel's attention to Constantine, but also stay away from Constantine. Of course, he wanted it.

Although he knew that the Constantine in front of him still had some heroic spirit, the name was too lethal.

But before leaving, Li Ming suddenly said to Angela: "Your sister can be psychic. If you also have psychic abilities, you will definitely be able to discover what your sister saw."

Li Ming didn't know if Angela, who had lost her current psychic ability, could be used in rituals, so Li Ming helped Gabriel and guide Angela to regain her psychic ability.

After all, his purpose was to make Gabriel lose God's favor.

"I am not inducing a crime. At most, I am creating opportunities for Him."

Li Ming said in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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