The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 542 Constantine is so stingy

Chapter 542 Constantine is so stingy

Li Ming and Cha Si arrived just in time.

Angela was caught just in time, and then it was getting dark.

Constantine glanced at Li Ming covertly. He was about to use the car, and then Li Ming and Chas drove over in a taxi.

"Where are we going?" Chase asked.

"Midnight Dad's Bar."

Constantine dropped the sentence.

Midnight Daddy's Bar is a neutral place recognized by all forces, where neither angels nor demons are allowed to fight.

The way to gain entry to this bar is very unique. The doorman shows visitors a card, and all they have to do is guess the pattern on the back of the card.

Chas came once with Constantine, but he couldn't be a psychic and couldn't see through the cards so he wasn't qualified to enter.

"Bird on the Ladder."

Constantine quickly named the image on the back of the card.

But obviously this time the doorman was greeted by Father Midnight in advance and refused to let Constantine in.

"Sorry, wrong."

But Constantine was now in a rage. He punched the guard, who was slightly larger than himself, and then walked in with Chas.

"The acting is so fake, man."

Li Ming was at the end and said to the guard who was lying motionless on the ground.

If Father Midnight's doorman is so good, there is no way this place can become a neutral zone.

The guard remained motionless after hearing Li Ming's words, but his rapid breathing was very clear in Li Ming's ears.

Li Ming picked up a card with great interest and penetrated the card easily.

"Big cock in overalls."

He accurately stated the pattern on the back of the card, then turned it over and saw that it was indeed the case.

Then Li Ming slowly approached the bar. At this time, Constantine had persuaded Father Midnight to break the rules and lend him the electric chair that knew everything to look for clues.

A low-end version of the Möbius chair.

But the origin of this electric chair is very strange. It is an execution chair in a prison and has executed more than two hundred people.

Then the electric chair became a mystery object.

Li Ming has never quite understood the Western brain circuit.

Constantine sat on the chair to learn about the sacrificial ceremony. First of all, the blood of God mentioned by Balthasar was actually the legendary Spear of Longinus!
The spear of Longinus killed the Son of God and was stained with the blood of the only Son of God, so it could certainly be used in sacrificial rituals.

Now the Gun of Longinus was dug up by a middle-aged man and brought to the psychiatric building of a hospital in Los Angeles.

That's the building where Angela's sister, Isabel, committed suicide.

And at this time, the inside of the building was surrounded by demons.

Angela is there!
But at this moment Constantine suddenly felt someone pinching his neck, and he couldn't breathe.

Although the electric chair can search for information, it is also dangerous.

Constantine quickly called out after figuring out the enemy's location, and Father Midnight pulled him out of the electric chair in time.

"Have you found anything?" Father Midnight asked.

Constantine nodded and told the general information.

"So how do you plan to break through the siege of so many demons?" Father Midnight asked.

Although he helped Constantine, he still didn't plan to take action.

Li Ming was very surprised by his choice. Father Midnight has always pursued balance, but now it is obvious that the balance is about to be broken, and the devil is coming to the world to destroy everything. He still chooses to stick to himself.

However, it didn't matter to Li Ming whether Father Midnight's combat power was the same or not, he didn't bother to care.

"Holy water," Constantine replied, "Some holy crosses can turn ordinary water into holy water. We just need to throw the cross into the fire water tank of the building and weaken the demons through the fire sprinklers."

"I assume you must have a cross like this?" he asked Father Midnight.

"of course."

Midnight Papa’s collection is vast, and it’s not difficult to find a Holy Cross or two. "I can go to the water tank in the building." Chas raised his hand at this time.

Of course he will participate in this kind of world-saving operation.

"You?" Constantine shook his head, "It's too dangerous for you to go."

"I'll put the cross down."

At this time, Li Ming took the initiative to raise his hand. Gabriel was there, and the show was about to end. He would definitely go with him, so it would be good to find a job that could help him.

After the action plan was finalized, Constantine and Chas made a lot of alchemical bullets for the Dragon's Breath Shotgun, enough to support a big battle.

It was late at night, and they set off immediately after getting ready. When they got to the hospital downstairs, they split into two groups.

Constantine and Chas went together, preparing to kill the devil after he was washed with holy water.

Li Ming went along the corridor to the fire water tank.

"Hoo, hoo!"

This was Chas's first official action. Standing in front of the gate, he kept cheering himself up. In front of him was where Constantine said the demons gathered.

"We can kill him, right?" he asked Constantine.

"of course."

Constantine pushed open the door, and to Chase's surprise, there was no one inside.

"We don't need to kill them," he added.

Chase looked stunned: "Where's the evil...devil?"

"Someone will deal with them."

Constantine answered without looking back.

But at this time, a succubus quietly slipped out of the hospital. If Li Ming were here, he would definitely find out that this female demon happened to be Constantine's mistress.

As for Li Ming, he was whistling and walking leisurely when he suddenly noticed something was wrong. Sure enough, after turning a corner, Li Ming ran into a group of men, women, and children.

"Ellie really didn't lie. Someone wanted to sneak in and cause damage." A man said with a smile.

But in Li Ming's eyes, they are all strange devils.

At this time, Li Ming still didn't know that he had been cheated.


Li Ming gritted his teeth and spit out the name of the instigator.

"Can Lee handle so many demons?"

Chase asked anxiously.

He had a good impression of Li Ming, mainly because Li had complained about Constantine together with him.

"I'm pretty sure he must be hiding his strength." Constantine replied.

"How did you tell?" Chase was surprised.

"Because he is very similar to me. He looks similar and has a similar personality." Constantine said with an expression that said you still have a lot to learn.

On the other side, Li Ming was a little depressed and relieved.

He guessed that he must have tricked Constantine and he discovered it, so Constantine tricked him back.

"How stingy."

However, if Li Ming cheated others, he would naturally allow others to cheat him back.

His eyes are not as small as those of Rome.

Li Ming complained, then stared at the demons slowly walking over, and took out the ebony and white ivory.

"You want to resist even though you are surrounded. This demon hunter hasn't figured out the situation yet, hahaha." A demon laughed.

"Pistol? It might as well be a cross, haha." These words immediately caused the demons to burst into laughter.

Li Ming chuckled and shook his head: "You seem to have made a mistake."

"You are the ones being surrounded."

(End of this chapter)

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