The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 543 Demon Hunter Li Ming

Chapter 543 Demon Hunter Li Ming

A demon was shot in the head.

"Holy power!"

Sensing the unusual message on the bullet, the other demons started to commotion.

They are not afraid of ordinary firearms, but things contaminated with sacred power are their nemesis.

"kill him!"

The demons rushed up one after another, almost a hundred of them.

However, Li Ming was not confused at all. Even if he only used less than 0.001% of his strength, these demons were no match for him.



Li Ming lowered his head to avoid the sweeping tentacles and stuffed the white ivory directly into the tentacle monster's face.

Now they didn't even have room to escape.


One by one, they transformed into their true bodies. They had two horns on their head and a tail as usual. There were also miraculous things with insects all over their bodies and tentacles all over their faces.

Li Ming surrounded the demons by himself, and this was not just talk.

But Gabriel from heaven can appear in the human world, and Mammon also has a way to sneak in some demons.

But the demons will not just be targets. Unlike the poor little guy who was weakened to the extreme by the holy water in the plot and could only be shot one by one by Constantine with a gun, Li Ming faced demons that were not weakened.

He opened his hands, turned his body in circles, and fired continuously in all directions. The powerful power and rate of fire of the ebony and white ivory made the bullets sweep towards the demons like a storm.

Li Ming sneered, then jumped up high, stood upside down in the air, and used Dante's famous move "Tempest".

Here Constantine saw the middle-aged man he had seen on the electric chair, who had brought the Gun of Longinus.

"Bullet? Have you heard of the Infinite Sand Eagle?"

The slightly charged magic bullet directly ended this girl's nemesis, who was as famous as goblins and slimes.

Although there are prohibitions between heaven and hell in this world, neither side can interfere with human choices, and hell cannot send demon soldiers to the world across the barriers.

The demons hurriedly avoided, but the dense bullets caused a lot of damage, and what frightened them was that even if they hid in a corner, these bullets would still turn around and accurately appear on their foreheads.

"Damn, why does his gun have so many bullets?" Some demons exclaimed, Li Ming's gun never stopped, and the demons couldn't find any openings for fire.

It has the same sense of déjà vu as killing an alien with one shot in "Men in Black".

Not to mention that there are many demons here who are hybrids.

Relying on the recoil buffer, Li Ming kept his body in the air after changing the direction of shooting.

Devil May Cry players will lose if they land.

By this time Constantine had already taken Chas to the swimming pool, which was where Isabel committed suicide and was also used for ceremonies.

The attacks of ebony wood and white ivory continued, and each bullet accurately hit a demon. He attached weak divine power to the bullets, and the demons could not withstand it at all.

But at this time, the man was lying motionless by the pool, and the Gun of Longinus was nowhere to be seen.

A shadow flashed in Constantine's heart. When he found Angela again, he found that her face was full of ferocity, and she even took the initiative to attack him and Chas.

Mammon has entered Angela's body!

Fortunately, Angela was only acting on instinct at this time. Constantine and Chas worked together to subdue her, and then used a spell to return Angela to normal. But faced with the mammon that kept churning in Angela's stomach, Constantine was in trouble.

His spell had no effect on Mammon at all, and he had no divine power to suppress Mammon. Seeing that Angela was showing signs of losing her mind again, Constantine could only suppress Angela's belly and use all the spells he knew. They all read it randomly.

When Constantine was at a loss, Chas next to him suddenly felt blessed and recited a spell that Constantine had never heard of.

As soon as he heard the incantation, Constantine felt that the mammon rolling under his palm was much weaker, so he hurriedly chanted along with him. When Chas said something, he imitated it.

Then Mammon was successfully suppressed.

Constantine relaxed slightly and looked at Chas in surprise.

"here you go."

"Of course..." As soon as Chas showed a complacent expression on his face, his whole body was pulled up by an invisible force.

Chas hit the ceiling hard and died on the spot when he landed. He took his last breath before he could say a complete sentence.


Constantine yelled, obviously unable to accept all this. He unbuttoned and rolled up the sleeves of his clothes, revealing the marks on his arms.

This is a good thing he got after completing a certain commission, called the "Seal of the Red King", which can make all things hiding in hidden corners appear.

This time, Constantine encountered particularly strong resistance, but perhaps the person hiding in the dark could not bear this kind of face-to-face provocation, so he showed up directly.

A barefoot woman with wings, whose face only resembled a woman's, stepped on Constantine's head, rewarded him with a hand, and also knocked Constantine to the ground.


Constantine exclaimed that he never dreamed that this servant of God, who claimed to be a righteous archangel, would collude with the devil.

"You are so conceited that you dare to actively seek my attention." Gabriel rubbed his feet against Constantine's face twice, as if to observe what else he was capable of.

"It makes sense, the wicked will inherit the world, whether they are demons or angels."

Constantine sneered: "Betrayal, murder, genocide, you are really a good subordinate of God. No wonder I can't go to heaven. Compared with you, I am really far behind."

"I just want humanity to be given the test it deserves."

Gabriel spoke plausibly, and he grabbed Constantine by the neck and lifted him up.

"Murderers, rapists, abusers..."

"As long as you repent, you will be saved, and God will embrace you again. There are so many worlds in the universe, and only humans have this privilege. This is unfair!"

"Since God loves you so much, then I will make you worthy of His love. Only by facing fear can humans find a nobler self!"

"After tonight, the road to redemption for mankind will begin."

After Gabriel finished speaking, he turned a deaf ear to Constantine's remarks calling him a madman, and immediately wanted to throw Constantine aside.

But at this time——


The door of the swimming pool was blasted open with great force, and the deformed iron door flew out and was deeply embedded in the wall.

"Gabriel, are you teaching God how to work?"

Li Ming's figure slowly appeared in the smoke.

Hearing Li Ming's brisk voice, Constantine suddenly felt relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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