The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 547 I want all the benefits of heaven and hell!

Chapter 547 I want all the benefits of heaven and hell!

Mamen was shocked and angry. He attacked Li Ming crazily, but no matter the blazing flames or the cold hell energy, they all disappeared automatically in front of Li Ming.

Even though the ground near his area had been turned into ruins, even the air on Li Ming's side was not affected.

Because Li Ming's status is too high now, Mamen's attack will automatically surrender before he gets close.

Mammon was getting more and more anxious. He could guess that Satan was coming soon.

He secretly came to the world and was violently beaten by an angel. If he were caught like this, he would probably be repaired for another 20,000 years.

Mammon trembled when she thought of Satan's ways of torturing people.

Why don't you slip away?
It was better to slip away and still retain a bit of dignity than to be expelled or caught back.

At this time, the human side finally breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the angel of justice defeated the evil.

"Withdraw your preparations about demons and search for what Uriel likes." The official leader ordered.

Mamen still wanted to resist, but the tip of Li Ming's spear pointed slightly at his sword, and the demonic sword in Mamen's hand immediately shattered, leaving Mamen open.

"Think about it, Satan was also an angel before he fell, right?" Li Ming began to explain.

Li Ming was talking nonsense, but he was actually diverting Mamen's attention. Then he picked up a special syringe and quickly drew a large tube of blood.

Mammon had no hair on his face at all, and looked a bit like a hairless cat, but much uglier. At this time, his face was full of surprise, as it was obviously the first time he heard this statement.


[Ding, Archangel’s sacred bonus countdown is 60…59…58…]

Mammon panicked, knowing that she would definitely be expelled. If she returned seriously injured, she would definitely suffer a lot in hell. After all, hell is full of fights.

Li Ming came back to his senses and understood that the reason why he stayed for 60 seconds was because God asked him to do the final finishing work. After secretly saying that God is a stingy person, Li Ming turned his eyes to Mammon.

Mammon nodded. Everyone in this world knows that Satan's real name is Lucifer.

Why don't you care if it's an angel or a devil?
I want the benefits of both heaven and hell!
At this time, the Spear of Longinus in Li Ming's hand once again emitted the holy light that enveloped the world, quickly repairing the buildings damaged by Mammon's magic, and restoring the life force that had been drained from mankind.

The most important thing is that all the space cracks leading to hell have been repaired.

After all, it is still the eighth level.

As for the sudden burst of resentment in his heart, Li Ming ignored it for now.

But Li Ming had an idea and took out a mark that had been gathering dust for a long time from his treasure house.

"That's right. Angels are all of the same generation. Your father and I are of the same generation. You are not allowed to call me uncle?"

Li Ming cut off a large piece of Mamen's flesh and blood, and the angel's power exploded to restore him to his normal size. Then he went over and held Mamen's shoulders to prevent him from moving.

"Hey, don't be so grumpy. You have to call me uncle." Li Ming said to divert Mamen's attention, but he moved quickly with his hands to collect the piece of Mamen's flesh and blood.

Since angels have personalities, then demons must also have something special. Even if they don't, it wouldn't hurt to analyze their bloodline.

Moreover, Li Ming was very sure that in an invisible place, God must have locked the door for Satan to enter the human world.

The human executives who were watching this place through the surveillance system quickly turned off the equipment again.

Li Ming saw his timidity, so he flapped his two pairs of wings gently, and Li Ming instantly arrived in front of Mamen.

[Devil Totem-Mammon (Bronze)]!
This is the reward Li Ming once obtained for killing the Hell Reincarnator. It has little effect. He can communicate with the demon Mammon and then transform into a demon under the influence of the hell camp.

"If you can upgrade him to a level that satisfies me, I will let you go back with dignity." Li Ming said.

Although he didn't know if it would be useful after upgrading, but in line with Yan Guo's plucking style, it would definitely not hurt to give it a try.

It was just a pity for the high-level human beings who had just turned on the equipment. After hearing this, they quickly turned off the equipment again.

Angels and demons discussing business?

Oh no, it's the angel blackmailing the devil!

Will you really be assassinated by the Holy Light after hearing this?

Mamen didn't know that Li Ming's power experience card only had a few dozen seconds left, so she quickly took the totem and felt relieved after sensing it. Can be upgraded.

But Uriel in front of him said that he wanted to upgrade to the point where he was satisfied. Mammon did not dare to be careless and directly used all his strength to fight.

[Devil Totem-Mammon (Gold)]

Quality: Legend

Type: Totem

Effect: The token of the demon mammon can communicate with the mammon of the current world. It can transform into the eighth-level demon Mammon. The duration is 1 minute. The available points can be extended to 5 minutes at most. The cooling time is 240 hours.

Oops, eighth-level experience card?
Li Ming looked at Mamen with a different look. He didn't expect that this cheap nephew could be so useful.

Although the duration is only one minute and can be extended to up to five minutes with points, it can really save your life at critical moments.

The feeling of contempt in his heart grew stronger and stronger, so Li Ming quickly seized the time and shouted to Mamen with dignity: "You despicable devil, go back to your hell!"

The next moment, the holy light burst out, but the thunder was loud and the raindrops were light. It did almost no harm to Mammon and sent him out of the country directly.

But from the outside, who can not sincerely praise the messenger of justice? Didn't you see that the people in Los Angeles are already worshiping Li Ming?

Of course, except for some official officials who knew what Li Ming and Mamen said.

Li Ming was still in the power experience card at this time, and was keenly aware of these bad sight lines from the satellite.

Li Ming glared at the satellite, scaring the officials to quickly shut down the instrument.

This time it's really closed.

Not only that, a group of senior executives also decided to keep what they heard in their stomachs.

Although none of them can actually go to heaven.

In the last ten seconds of the experience card, Li Ming saw Constantine waving to him crazily and pointing at his chest.

He immediately understood what Constantine meant.

I want him to help with the treatment.

Li Ming immediately thought about what good things Constantine had.

"I want the Seal of the Red King...and...Dragon Breath!"

But he only thought about these two. After all, this Constantine is not the one in the comics, and he doesn't even have magic power.

"Poor guy!"

Feeling Li Ming's contemptuous gaze, Constantine was speechless.

He was indeed right.

Heaven is about to end.

But on the surface, he was still nodding wildly, and the frequency was even more intense than when he was gouging the succubus.

So Dr. Li, the master of rejuvenation, came online on the spot, and a piece of holy light was shed towards Constantine. The cancer cells in his lungs immediately dissipated, and he felt unprecedented freedom when breathing.

In the last three seconds of the experience card, Li Ming noticed Angela next to Constantine, so his heart moved and he used Uriel's authority in the underworld to pull the soul of Angela's sister Isabel out of hell and send it to heaven.

If Constantine knew it, he would definitely beat his chest and the door of heaven opened wide, eager to accept Isabel's soul.

But at the last second of the experience card, Li Ming shifted his attention to the Spear of Longinus in his hand.

In order to prevent an old silver coin from taking back this big treasure, Li Ming forcibly engraved his name on the Spear of Longinus.

There is absolutely no reason to give back the things that come into his hands!

He is so shameless, God can't be more shameless than him, right?

(End of this chapter)

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