The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 548 Creating Hell in Hell

Chapter 548 Creating Hell in Hell

Li Ming made the right bet.

Although it was easy to do, God did not take it back in the end when faced with the two characters "Li Ming" that were clearly visible on the Spear of Longinus.

However, God may not be angry. The holy light flashed on the Spear of Longinus, and the power of the equipment did not change. However, Li Ming found that the name he had engraved on it could not be erased.

Thinking that he will use this gun to hit people in the future, Li Ming is holding "Li Ming"?
Li Ming added three more words at the end - "the spear".

It should be okay to declare ownership, right?
Li Ming's spear.

Why does it feel weirder and weirder?

Li Ming used Li Ming's spear to hit his enemy hard on the face. Can this episode pass the trial?
He immediately wanted to erase the words behind it, but the Holy Light flashed on the Spear of Longinus, and Li Ming's forehead went black.

Sure enough it couldn't be wiped off.

Isn't it?

The moral standards of reincarnators are even worse than those of time travellers. Li Ming can stand up straight and say that now he has a restrained relationship with most of the reincarnators.

[Li Ming’s Spear]

Moreover, the basis of Li Ming's strength is source power, which can be transformed into other powers.

The strength of the Spear of Longinus lies in its increased attack. After using it, the power of the Holy Light in Li Ming's body can be increased to three times, and the damage to dark creatures will be doubled.

But even so, Li Ming still felt that it was very profitable.

But don't underestimate the percentage increase. After reaching the seventh level, twice the attack can be regarded as a qualitative change.

Isn't it just to give you a gun? It's so stingy.

The time traveler nodded: "It's quite impressive, but what about yesterday?"

Owner: Li Ming
Effect: The quality of the holy light is increased by 200%, and the damage to dark creatures is increased by 100%.

There is a joke in which a sinful evil cultivator shows off his newly refined soul-calling flag to travelers.

Therefore, he can convert the source power into holy light, enjoy the bonus and then convert it back to the source power. This is how Li Ming used the power of the God of War before.

Original name: Spear of Longinus

Skill 1 - Holy Light Protection: Active skill, which can make the person shrouded in holy light immune to all attacks below the fourth level.

Features: Never wear out
This weapon can be called the most powerful offensive weapon that Li Ming has obtained. Not counting the Gotham Scepter, it is Li Ming's White Moonlight, and the Gotham Scepter is powerful in various effects.

Quality: Legend

Moreover, in the reincarnation space, not only is the dark power prevalent in the hell camp, but there are many reincarnators who use dark power.

After all, the strength of this thing grows very fast.

Type: Weapon

"One hundred thousand people were sacrificed in one day. Isn't that impressive?"

Skill 2 - Divine Blessing: Active skill, after activation, it can increase the level of divine bonus by one level. It lasts for 10 minutes and has a cooldown of 240 hours.

Xie Xiu: "...?"

It's just that the power of the God of War can only be transformed back and forth once, and the same is true of the Holy Light, which cannot achieve the achievement of perpetual motion.

But even so, Li Ming's strength has improved a lot, and he even gained a new channel to increase his strength.


The most important thing is that this thing can be used by other reincarnations, and Li Ming suddenly felt a lot of bad thoughts in his heart.

After getting it done, Li Ming went to Constantine to ask for the debt. After all, there was still a possibility that Constantine would default on the debt.

However, after learning that her sister had been rescued from hell by Li Ming and successfully entered heaven, Angela kept thanking Li Ming profusely, and Constantine was too embarrassed to refuse.

Anyway, he can still look for it.

"These shouldn't be of any use to you, right?" Constantine was still a little confused. Li Ming's strength was so high that he shouldn't be able to use these things.

Li Ming smiled and said nothing. Although it was of little use to him, Constantine, who had no magic power, could use the Seal of the Red King to force Gabriel out. Li Ming just used it for the clones.

In this way, whether the clone is lurking or doing other things, he has another ability.

As for Dragon's Breath, it's just a collection habit.

At this point, the threat to the world has been basically resolved, and Gabriel is the only one left here.

Li Ming thought about it and decided that he still had to ease the relationship with Tiantian.

So he said silently in his heart: "Whether you believe it or not, boss, the reason why I came to impose Bailie wings is because I learned it from Constantine."

Li Ming didn't know whether God believed him, but Constantine suddenly shuddered.

As for Gabriel, God seemed to have forgotten him and did not take him with him when he left.

But maybe that’s what God meant.

Take away Gabriel's power and let him experience what it's like to be a mortal.

But Li Ming always felt that it was not a good idea to let Gabriel and Constantine, who had lost their power, live in the same city.

It's just that he didn't care so much. After confirming that the matter was settled, Li Ming left here directly and returned to the biochemical world.

He mainly comes to receive work reports from Joker and Solus.

After checking, I found a surprise.

It has been two years since the Joker entered the hell camp. Li Ming originally thought that a little movement would be enough, but he did not expect that more than a hundred worlds would fall into chaos.

Of course this is not possible under normal circumstances, but the Joker has Sorus to help him.

Solus can provide the Joker with all the information he needs, greatly shortening the Joker's search time and allowing the Joker to find good targets before he arrives in a world.

Coupled with the help of the teleportation watch, the Joker can also take his backbone to other worlds.

Moreover, the clown's acting style is extremely arrogant. Relying on the inability to die due to the Dionysian factor, he has taken death-seeking to the extreme, so the clown gang is expanding at an extremely fast rate.

It's not that no one has tried to catch the clown, but the person who caught the clown either found his weakness and assimilated, or the clown committed suicide directly.

Yes, the Joker can even commit suicide.

Solus has the clone resurrection technology of the Heir family, and he has tested it according to Li Ming's instructions.

The clone of the normal clown is no different from an ordinary person, but when he puts the clown's consciousness into the clone, even the clone has the Dionysian factor.

Solus tried many times but could not find a reasonable explanation. In the end, he could only conclude that the Dionysian factor was bound to the clown's consciousness.

As for studying the Dionysian factor?

Solus once tried to combine the clown's genes with his son Brix, and the result was to directly create a laughing successor who completely lost his mind and fell into madness. In the end, he killed Brix with his own hands and used a brand new Blix's body was resurrected to return to normal.

Hearing this, Li Ming knew that Brix was infected with the clown virus. When he obtained the [Dionysian Factor], there was a special reminder like this.

Non-agent users may be infected with the clown virus.

Brix was able to be resurrected, but the powers of other hellish underworlds were not so lucky.

The clown's immortality will naturally be favored and coveted by many people, but little do they know that the clown is full of traps.

If you are lucky, your research will fail, but if you are unlucky, you will be directly infected with the clown virus and fall into madness.

Some smart ones just pull out the clown's soul to control him.

But at this time, the role of Solus is revealed. He can hide his identity and then save the clown. Currently, no one with strength above level seven has been alarmed. Solus can succeed every time.

That's why the Joker was able to completely plunge more than a hundred worlds into chaos within two years, and the speed is still accelerating.

(End of this chapter)

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