The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 549: Jialie’s gold content is still increasing

Chapter 549 Gabriel’s gold content is still increasing

Li Ming realized that he had indeed underestimated the clown.

He once fell into a situation set by the clown. Unexpectedly, in the multiverse, the clown seemed to be liberated.

Almost everyone has a weakness, and the clown will seize the target's weakness and attack until it drives the target crazy.

And his purpose is only chaos, not rule, so there is no need to consider various interests at all, chaos will be the end.

So although the clown is not worth mentioning in terms of strength, the damage caused is particularly great.

These worlds are either in flames of war or in turmoil caused by various superpowers. The word order has disappeared from the dictionary of those worlds, and the people are living in dire straits.

In response, Li Ming said, please give me more.

The Abyss has been exposed to the sight of other camps. If no big movement is made to divert their attention, the primary target of those camps may be the Abyss.

But Li Ming was satisfied, but the others couldn't sit still.

Hey, I suddenly got a brain.

Li Ming was happy after hearing what Ha Suen said.

"Since I met you, most of the commotion in hell is related to you."

So Hassoun stopped worrying about the clown, since it had nothing to do with him anyway.

"What does it have to do with me?" Li Ming asked.

Although Li Ming let the clown do whatever he wanted, he still placed restrictions on the clown. He could not travel through the world with Spider-Man.

The clown gave a decent greeting, but it was not as beautiful as Jerome.

"A lunatic." Hassoun didn't want to talk more, but he still felt uneasy, "It's really not you?"

Although the sales of war machines in the hell camp have declined significantly, there is still a certain market, and it is still the fastest way to earn points for Hasoun.

"You have attracted the attention of reincarnations above the seventh level. It is no longer convenient for Sorus to protect you, so I will set up a means to allow you to commit suicide at any time."

"Ha, meet the great King of Gotham!"

After all, the web-weaving organization is also controlled by Li Ming, and he cannot let his own people beat his own people.

Li Ming went straight to the point.

But maybe Li Ming is the only one who thinks the clown's costume is interesting now. After all, hearing Hasoun's attitude, even Hasoun is terrified of what the clown does.

"No." Li Ming deceived decisively.

Goodbye the clown, he still looks like the same green suit, green hair, and funny face.

Hassoun breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay if it's not. I heard from my father that the devil is looking for a seventh-level strongman to take action, and it is necessary to kill the clown."

Li Ming was still laughing and joking, and then offered to increase Hasoun's share of the war machine, and succeeded in fooling him.

Listening to the worries in Ha Suen's communication, Li Ming pretended to be stupid: "Clown? What clown?"

"The clown really has nothing to do with you?"

Then Li Ming found a world with Spider-Man and met the Joker.

He doesn't need to be polite to the clown, because as long as Li Ming can continue to bring harm to the clown's new world, the clown will never betray him.

Li Ming thought of the practice in some spaces of prohibiting reincarnators from leaking space intelligence. As long as a certain keyword is revealed in any form, they will be immediately obliterated.

He can also do this by setting a power mark on the clown's soul. As long as the clown speaks certain words, the mark will trigger and directly detonate the clown's soul.

The Joker can then be resurrected in the cloning device.

"Specific words?" The clown frowned and thought for a moment, then smiled evilly, "How about setting it into a sentence?"

Li Ming said, "What are you talking about?" "Hey, hey, just set it to..."

The clown rubbed his hands impatiently, and his voice was lowered, imitating someone they both knew——

"I am Batman!"

Li Ming's face suddenly became weird. He didn't expect that in the multiverse, Batman would still be the Joker's White Moonlight, and he would still persecute Batman.

You must know that these words of self-destruction are only effective if you say them out. It is estimated that it will not be long before Batman's name will be spread throughout the subordinate world of the hell camp.

Notoriety, of course.

Li Ming also thought about the situation where the clown's soul was extracted and he could not actively self-destruct after losing consciousness, so he also set up another line of defense for the source mark.

If the Joker doesn't say something within three days, he will still blow himself up.

In order to prevent others from catching the pattern, the trigger words are reset by the clown every time he is resurrected.

There is only one purpose, so that the clown can spread chaos in hell without any worries. The bigger the noise, the better.

Li Ming even considered whether to connect the clown with heaven, but then he thought that with the current relationship between hell and heaven, he could be fooled without further instigation. If a clown suddenly appeared in heaven, it would be easy to expose him. .

Next, Li Ming let the clown loose again. He is such a righteous being, and he must not stay too long with a character like the clown that everyone shouts about. It would not be good if he was seen by others.

Li Ming didn't take a closer look at the current points. Anyway, there was still a big gap between the points and the next level of source power, but the gains from the previous world were in place.

[Ding, Gabriel's flesh and blood has been analyzed and Gabriel's status has been obtained. 】

[Ding, a homogeneous angelic person has been detected. Please ask if the agent should be replaced. If not, the progress of the current person will be improved. 】

Li Ming thought about it, but he was still used to Uriel's hellfire, so he immediately chose no.

Of course, the main reason is that Hellfire is more handsome.

[Ding, the current progress of Uriel’s status has been increased to 90%. 】

Gabriel's pair of wings increased his progress by 15%?
Li Ming chirped, but he always felt that it was a bit lacking.

But after all, he didn't get all of Gabriel's angel power, so he could still accept it.

And... who said this was a one-time thing?
When the cooling time of the time and space portal in the world of "Constantine" ends, he can still go to Gargabriel Wings!

Then Li Ming threw the reality gem into the analysis panel as usual without wasting any time.

But the next second Li Ming realized something was wrong.

[Time required for analysis: 15 days. 】

15 days?
Isn't it two years?
Li Ming was very surprised. He clearly remembered that it took more than two years to analyze the Reality Stone before analyzing Gabriel's wings.

What are the benefits of Gabriel Wings?
Do not!
Li Ming immediately realized that it was probably not because of Gabriel, but because of Uriel's personality.

Li Ming had discovered before that the divine bonus of personality was very much like a weakened version of finger snapping.

It is probably because the two are very similar that Li Ming shortened the analysis time of the Reality Stone after he officially obtained his status.

I didn’t expect that working for God would bring unexpected blessings.

And Gabriel's gold content is still increasing.

After all, if you put it this way, when Li Ming upgrades Uriel's personality again, it can shorten the analysis time of other infinite gems.

In this case, Li Ming is not in a hurry to return to the world of Gotham.

He practiced magic, learned knowledge, and basked in the sun in the biochemical world, and half a month passed quickly.

[Ding, the real-life gem analysis was successful! 】

(End of this chapter)

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