The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 550 The surprise given by the Reality Stone, Gordon’s cabbage was taken away

Chapter 550 The surprise given by the Reality Stone, Gordon’s cabbage was taken away

[Realistic Gems (development level 20%)]

Quality: Mythical

Type: Exclusive ability

Effect: Depending on the degree of development, you can modify the world with your thoughts, greatly increase your own energy capacity, and increase your affinity with the universe you live in.

To Li Ming's surprise, the development rate of reality gems was very low, only 21%.

You must know that after such a long period of familiarity, Li Ming's development of other gems has been significantly improved.

The space gem is 43%, the power gem is 41%, and the time gem is 40%.

Normally, since he is stronger now, the gem development degree analyzed should be relatively high, but the result is actually lower than when he analyzed the space gem for the first time.

However, after Li Ming tried the power of the Reality Stone, he immediately noticed that it was unusual.

He had calculated before that it would take almost eighty years to save enough.

The reality gem can actually create fire source energy, and Li Ming's heart felt hot.

But Li Ming's goal is to transform Temple No. 2, which requires a lot of fire source energy.

Of course, although things can be created out of thin air, reality gems still have limitations. Currently, they must be something that Li Ming understands and is familiar with before they can be created. After all, the development level is only 20%.
But Li Ming suddenly thought of something.

He stretched out his hand and turned the hands on the clock counterclockwise, and the time around him immediately began to flow backwards. All the effects caused by the change in gravity were quickly repaired.

It is indeed a modification of reality.

Fire source energy, done!

Then Li Ming had another idea and played a big one.

At the end of the experiment, the green light in Li Ming's hand spread out and formed a huge clock.

Although it consumes a lot of energy, it is truly a creation out of thin air!

Just a flash of red light in Li Ming's hand, and the earth ushered in the end of the world.

If the development level is high and even other rules can be modified, Li Ming will declare that the reality gem is the most powerful gem.

He modified the earth's gravity to half of the normal level!
The next moment, the precision-operated machines on the earth began to go into chaos. Self-driving vehicles stalled and fell off the track and floated in the air. Various instruments continued to collide and explode. The entire earth was in chaos.

He directly waved his hand, and a red light flashed on the spot. Suddenly, a large number of steel suits appeared in the open space in front of him. In addition to energy consumption, all resource supply, construction time and other processes were eliminated.

Although the source power has now advanced and the energy conversion efficiency has improved a lot, there is still more than forty years of progress left.

Fire source energy!
Is it possible to use reality gems to create fire source energy?
At present, Li Ming's Cybertron inheritance unlocking progress has reached 15%, and he can transform two more super leader-level Transformers on the [Leadership Module].

As soon as he thought of it, he did it. Li Ming immediately used the power of the Reality Stone, and his mind was filled with information about the energy of the Fire Source.

The energy of the scarlet reality gem kept rolling, and then quickly transformed into another kind of energy under Li Ming's surprised eyes.

Something familiar?
He was familiar with the fire source energy. After all, it was Li Ming's exclusive ability.

Li Ming, who has analyzed four gems, is already more like a god than most gods.

With Li Ming's eyesight, he could clearly see that the moon was slowly escaping away from the earth due to the decrease in the earth's gravity.

Although it is still essentially a kind of energy conversion, the current conversion speed is dozens of times higher than Li Ming's before!
It would have taken more than forty years to get enough of the transformation energy of Temple No. 2, but now it only takes less than a year to get it.

He was overjoyed. The infinite stones could indeed give him unlimited surprises.

After that, Li Ming was left with the Mind Gem and the Soul Gem to analyze. He looked at the required analysis time for each.

[Mind Stone: 2904 days, nearly eight years. 】

[Soul Gem: 6550 days, seventeen years. 】

Compared with the last time Li Ming watched, the time was indeed shortened significantly. Li Ming made the choice easily.

Naturally, there is less time for the Mind Stone.

After getting familiar with the Reality Stone for a few days, Li Ming returned to the world of Gotham again.

It is already 2011. According to Li Ming's memo, this year is a very important year.

The Gotham Group's tentacles are all over the world, and it has also brought very comprehensive intelligence to Li Ming. Based on this, Li Ming has long judged that the Gotham world is a fusion world of DC movies.

So based on his understanding of the movie's plot, he wrote a memorandum that recorded the appearance times of important characters, as well as some of Li Ming's own plans.

Of course, this memo does not exist physically. It would not be good for others to see it, not even Diana. He would not make the same mistake as Batman. But then Li Ming suddenly heard the long-lost mission prompt.

[Ding, the main mission has been started. 】

[Main mission: Gotham-style justice. 】

[Mission requirements: The mission is 365 days to increase the influence of the three options of King of Gotham Beyond Earth, Gotham, and Justice League. The mission evaluation is based on the highest rating of the three. If it is less than C or reaches S rating, it will be comprehensively settled. 】

It turned out to be Gotham's main mission. Li Ming hadn't triggered it for a long time, but he didn't expect it to happen this time.

Gotham's main missions are all progressive, and now they actually require influence from outside the earth. The earth can't satisfy the abyss anymore.

Considering the current year, Li Ming has some clues about the task.

But the first thing Li Ming did when he returned to Gotham was to celebrate Batman's birthday.

February 2th, the day Bruce was born.

As Bruce's best partner and one of the most reliable family members, whenever Li Ming returns to Gotham, he will do it before Bruce's birthday.

So gradually, Bruce's birthday also became a day of reunion.

Like this time, those who came to Wayne Manor for a private banquet included not only the two Robins who usually live in the Wayne family, but also Diana, Clark, Arthur, and many Gotham friends such as Penguin, Riddler, Fox and others. coming.

Justice League member Clayface Ethan Bennett also came to Bruce's birthday party. After joining the Justice League, he was officially transferred to other cities.

Because he is also a police officer, he is the only official member of the Justice League who can have some control over him.

Even Barbara Gordon came to the banquet with her father Gordon and her two mothers.

After all, there was no way Batman could hide the fact that there was a Batgirl by his side from Gordon, who was the police chief.

And it was even more impossible for Batgirl to hide her skills from her father.

It was Gordon who personally sent Barbara to gymnastics class every time.

It's worth mentioning that as soon as Barbara showed up, Dick showed up.

He waved to Barbara and shouted, "Barbara, here!"

The sound was loud and many people looked towards them.

This made Barbara embarrassed and walked over to give Dick a hard twist. But at the same time, she left her old father behind and ran to the side with Dick to whisper.

This suddenly made Gordon look at Dick differently.

It can only be said that Dick is 17 years old this year and Barbara is 16. They are no longer the little Douding they used to be. Everything is at their best age.

It was Li Ming who patted Gordon on the shoulder and diverted his attention.

He doesn't get involved in the children's love life. After all, the whole Gotham knows that in terms of private life, who has more fun than him, Commissioner Gordon?
However, Gordon decided in his heart to keep an eye on Dick from now on.

Whenever Dick shows any signs of imitating himself emotionally, he should stop it immediately!

I won’t say whether Gordon only allowed the state officials to set fires, but Li Ming enjoyed watching the melons.

Not only this couple, Alfred and Selina were in charge of all matters at the banquet. Li Ming had seen Bruce being criticized more than once today for not being able to do housework well.

No matter how majestic Batman looks outside, he still has to be lectured when he comes home because he can't bake waffles well.

Judging from Selina's skillful appearance, she seems to have been the de facto mistress of the Wayne family.

It's just that neither Selina nor Bruce has any intention of getting married yet.

They will continue to play the game of bats and cats.

But suddenly Li Ming felt a sense of resentment coming from his side. He turned around and saw Diana holding him on her arm, giving him a resentful look.

Only then did Li Ming realize that he didn't seem to have given Diana a result.


But Li Ming really had no plans to get married. Although he had decided to marry Diana, Li Ming always felt a sense of panic about getting married.

In his two lifetimes, he has never been married.

Moreover, other camps in the reincarnation space are still eyeing him, and he cannot devote more energy to his family.

He could only change the topic, pointed at the pistachio Arthur and said in surprise: "Look! Arthur is arm wrestling with Clark!"

(End of this chapter)

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