The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 552 Bruce: Adoring the failed Man

Chapter 552 Bruce: Adoring the failed Man
"This mainly includes Cybertron technology, steel suit technology, and some interesting technologies, such as freezing air conditioners, which can be of great help to you." Li Ming introduced.

Bruce's own scientific research literacy is not low. When he studied under Lei Xiao Aogu in the League of Assassins, he received certain scientific and technological training.

Times are changing, and assassins must follow the trend.

But Li Ming remembered the Court of Owls, the group of sharp claws charging at machine guns with samurai swords.

Either the Assassin's League is hiding something, or it's not following the trend thoroughly.

"You can also look at the technology of Krypton."

At this time Clark also spoke.

"Lee, Bruce, I hand over authority to you."

Although Clark has a super brain, he is really not keen on scientific research, so he took the initiative to open the door to Krypton to Li Ming and Bruce.

Although Li Ming also obtained Kryptonian technology before, it was obtained through Zod. Others did not know it. Although Jor Al's consciousness had said that he would share knowledge with Li Ming, he had no reservations. Questionable.

Li Ming directly imitated the methods of Garfield's parents and customized a Spider-Man serum for Bruce, which was enough to ensure the strengthening while not excluding Bruce from other strengthening in the future.

Li Ming took out a test tube and inside was a black spider.

"As for the other things, I'm still thinking about it. Bruce, you should familiarize yourself with the new knowledge first."

Obviously this route is not suitable for Bruce, but Li Ming also thought about other ways to strengthen it.

Bruce nodded. He was now ready to gain more power and would not lose himself due to changes in strength.

But now that Li Ming is Bruce's best friend, it is certainly impossible for him to watch Bruce use his mortal body to face many devastating dangers.

Because Batman also often uses a rope gun, which is similar to the application of spider silk.

After all, the genetic optimization fluid is the exclusive upgrade route of the main god camp, and the reincarnations of the main god camp are not afraid of genetic conflicts. At worst, they can be resurrected anyway.

Li Ming actually wanted to inject Bruce with a higher-level genetic optimization fluid, but after checking the information at the Reincarnation Center, he discovered that genetic optimization fluids above level D would be exclusive, and those above level B would be exclusive. Only the main god camp can redeem it.

Now that Clark has taken the initiative to open up, Li Ming can also use the Kryptonian technology on hand openly.

"Wait, this won't hurt, right?" Selena suddenly asked.

She had already learned from Afu that when Bruce was injected with genetic optimization fluid, he was afraid of calling out and worrying himself, and then endured the pain silently for a long time.

Such as Spider-Man.

Although being a mortal on par with gods is one of Batman's greatest charms.

"This is not easy at all."


Li Ming just wanted to say it didn't hurt, but his bad character took over again and he changed his mind in time.

And he deliberately waited for such a long time, which was enough to ensure that Batman's core remained unchanged and to improve Bruce's strength, Batman would definitely be able to exert exponential effects.

He has long thought that Batman's fighting style is very compatible with Spider-Man.

He has a web-weaving organization on hand, and he has countless sources of Spider-Man's abilities.

Spider-Man only needs a little bit of spider venom to gain his abilities, so after biting Bruce, Li Ming would kill him.

"This requires the whole body's genes to be broken and reorganized, and the pain during this process can be imagined."

Selena frowned and clenched her fingers.

Li Ming continued: "If you don't persevere, you will probably die from a genetic collapse, so Selina, how about you cheer Bruce up and give him some motivation?"

"For example, if you succeed, you can have a child?"

Ah Fu suddenly interrupted. He understood Li Ming's bad taste very well.

And he also knew that Li Ming would not use risky things for Bruce, so he understood when he heard about the genetic collapse and saw the opportunity in time to induce the birth. As soon as he said these words, Selina became confused with concern, and really fell into the entanglement between heaven and man, but Bruce also understood, glared at Li Ming and Afu angrily, and hurried to comfort Catwoman.

"It's all your fault!"

Li Ming glanced at Ah Fu, the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

Alfred pretended not to see it.

At this time, Li Ming suddenly thought: "By the way, you need to eat to replenish energy after gaining abilities, Ah Fu..."

"There was still food left from the banquet just now." Ah Fu said immediately.


Li Ming let out a sound of surprise and thought, is Ah Fu so casual now?

"It doesn't matter." Ah Fu waved his hand, "Master Bruce is too busy every day to fall in love. He usually eats hamburgers."

Oh, I understand, this is Ah Fu’s fancy trick again.

Alfred has never regarded himself as Bruce's elder, but maintaining the prosperity of the Wayne family is also his responsibility as a butler, so the older Bruce gets, the more worried he becomes.

But after saying this, Ah Fu immediately returned to the kitchen to prepare food.

But we can't let the young master be really hungry.

"I'm going to help!"

At this time, Dick suddenly said, and Barbara followed him out. The eyes of everyone present suddenly became a little subtle.

It's not that he was making fun of the two of them, but everyone could see that Dick was a little absent-minded today.

Even Arthur is the same. Although he is drunk all day long, he is not as easy to fool as he appears, and he can be called sober in the world.

Everyone turned their attention to Jason, who was also one of the three bat boys. As a result, Jason also learned what Ah Fu did just now.

Pretend you didn't see it.

If you ask, you just don’t know.

Seeing this, Bruce also shook his head and brought the topic back on track.

"Li, how do you do it?"

"Stretch your hand over." Li Ming replied.

Bruce did as he was told.

Li Ming opened the test tube, and the black spider inside crawled onto Bruce's finger, and then took a bite.

Bruce only felt a mosquito bite. Seeing that Li Ming made no further movement, he asked, "Has it started yet?"

"It has ended."

The way to obtain Spider-Man's abilities is as simple as meeting the right person.

Bruce didn't feel anything, but the genes in his body were constantly being reorganized. With Bruce's control over his body, it didn't take long for him to feel the changes.

"Strength...has increased a lot."

He picked up his Bat Helmet, obviously paying attention to it, but accidentally, the Bat Helmet still dented a large piece.

Selina was very surprised. She knew how powerful Bruce was. Even though he had four times the physical strength of an ordinary person, he still couldn't leave any mark on the Bat Helmet.

Bruce is obviously not very used to it now. If this power falls on him...

This caused Selina to immediately distance herself from Bruce.

(End of this chapter)

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