The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 553: Robin always has a home

Chapter 553: Robin always has a home

"Your body still needs some time to adapt to the sudden increase in power. Until it adapts, Bruce, please don't go on night patrol."

Li Ming waved his hand and gave Gotham's criminals a hand to prevent them from being beaten into pulp by Batman.

Gotham's criminals can take a few days off.

Bruce nodded: "Okay."

At this time, his stomach growled. Afu came in with a dinner plate in time, and Bruce immediately started devouring it.

But there are always times when I can't control my strength and crush the food directly.

"By the way, where's Dick?"

Li Ming asked. There were three of them when they went out, but Ah Fu was the only one when they came back.

"Wait in the kitchen and come over later. He looks very worried." Ah Fu replied.


"Master will be sad."

Barbara suddenly became happy: "Then just go tell Batman."

"It's not that I feel bad, I really like Robin's life."

But Dick looked troubled: "How do you say that I want to be a superhero by myself, not Robin?"

In the kitchen, Barbara looked into Dick's eyes and asked.

Ah Fu knew them very well, so of course Dick's strangeness could not be hidden from him.

Barbara asked suddenly, with a hint of worry in her tone that she wasn't even aware of.

He grew up watching everyone in the Bat Family, including Bruce.

"I'm also afraid that Ah Fu will be sad."

Dick stopped talking for a long time before speaking out what was in his heart.

"I'm afraid that the master will think that I betrayed him."

It's not that Dick doesn't know what he wants, but his personality is too gentle and he doesn't want to hurt those close to him.

"No, Gotham is my home and I won't leave!" Dick denied quickly.

Dick shook his head: "It's just that every time I see Batman and his assistants in the newspaper, I always think about what would happen if I had my own superhero name?"

"You want to leave Gotham?"

Seeing Dick's appearance, Barbara didn't know how to persuade him.

"And Jason needs a role model, too."

Master is the nickname given to Batman by the Robins because Bruce always lectures them like an old man.

"You haven't told them what you think?"

"You are always used to thinking about others." Barbara sighed, "but you feel uncomfortable yourself."

"I still think you should tell them your thoughts clearly without holding them in your heart." Barbara finally said.

"Let me think about it again."

Dick regained his composure and quickly served the freshly baked waffles.

"Let's go back, they should be anxious."

By the time Dick and Barbara returned to the Batcave, Bruce had just managed to control the strength with which he handled the food.


Hearing the sound, Dick, who was deep in thought, woke up instantly.


Bruce's eyes stayed on his face: "In the past few days, you can help me patrol the night."


Dick quickly agreed.

"It's good for you to learn how to act independently in advance so that you don't have to be in a hurry when you go out to act alone."

"Well... um... I didn't..."

Dick had a shocked expression on his face, but he didn't expect that his thoughts would be touched. He wanted to deny it but didn't want to lie.

"I've noticed your and Barbara's little moves for a long time. You want to be an independent superhero, right?" Bruce said.

Dick didn't expect Bruce's observation to be so sharp, and he immediately lowered his head like a child who had made a mistake and did not dare to speak.

Bruce raised his hand and wanted to pat him on the shoulder, but suddenly realized that he couldn't control his power well, so he took his hand back.

He said encouragingly: "I support you."


Dick couldn't believe it, and even Barbara and Jason were surprised.

"Lee once said to me that only we can decide who we want to be."

Bruce smiled and said, "You are almost an adult. It is normal to want to be independent. I have never regarded you as my vassal, so I will not stop you."

"But you have to remember, Dick."

"This will always be your home!"

Dick looked up and saw Bruce's warm smile. Li Ming also nodded at him to express encouragement. Even Ah Fu looked at him with relief.

Dick's nose suddenly became sore and his eyes became red.

He has no plans to leave Gotham, but he does want to have his own independent name, rather than being known as Batman's sidekick.

But he didn't expect Batman himself to support him.

"But before that, you have to learn how to act alone." Bruce added, "Only if I think you are ready to act on your own will I allow you to graduate."

Dick nodded quickly.

Li Ming and Ah Fu also looked at each other and smiled. Dick's previous worries were normal, but he underestimated them.

They are all happy that their child has grown up and wants to make his own way in the sky. They only think about how to make him fly higher, and will not do anything to break his wings.

"That...I..." Jason also raised his hand at this time.

"You can't do it, Master Jason!" But before he could finish his words, he was strongly opposed by Ah Fu, "At least you have to wait until you are about to reach adulthood."


Jason puffed up his mouth and muttered his agreement.

If Bruce had said this, he would have retorted a few words, but he never talked back to Afu.

Alfred has always taken care of the food, clothing, housing and transportation of all members of the Bat Family, so he is highly respected by the Robins.

Outside of action, Alfred's words often work better than Bruce's.

Seeing the Bat Family enjoying themselves, Clark was a little envious.

"I've been thinking about letting little Jonathan stay for a while," he said.


Arthur was the first to speak.


Jason also quickly refused.

Li Ming also met little Jonathan today, a very lively and cheerful little boy.

It is said that seven- and eight-year-old children are hated by everyone, but a five-year-old boy is no less naughty, not to mention that all superheroes are precocious.

Even Bruce gave Clark a "I've seen through you" look, causing the thin-skinned Clark to scratch his head in embarrassment.

There is no way, it is not a good thing for children to be too noisy.

In particular, little Jonathan Kent has demonstrated Kryptonian abilities since he was a child. He has become extremely powerful at a young age, and the destructive power of the naughty boy with superpowers has skyrocketed.

If little Jonathan hadn't inherited Clark's kind-heartedness and had his aunt Carla following him all the time, he might have caused a lot of trouble.

After all, while being kind-hearted, children are also full of curiosity about the world and will always do things that make people laugh or cry.

But Clark was a little surprised because Li Ming reminded him today not to let his home get close to a man named Jay Nakamura.

It sounded like a Japanese name, and Clark didn't know what kind of threat this man would pose.

After all, if it was related to personal safety, Li Ming would definitely not just remind him. Could it be emotional?
You can't fall in love with little Jonathan, right?

(End of this chapter)

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