The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 554 The Dark Knight doesn’t look at such dark things

Chapter 554 The Dark Knight doesn’t look at such dark things

DC, Justice League Headquarters.

After the birthday party, Bruce came to the official headquarters of the Justice League. As the agent of Li Ming's will, he would come over every once in a while to handle matters.

Li Ming also came with him this time. After all, Li Ming had not visited the base since it was built.

They went through open channels. If it was an emergency, there were secret transmission facilities within the Justice League and Cybertron's space bridge, which allowed members to assemble as soon as possible when needed.

Of course, the authorities don’t know about this, and even Clay-faced Ethan, who has an official background, doesn’t know.

Since it was the first appearance of the leader of the Justice League, the King of Gotham, in two years, Li Ming and the two attracted a lot of attention along the way.

But unlike the previous times when Li Ming came back, there were undercurrents. This time, the forces that didn't like Li Ming wanted to hide themselves completely.


"Who goes so far as to have law enforcement powers in 158 countries around the world, and even immunity in 76 of them?"

"And it's not just the Justice League. Commander Norton has promulgated many policies that are beneficial to the Gotham Group. Now the Gotham Group is the largest group company in the world. The annual income of many countries is less than half of the Gotham Group." Bruce is really a bit His face was full of sadness.

"Oh, it turns out it's us, then it's okay."

He thought Li Ming might be shameless, but he didn't expect it to be so shameless.

He meant officials.

"The official bears 50% of the funds for the Justice League." Bruce said quietly.

However, his original intention was just to facilitate the Justice League, and he had no intention of turning the Justice League into S.H.I.E.L.D.

Li Ming was very surprised: "Can you bear this?"

"In this case, Norton, the commander-in-chief, will not be re-elected."

"Cough cough."

Of course Li Ming knew that the decision to expand his influence was his order to Sunday.

"No wonder I didn't hear that anyone was going to do something against me this time." Li Ming suddenly realized.

Bruce nodded: "I can tolerate this."

Li Ming was surprised when he looked at the document handed over by Bruce, and then turned it over.

The commander-in-chief has made it clear that he and Li Ming belong to the same family, and anyone who dares to jump out is like eating arsenic for an old man.

But he couldn't help but ask: "Why does the Justice League have so much authority?"

Li Ming answered confidently: "For an organization as big as the Justice League, there are so many employees who want to eat and drink every day when I open my eyes. How can we not save more money?"

"With the support of President Norton on Sunday, the Justice League has rapidly expanded its influence around the world. The Justice League has become a transcendent organization."

"You really don't know?"

Li Ming touched his chin and said.

"It doesn't matter yet." He added.

Bruce gave Li Ming a strange look.

He understands the truth that things must turn against each other. This term has put too much pressure on the hostile forces. When the next general election is held, those forces will inevitably unite and try their best to elect someone who can't deal with him to come to power.

After all, even Bruce couldn't stand the naked bias of Li Ming, the clone commander.

Batman couldn't bear to see such a disgraceful thing, so he chose to cover his eyes.

Just kidding, the money earned is not used for enjoyment.

Li Ming has been in the multiverse for a long time, and the money earned by the Gotham Group is either given back to Gotham, or used for the Justice League. Although Bruce's Wayne Group is also like this, Wayne Group still has other people's shares. Li Ming has the final say in Gotham Group.

Therefore, Gotham Group has long occupied the top spot on the list of conscientious companies, and no company can shake it.

But only Li Ming himself knows that the Gotham Group's rapid expansion has spread its tentacles around the world, giving him unparalleled intelligence capabilities.

Because no one knows which products sold from Gotham Group have backdoors.

Relying on these backdoors, Li Ming established a global intelligence network.

Which company is researching something, which laboratory has new results, they may not even know it internally, but they have mastered the key points of their technology on Sunday.

Even if some people are hostile to the Gotham Group, many products on the market are often controlled by the Gotham Group, and no one can escape.

Bruce sort of guessed it, but turned a blind eye.

Batman's moral boundaries are also very flexible.

Li Ming continued to look through the information on the Justice League. Although he only came here every once in a while, the action plan derived from the Supreme Strange World Reunion was very effective, and the work of cloning people was flawless. The overall development of the Justice League was very good.


"Sky Eye Society?"

At this time, Li Ming saw the Justice League's supervisory agency. The name was particularly familiar, and the logo was an eye looking sideways.

The full name of this organization is the Advanced Joint Research Group for Super Humans, or ARGUS for short, pronounced Argus, which means the legendary hundred-eyed giant.

Originally, the regulatory department of Zhenglian was not called this name, but it was changed later.

Although Li Ming didn't read many comics in his previous life, he also knew that Sky Eye would be equivalent to Marvel's S.H.I.E.L.D. and also appeared in the TV series "Arrow".

However, Li Ming has checked that there is no Oliver Queen in the Gotham universe, but looking at the information of the Sky Eye Society in this universe, there is that fat black female official, Amanda Waller.

Same style as "Suicide Squad".

Amanda Waller came in as the deputy of Pent Baker, the director of the Sky Eye Society, but today's Sky Eye Society doesn't even have much real power for Pent Baker, let alone Waller.

"What is the main responsibility of the Sky Eye Society now?"

The information was too long and Li Ming was too lazy to read it, so he asked Bruce directly.

"Responsible for the aftermath of the Justice League operation, handover with local officials, etc." Bruce answered.

"Oh, I understand." Li Ming nodded, "It turns out to be floor washing."

The scene flashed through his mind of the streets at night, with the Ax Gang shouting at the police station, "Police, come out and wash the floor."

Now the Justice League is really like a police department bullied by the Ax Gang to the Sky Eye Society.

However, the Ax Gang was defeated by the super strong Axing, while the Justice League has super strong people per capita.

If Li Ming is not willing, Tianyan will never be able to stand up.

At most, Sky Eye will have more power after Norton steps down, but it is almost impossible to have an impact on the Justice League.

Seeing that everything was on track, Li Ming felt relieved.

The hands-off shopkeeper was very successful and his younger brother worked hard, so he was very pleased.

So Li Ming concentrated on vacationing with Diana. He was also doing business, and the Reality Stone never stopped converting the energy of the Fire Source.

It is estimated that by the second half of the year, the energy he has accumulated will be enough to transform Temple No. 2.

He was quite looking forward to how much strength this big guy would have after becoming a Transformer.

(End of this chapter)

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