The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 555 Transformation, 6-meter-tall Transformers!

Chapter 555 Transformation, a six-thousand-meter-tall Transformer!

Major events of Li Ming——

March: Hanging out with Diana.

March: Hanging out with Diana.

March: Hanging out with Diana.

June: Li Ming, Li Ming, how can you be so obsessed with beauty? Quit sex this month! (An earthquake occurs in the Mediterranean Sea, and Diana goes back to rescue.)
March: Hanging out with Diana.

At the beginning of August, the fire source energy needed for Temple No. 8 was finally accumulated, and Li Ming also broke free from Wenwen Township.

Diana got me wrong!
In the deep space of the universe, Li Ming deliberately isolated an area with source power. The monsters in the universe in the DC world are no less than those in the Marvel world, so he still has to be cautious. After all, he does not have the diamond-filled Infinity Gauntlet to be unscrupulous here.

Li Ming raised his hand to summon the target Temple No. 2 from his personal space. This Temple No. 2 has been specially modified. The interior is no longer dark and becomes bright and bright.

Although there is no evidence that the color of the lighting will affect the character of Transformers, Li Ming himself also likes it to be brighter.

But now that he has become a Transformer, he can no longer be called Temple Two.

After clearing all the robots in Temple No. 2, Li Ming pointed the palms of his hands forward at Temple No. 2. The majestic fire source energy suddenly burst out, covering the battleship with a length of more than 4,000 meters. .

The most important thing is that Temple No. 2's aura is more powerful than Sunday and Megatron, and even the fallen King Kong that Li Ming has seen cannot compare to it.

Temple 2 landed on an asteroid, respectfully knelt down on one knee in the direction of Li Ming, and hummed: "See the Creator!"

Another core technology of Cybertron, the space bridge, is also placed on the ship. It can teleport a large number of troops to any corner of the universe within the exploration range.

Of course Li Ming would not refuse and directly chose to confirm.

Li Ming nodded and signaled Temple No. 2 to stand up.

[Ding, the target meets the conditions and can consume two super leader quotas to increase the energy level. Do you confirm? 】

In the next second, the fire source energy in his body was quickly extracted. In less than two minutes, the fire source energy that Li Ming had accumulated for nearly twenty years was wiped out. If he put it anywhere else, he could form a Pikabai. The army is gone.

Subsequently, the Temple II was also fully loaded with various weapons and equipment, and it also carried a star reaper and a star destroyer, which could absorb star energy to extinguish stars, and could also violently destroy stars and directly blow up planets.

And Temple Two is a thousand times taller than the Hornet!
Its eyeball alone is larger than half a football field.

Li Ming even transferred a lot of Cybertronian technological knowledge to Temple II, hoping to see if he could fix the bug and transform himself into an all-powerful Transformer.

"From now on, you will be called Sheng Tianzun." Li Ming said.

In addition to these, the battleship itself has the best strength and energy shield to ensure that it will not perform such shocking operations as being pinched by the door.

At this time, a prompt came from the abyss——

At least don't be like Pikabai and Ferris Wheel, who are just two idiots.

The energy of the fire source wandered on the hull of Temple No. 2. After a short period of silence, Temple No. 2 began to creak, and all the parts of its body came to life. In front of Li Ming's eyes, it changed its form into a nearly tall man. A six-kilometer giant Transformer!
The robot form of Transformers is often larger than the vehicle form. For example, the Bumblebee sports car form is more than four meters long, and the transforming robot is almost six meters long.

It’s time for Li Ming’s favorite naming step again.

He made reference to the fallen King Kong's Megatronus for this name, and then combined it with the elements of Temple No. 2 itself. It even conforms to the convention that super leaders have different names.


Li Ming put his hands on his hips, but he was so awesome. Next is the most critical moment, testing the strength of Sheng Tianzun.

Sheng Tianzun raised his right arm, which was enough to dock several starships, and after a sudden change, the huge main gun port was revealed.

Li Ming could tell at a glance that this main gun was a variant of the Star Destroyer.

There is no doubt about the power of the Star Destroyer Cannon. It would be abnormal if it did not destroy the entire planet at once.

But Sheng Tianzun still gave Li Ming a surprise. After his main cannon was fully lit, he fired one shot. The energy ray flew very fast, and soon penetrated an unmanned asteroid the size of the moon, causing it to shatter into pieces.

This was what Li Ming expected, but the energy ray did not stop, but moved forward, blasting five large and small planets along the way and consuming all the energy.

One wears six!

Although the largest of these planets is less than half the size of the earth, it is enough to show that Shengtianzun's strength is extraordinary.

At least Michelle couldn't do this.

It is indeed an existence that Li Ming accumulated twenty years of fire source energy to transform into. The skill of this cannon for twenty years is indeed remarkable.

In terms of physical strength, Sheng Tianzun is also very powerful, not to mention the strength. If the fist of more than 300 meters is struck, ten Thanos will be beaten into Thanos sauce.

Saint Tianzun's body defense is also extremely high. Even less than 10% of Li Ming's annihilation power can cause damage. Moreover, Saint Tianzun also has a huge energy shield, and its defensive power is comparable to Li Ming's source shield.

Li Ming suddenly thought that when Shengtianzun's energy is exhausted, it would be a good choice to throw him out and use him as a weapon.

After all, an asteroid with a diameter of 10 kilometers hitting the earth at a speed of Mach 35 could cause the extinction of the dinosaurs.

Sheng Tianzun has a diameter of 6 kilometers from head to toe and can reach a speed of Mach 35. Presumably the damage caused by the impact will not be too weak.

Of course Li Ming was joking, he was reluctant to let Sheng Tianzun be used as a human cannonball.

However, the various scientific and technological knowledge that Li Ming specially added to Temple 2 failed to work. Sheng Tianzun did not become a scientist, and his personality was not even comparable to that of a scholar.

Because Li Ming asked Saint Tianzun a question: "If Saint Tianzun was Thanos, what methods would he take to prevent the destruction of the universe?"

The reason why Li Ming asked this was because Temple II was Thanos's flagship after all, and it was hard to say whether it was affected by Thanos.

And by the way, I also examined the character of Sheng Tianzun.

As a result, Sheng Tianzun asked Li Ming: "Is there anything in the universe that the Creator cares about?"

Li Ming immediately felt something was wrong and tentatively replied no.

Saint Tianzun immediately said categorically: "Then, I will destroy all life in the universe and hand the universe over to the control of the Creator!"

Li Ming looked at Sheng Tianzun, his eyes widened.

He originally thought that he would be Thanos at best, but he didn't expect that Sheng Tianzun would be a character like Ultron.

The only difference is that Sheng Tianzun could still think about Li Ming before committing genocide.

Thank you so much!
Li Ming's head is covered with black lines. He is a big, square Transformer, but I decorated it with a bright interior. How could he have such a dark character?

He thought for a while and first eliminated his own reasons. Then there was only one truth -

It's all Thanos' fault!
(End of this chapter)

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