The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 560: Turning yellow and bald can make you stronger

Chapter 560: Turning yellow and bald can make you stronger

"Green Lantern Corps?"

At the Justice League headquarters, Jor Al's consciousness quickly found relevant information.

"The Green Lantern Corps spans the universe and has thousands of members."

"Before Krypton was closed to the outside world, there was a conflict with the Green Lantern Corps over the dominance of the planet."

"Their membership is relatively stable, but there are also many recorded deaths."

After hearing this, everyone in the Justice League was relatively calm. It would be best if it was just an accident.

Although there is no record of Parallax Monster in Jor-El's database.

But Bruce still won't take it lightly.

He didn't dare to pin the safety of the earth on coincidence.

So the most direct source of intelligence now is Hal Jordan.

After all, Hal didn't learn to hide his body when he flew out of the earth last night, and was already monitored by the Justice League.

It's just that the Justice League's equipment is not connected to the official equipment, and the outside world doesn't know about it. Li Ming and Bruce also deliberately concealed the news.

But the news was not kept secret for too long, because at the celebration banquet held by Ferris Company in Beach City that evening, a helicopter suddenly started on its own, almost endangering the lives of more than a hundred people present.

But at the critical moment, a superhero with a green light all over his body appeared, created a racing car and a runway out of thin air, safely caught the helicopter, and saved everyone present.

This brand-new superhero made headlines as soon as he appeared, and countless people were speculating about what kind of person he was under the mask.

And whether the Justice League will let him join.

But the outside world didn't know the situation, and the Justice League certainly knew it, because not long after the incident ended, Hal Jordan came to Li Ming for help.

Hal asked him to be his spiritual mentor, and he was really badly beaten on Planet OA.

Li Ming was very familiar with this person. He found two passages from the Chicken Soup Library and told Hal about it, and he immediately regained his energy.

"Even if I can't be a hero of the universe, I can still be a hero of the earth!"

The reason why Hal was chosen as the Green Lantern was because the Lantern Ring took a fancy to his willpower. Although he was confused in the early stage, he would not waver once he set his goal.

"Let's start with...the heroes of Beach City!"

Li Ming nodded. Hal will be able to become a qualified member of the Justice League if he continues to practice for a while.

The Justice League also has standards for selecting people. It does not mean they have superpowers. Once you become a superhero, you can join the Justice League. Your personal character must also meet the standards.

Someone who was as excited as Hal was Pent Baker.

Office of the Director of the Sky Eye Society.

"Has the research on the unknown spacecraft yielded results?"

Looking at Amanda Waller walking in, Pent couldn't wait to ask.

Abin Su's spaceship went around in circles and was taken into the hands of the Celestial Eye Society. This is what Pente is most concerned about recently.

Although extraterrestrial things and superhuman beings who are responsible for the Sky Eye are not compatible, as long as the benefits are in place, everything is negotiable.

Waller nodded and handed over a disk.

"The research department has confirmed that this spacecraft is an alien creation, and the technology on it is very different from that on Earth."


Pente was overjoyed. He originally thought that the Eye of Heaven would be just a decoration, but he didn't expect that there would be a chance to reap benefits.

Political achievements?

No, another official might have turned it in, but not Punt Baker.

Because the commander-in-chief Norton is not from the same group as him, handing it over to the authorities may only be hard-earned money, but if breakthrough technology can be developed from alien spacecraft, it will be a golden mountain!
It just so happened that Pente, as a shareholder of Lex Group, had the capital to research the spacecraft.

In order to monopolize the benefits, Pent even refused Lex Luthor's help. "Fortunately, Li Ming was so generous. He only took away the aliens and handed over the spaceship."

Pente said thankfully while looking at the report.

You must know that the last time an alien spacecraft appeared on Earth, Li Ming almost went to war with the officials over the spacecraft.

"By the way, we haven't learned anything about aliens."

Amanda Waller suddenly interjected.

"We found traces of alien blood inside the spacecraft and have invited an exobiologist to study it."

Pente didn't expect an unexpected surprise, but he was also very surprised.


"Yes, Dr. Hector Hammond, who was unknown before, can just help this time." Waller nodded. "He studied the alien blood and found that there are similarities between alien blood and humans. Maybe they have something in common." ancestor."

Punter doesn't care about these things. In his eyes, alien technology is more important.

However, he was very satisfied with Amanda Waller's positive attitude and gave her a few words of encouragement.

Amanda Waller is Pent's most capable subordinate now. Not only is she very capable at work, she also doesn't shy away from doing dirty work.

At this time, Waller's cell phone rang, and she left Pent's office.

She didn't answer the call until she walked outside the door, and then her expression immediately changed.

"What? Dr. Hammond is infected by an alien creature?"

Waller's face was very gloomy. Of course she was not worried about a doctor who was unknown in the past, but she was thinking about how to explain to Hammond's father, Congressman Hammond.

"Can it be treated?"

Waller was relieved when he heard on the other end of the phone that it should be possible to remove the alien infection from Hammond's body.

"Call Congressman Hammond and tell him what happened...forget it, I'll fight it myself."

Waller also has his own little one, and if he can take this opportunity to show off in front of Congressman Hammond, it will be good for his future.

However, after thinking about it, Waller turned around and entered Pent's office again and reported the matter to Pent.

If anything goes wrong, report it to your superiors in a timely manner so that you can share the blame if something goes wrong.

"Are you going to take this opportunity to meet Congressman Hammond?" Waller asked after finishing his report.

Although Hammond is an influential member of Congress, Pent shook his head.

"no need."

If something goes wrong, try to use your subordinates as much as possible so that you can avoid danger if something goes wrong.

Everyone has their own philosophy of life.

When he saw Hector Hammond again, Waller was shocked because Hector, who was only slightly bald, now turned into a big-headed ghost.

Amanda Waller is not being cute, Hector is a real big-headed ghost.

His entire head began to swell from his forehead, just like the aliens often seen in movies.

"Are you ok?"

Waller almost cursed, but thought that Senator Hammond was outside, so he asked with concern.


A weird smile appeared on Hector's face, and then Waller noticed that Hector's pupils had turned yellow.

"I'm great, better than ever!"

(End of this chapter)

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