The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 561: Seizing the Yellow Light Step 1

Chapter 561 The first step to seize the yellow light

Hector reached out and touched Waller, and suddenly Waller's life experiences began to flash back in his mind.

"By physically accessing memories, I can see everything about you."

Hector was babbling as if the world was in his hands.

This state lasted until Hector met his father, Senator Hammond.

The congressman insists on returning his son to normal, but Hector has his own ideas——

Because the congressman gave him a backdoor into the research team, he wanted to kill his father.

The reason is that Hector feels that this is not the result of his own efforts, and it also tarnishes the sanctity of science.

It belongs to be full of filial piety.

"I found something unusual in the alien's blood."

Hector used his telekinesis to eliminate all the surrounding guards. Amanda Waller was thrown away and collapsed to the ground unable to get up.

Senator Hammond was handcuffed on the experimental table where Hector was restrained just now.

"Some yellow stuff, apparently the culprit responsible for the alien's death."

Hector opened his hands with a look of enjoyment.

"But you are wrong about one thing." Hector shook his head, "It wasn't that I accidentally got infected, it was that I actively embraced it!"

"Now I...can do anything!"

At this time, Hal, who was dressed in green, broke through the outer wall of the base and floated in.

"I bet you won't have the baby."

he said firmly.

Back in time a few days ago, after learning about the helicopter accident in Beach City, Li Ming thought of Hector, a villain with no sense of existence.

"Green Lantern" has no sense of existence throughout the movie, and the protagonist Hal Jordan even disappears from the Justice League.

Hector is a villain with no bright spots and only shortcomings. If it weren't for Li Ming's good memory, he wouldn't even know his name.

However, Hector's ability is actually not weak. He has both telekinesis and telepathy. However, later on, Hector will be unable to walk normally because his body cannot bear the force, and he can only sit in a wheelchair.



Wheelchair bound and even bald?

Are you looking for——Professor X?

After Li Ming thought about Hector, he asked Sunday to monitor him. In the original plot, he was exposed to the parallax energy in Abin Su's corpse and mutated. This time, it was Abin Su who stayed in the spaceship. blood.

If Hal is Destiny's Green Lantern, Hector is Destiny's Big Head?
So while monitoring Hector, Amanda Waller was also dug out by Li Ming.

When Amanda Waller approached Congressman Hammond, Li Ming had already foreseen this scene.

Li Ming naturally didn't have much interest in Hector. After Senator Hammond was kidnapped, Li Ming revealed Hector's location to Hal. He was Hal's childhood friend, so he naturally wanted Hal to go. deal with.

Li Ming was interested in what was behind Hector.

Parallax monster.

Parallax monsters feed on fear and are extremely powerful.

The Parallax Monster in the "Green Lantern" movie is very different from the comic version. The Parallax Monster in the movie is the little blue man of the Green Lantern Corps, the guardian of the universe, who was transformed by the power of yellow light, which represents fear.

The Parallax monster was sealed by Abin Su a long time ago, so it only went after Abin Su after breaking the seal.

According to the news Hal told Li Ming, Parallax Monster is heading towards Planet OA, preparing to destroy the Green Lantern Corps.

The current leader of the Green Lantern Corps, Tal Sinestro, recently led a group of elite Green Lanterns to stop him midway. But Green Lantern is very powerful, and more than five Green Lantern Corps will easily trigger the debuff.

Sure enough, after a deadly battle, Sinestro escaped back with the few surviving Green Lanterns.

Hal didn't know what happened next.

However, Li Ming knew through the plot that after Sinestro returned, he successfully persuaded the little blue man to create the first yellow light ring.

If nothing else, this is the beginning of the Yellow Lantern Corps, no, the Sinestro Corps.

Se's authority is about to appear in the universe!
But if nothing else, Li Ming was the one.

That's right, Li Ming's goal is-the yellow light ring!
The yellow light ring uses fear as its source of power, and its abilities are almost the same as those of the green light ring.

And this yellow lantern ring is different from the ordinary green lantern ring, because according to the "Green Lantern" easter egg, this yellow lantern ring fell into the hands of Sinestro. From the DC world view, this should be what Sinestro used. The one that formed the Yellow Lantern Corps.

In the comics, Sinestro imitated the first yellow lantern ring and created many lower-level light rings, which were distributed throughout the universe. He formed his own Sinestro Corps and became one of the biggest villains of Green Lantern.

Because Sinestro's ring has absolute authority over the secondary yellow light ring, Sinestro's rule is extremely domineering.

This is where Sai's authority comes from.

But now that Li Ming is here, Sinestro should just be the leader of his Green Lantern Corps.

Seth's authority?

Not nice.

How awesome is Li’s authority!
But of course the Green Lantern Corps will not give the Yellow Lantern Ring to Li Ming honestly. Even Hal, who defeated the Parallax monster in the plot, is not qualified.

Of course, Hal in this world can't defeat the Parallax Monster.

The reason why the previous "Green Lantern" movie hit the market was that the big boss Parallax monster was also a huge drawback, which left many people speechless.

Parallax is the embodiment of fear across the universe. It is one of the ultimate BOSSs in the Green Lantern story, equivalent to Thanos in Avengers, but was killed in the origin movie.

Although the characters in the movie version will be weakened, this is really too hasty.

Moreover, Hal, who had only been a Green Lantern for a few days, was forced to push the sun and burn him to death in such an outrageous operation.

what is this concept?

It's equivalent to Thanos appearing in "Iron Man 1", only to be burned to death by Tony wearing the Mark 1 armor with a flamethrower.

Are you kidding me?

Therefore, Li Ming is sure that the parallax monster in this world will not die so easily. Even if it really follows the plot path and is pushed into the sun by Hal, it will definitely appear again.

Back to the Yellow Lantern Ring, Li Ming was bound to get it, but it was impossible for the Green Lantern Corps to give it to him through normal means.

So Li Ming made a comprehensive plan.

The first step is to let Hal deal with Hector.

Similar to the plot, Hal, who is just starting out, and Hector, who has no fighting skills at all, have a real rookie fight.

During this period, Senator Hammond was almost killed. Fortunately, Li Ming fell from the sky and rescued him, gaining a wave of goodwill.

In the end, Hal was slightly better, but when he was fighting Hector, the power of the Green Lantern Ring was detected by the Parallax Monster behind Hector.

"The ring you are wearing belongs to the Green Lantern who imprisoned me. Once I destroy your world and absorb your power, I will have enough strength to defeat the Green Lantern Corps and destroy the Guardians!"

After Parallax said these words in Hal's mind, he helped Hector escape.

But Hal had no time to care about Hector at this time. He ran to Li Ming in panic.

"Li...Your Excellency Li Ming, the to be destroyed!"

 ( ̄3 ̄)a
(End of this chapter)

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