The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 562 The Justice League Assembles

Chapter 562 The Justice League Assembles
Hal almost burst into tears. He didn't even care about the presence of others and directly told Li Ming the news that the Parallax Monster was coming to Earth.


Amanda Waller on the side also heard it and immediately screamed.

She didn't expect that she was just researching alien spaceships, so why did she discover a world threat?
Speaking of which, she was also wondering if the earth was in conflict with an alien planet. The same was true of the Kryptonian spacecraft incident last time, and the earth almost disappeared.

"It seems that I need to re-evaluate the official's ability to respond to risks in the universe."

Li Ming looked at Waller and said.

Waller looked very unhappy. After all, she was also responsible for this matter.

She also had to think about how to report to Pent.

It can't be hidden, because Representative Hammond, who was also at the scene, also heard the whole thing, and he still hasn't closed his mouth until now.

The news that an existence that has destroyed countless civilizations and even the universe-level guardian legions are helpless to destroy the earth is really shocking.

Do extraordinary things when necessary. The earth is about to be destroyed. Who can think so much?

Is there really someone who is still seeking power after the end of the world?
Even Amanda Waller doesn't have a problem with it.


"Those who have handled this matter, don't let them leak the news. Remember, from now on, we are the ones who accidentally discovered the threat to the earth while helping the official research on alien technology!"

At this time, Li Ming's face was also very solemn: "I have to summon the entire Justice League to mobilize, and the official side must also fully cooperate."

Councilor Hammond nodded quickly, not thinking at all that the Justice League, with the support of the Commander-in-Chief, already had great authority, and that doing so would further expand the Justice League's power.

Waller immediately contacted Ponte Baker and told the details.

Although she was doing private work, Amanda Waller was not Punter's retainer after all, so there must be a record of her actions.

Pent Baker's words cheered up Amanda Waller. While she was still thinking about how to get rid of the guilt, Pent actually planned to change her identity and turn the threat into a great achievement.

"Sir Li Ming, what should we do?" Councilor Hammond asked quickly.

Waller was relieved. If Li Ming didn't intervene in the follow-up matters, she would be able to mediate and take away the responsibilities of herself and others.

Then Li Ming handed over the matters here to Waller and left with Hal.

But precisely because Congressman Hammond is a high-level official, he understands that it is unreliable to approach the official for this kind of matter. Only Li Ming has the experience and may be able to solve it.

No wonder Punt can be a leader?

"You have left a file with the Sky Eye Bureau regarding your research, right?" Pent asked after a long time.

They have no problem, and Li Ming has no problem even more.

"Congressman Hammond is also responsible for his son's matter, and he will definitely cooperate with us, but... where is Li Ming?"

Pent was silent for a while before accepting this fact.

It's just fake.

Although he was an official, he should not have taken the initiative to seek help from a sensitive person like Li Ming.

"Then if you do this, submit the report immediately, and I will personally take it to warn the commander."

But then Waller got worried.

"It doesn't matter. Don't worry about Li Ming. He won't interfere in these small things. You just need to release the news about Parallax after I report it, help build momentum for the Justice League, and make the Justice League the savior."

Punter has long understood that if the benefits are given to the Justice League, Li Ming will not target him.

"Not only that, if the Justice League needs any authority, we will try our best to cooperate with them. Anyway, the earth will be destroyed and nothing will be left. The crisis can be resolved without us needing to deal with the aftermath."

And that's not his power either.

Waller now really has admiration for Pent. She thought that she was already evil enough, but she didn't expect that Pent was even better.

"I...where are we going?"

After walking outside, Hal watched Li Ming fiddle with a communicator one after another, and finally couldn't help but ask.

He now has no master, and completely regards Li Ming as his backbone.

"Justice League!"

Li Ming answered.

"I just issued a summons for the Justice League, and all members will go to the headquarters as quickly as possible."

"Me?" Hal's eyes lit up, "Can I go too?"

At this time, Li Ming looked into Hal's eyes and asked in a deep voice: "Hal, do you have the courage to fight for the earth?"

Hal was silent for a moment, and then his expression suddenly calmed down, not as panicked as before.

In the original plot, it was the heroine Carol who aroused Hal's courage. Now it is Li Ming, whom he admires, who speaks, and the effect is not bad at all.


Although Hal looks frivolous, he will become the strongest-willed Green Lantern in the future, and he will certainly not lack courage. At this time, Li Ming suddenly showed him a warm smile: "Welcome to the Justice League, Hal!"

boom! boom! boom!
Hal was overjoyed, his whole body trembled slightly, and he could even hear his heart beating clearly.

When he joined the Green Lantern Corps, he was nowhere near as excited as he is now.

This is the Justice League!
All those who have justice in their hearts and want to be superheroes, this is the highest and most sacred temple in their hearts!

"Okay! Haha...haha!"

This joy even broke through Hal's fear of Parallax Monster.

What Green Lantern Corps?
Labor is now a member of the Justice League!

Although the Green Lantern Corps is famous in the universe, for Hal, how can it compare to the Justice League, which he has been familiar with since childhood?

This excitement reached its peak after Li Ming passed through the space gate and brought Hal to the Zhenglian headquarters.

Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, each one is a well-known superhero!

Even Clayface, who has a slightly weaker presence, is a well-known hero.

But he didn't recognize the other woman who was dressed similarly to Superman.

"That's Superman's cousin, Kara." Li Ming introduced him.

Kara is not a member of the Justice League, and her focus is entirely on her nephew Jonathan Kent Jr.

But this time it was a crisis for the entire earth, so Kara came to help after learning the news.

"This is Hal Jordan, Green Lantern and a new member of the Justice League."

Li Ming said to Clark and others.

Everyone has heard about this superhero brought in by Li Ming himself, so their attitude is very friendly, which is very different from Hal's experience in the Green Lantern Corps.

This moved him very much.


"Wait, Bruce Wayne is Batman?"

Hal held his head in his hands and was shocked. The impact on him was no less than putting Batman in China in his previous life, and then someone told Li Ming that Batman was actually Principal Wang.

Everyone looked at each other with smiles on their faces, the same expression Clayface had when he first entered the Justice League.

Although now that Bruce has taken charge of the Justice League, the senior management already knows Batman's true identity, but it has not yet been made public.

After getting to know each other, everyone quickly got to the point. After Hal told everyone about the parallax monster, both Batman and Superman frowned severely.

This time the enemy is more threatening than Zod.

"What is the current attitude of the Green Lantern Corps?" Bruce asked Hal.

"I...I haven't been back yet."

Hal was a little confused. He had not returned to Planet OA since he was beaten back last time.

"How long does it take to get back and forth?" Bruce asked again.

"In a few minutes, the light ring can open up a wormhole." Hal said quickly, "I'll go back!"

Everyone nodded. Parallax is the old enemy of the Green Lantern Corps. It would be best if the Green Lantern Corps had a way or could come to help.

After Hal left, Li Ming also asked everyone to prepare for the battle quickly and transform into the strongest combat state.

Ten minutes later, Hal came back, but his face was very ugly.

"Thoma Ray said that the Green Lantern Corps created a yellow lantern ring that uses the power of fear to defeat Parallax."

Before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, he continued: "But it takes time to form a new legion and adapt to the yellow light ring, which means - they gave up the earth!"

Everyone in the Justice League was immediately filled with indignation. The Green Lantern Corps made this decision very easily, but for the earth, it is worth billions of lives.

"Can the yellow light ring really defeat the Parallax monster?"

At this time Li Ming suddenly asked.

Hal nodded: "The Green Lantern Corps said yes."

So Li Ming took a deep breath: "Everyone, we can't sit still and wait for death."

"Li, are you planning to..."

Bruce was the first to react.

"That's right!" Li Ming looked at everyone and said decisively, "Let's go grab the yellow light ring!"

"It's up to us to save the planet!"

(End of this chapter)

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