The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 563: Bring the Justice League to the OA star to cause chaos!

Chapter 563: Bring the Justice League to the OA star to cause chaos!

"Steal...steal the lantern ring?"

Hal opened his mouth and repeated in disbelief.

"That's right!"

Li Ming nodded and gave his own explanation: "We know nothing about Parallax Monsters, and the only source of intelligence is the Green Lantern Corps."

"Since the Green Lantern Corps believes that the Yellow Lantern Ring can defeat the Parallax Monster, it is certainly not unreasonable."

"The only problem is that we can't wait that long, so for the sake of the earth, we can only snatch the ring and find a solution ourselves!"

Although robbery is not the style of the Justice League, as Li Ming said-

For the sake of the earth.

So everyone present can understand.

Then the question becomes, can they snatch the Yellow Lantern Ring from the Green Lantern Corps?

No one thought that Li Ming was coveting the Yellow Lantern Ring. After all, this information was brought back by Hal just now, and it was the first time for everyone to hear about it.

Between the Justice League and the Green Lantern Corps, he decisively abandoned the Green Lantern Corps.

Coming to rob the planet of its hope of survival does not violate justice.

It would be difficult for anyone else, but Li Ming asked himself that he still knew a little about the Green Lantern Corps. Although the Green Lantern Corps had a large number of people, there must be seventh-level strength among the little blue guardians.

But in the eyes of others in Zhenglian, the Green Lantern Corps has thousands of people and can be considered the overlord of the universe.

And with proper planning, these obstacles can be overcome.

Everyone has no doubts about his methods.

But Hal is just a rookie, so he doesn't know what the Green Lantern Corps has to offer.

"But how are you going? My ring has restrictions and I can't bring anyone else with me." Hal asked quickly.

"I can take everyone to follow you." Li Ming replied.

Everyone's attention focused on Hal again. He was the only one here who had been to Planet OA.

"The relationship between politicians and the military, I didn't expect it to be the same in the universe."

"It sounds like most of the Green Lantern Corps actually have righteous intentions?"

Even except for Bruce, who had studied Green Lantern and speculated a little bit, no one else knew what the Yellow Lantern Ring could do.

Clark commented.

However, referring to Supreme Strange taking Captain Carter to fight Infinite Ultron, Li Ming can also trick the Justice League.

And Li Ming's excuse is very good. Since the Green Lantern Corps has given up on the earth, of course they can only try every means to save themselves.

"Green Lantern can fly, can materialize things according to his thoughts, has thousands of members, and they are all strange, including fish and pigs..."

He quickly told everything he knew about the Green Lantern Corps.

Bruce scoffed.

"So our biggest obstacles are the Guardians and Sinestro."

"Hal, do you know where they are?" he asked.

"I know, the Guardian and Sinestro are both in the hall at this time." Hal nodded.

"Is this what Thomas Ray told you?" Diana's eyes lit up.

Hal nodded again.

Now Bruce, Clark and the others relaxed a little.

"It seems like we don't have to worry about the members of the Green Lantern Corps trying their best to stop us." Clark was relieved.


Hal was still a little confused, but then he suddenly realized: "You are saying that Thomas Ray told me these on purpose?"

Li Ming patted him on the shoulder: "It should be, otherwise you are a rookie who has just joined the Green Lantern Corps, how could others tell you such secret things?"

"There must be many people within the Green Lantern Corps who cannot bear to give up all life on earth, but they dare not openly oppose it due to the pressure from the Corps."

"But privately, they are also guiding you to block the decisions of the Legion's top brass."

Upon hearing this, Hal still had a slight change in his view of the Green Lantern Corps.

But still not as good as his Justice League!

"Then shall we set off now?" Hal asked Li Ming, and everyone here listened to him.

Li Ming took a look and saw that Diana was wearing magical armor, which Li Ming had personally enchanted for her. Bruce has been strengthened by Extremis Metal and can wear the upgraded Iron Bat suit at any time.

Clark needed no preparation.

So does Kara.

As for Clayface...

"Hal, is there land on Planet OA?" Li Ming asked Green Lantern.

Hal shook his head: "There are special stones and metals there."

In this case, Clayface's abilities won't be able to be used in OA.

So Li Ming made arrangements directly: "Ethan, you and Arthur should stay on Earth. We also need a contact person with the authorities. We can keep in touch at any time."

Ethan nodded. One of him and Arthur relied on soil to gain abilities, and the other relied on water to strengthen himself. They were indeed acclimated to Planet OA.

But Arthur didn't want to.

"No, absolutely not, I want to go too!"

He was dancing on the spot, did he know how long he had been waiting for this opportunity to save the world?

Five years!

Been waiting since Crisis on Krypton.

Do you know how he came here in the past five years?

Eat and drink...ahem, that's not important, he just has to go anyway.

Arthur rolled around in front of Li Ming.

"Uncle Li Ming, I can do it. Even without water, I am still very strong!"

Arthur's words are not nonsense. On land, he can also exert tens of tons of strength, which is greater than Bruce without the suit today.

Li Ming asked him to stay on Earth because he was afraid that he would not understand the importance of the matter. However, seeing how noisy Arthur was, he nodded in agreement, but still gave a few more warnings.

"We only need the Yellow Lantern Ring for the sake of the earth. In fact, we are not enemies with the Green Lantern Corps."

"So try to be careful when you do it. It's OK to injure, but no one should die!"

Not only Arthur, everyone agreed.

Even Hal is a little proud. Look at the pattern of my idol, the King of Gotham, and then think about the Green Lantern Corps.

It's low, the Green Lantern Corps pattern is low.

At this moment, Hal noticed someone tapping his shoulder. He turned around and saw that it was Batman.

"You know what it means when you take us to the Green Lantern Corps headquarters, right?" Bruce asked.

Hal nodded and pursed his lips: "I know, I definitely can't be a Green Lantern anymore, but it doesn't matter."

Between power and earth, he chose earth.

"Don't worry." Li Ming also put his hand on Hal's shoulder, "No matter what, you will always be a member of the Justice League!"

Li Ming and Bruce, the two giants of the Justice League, put their hands on Hal's shoulders, one on the left and the other on the right, making him feel extremely at ease, and the light rings in their hands seemed to shine brighter.

"Hal, you go over and negotiate with the Guardians and Sinestro first to see if they can change their decision. If that doesn't work, you can lend us the yellow light ring."

Li Ming said this, but he knew that Sinestro was a very domineering person and would definitely not be willing to give up the yellow light ring.

Of course, it would be better if it was actually loaned out.

Anyway, if Li Ming doesn't intend to pay it back, he can always find an excuse.

"Your Excellency Li Ming, how do you get to OA?" Hal asked Li Ming after he was ready to open the wormhole.

"Just call me Li." Li Ming corrected.

"Okay." Harhar showed a big smile, "Li!"

Li Ming also smiled.

"I have a boat that can hold us."

As soon as he waved his hand, Saint Tianzun in the form of a battleship appeared above the Justice League base.

Looking at the giant four-kilometer-long spaceship outside, even Bruce was stunned.

"You call this...a boat?"

(End of this chapter)

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