The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 567 Sinestro cuts off his beard and abandons his robe

Chapter 567 Sinestro cuts off his beard and abandons his robe
"What the hell is that? It can actually modify the permissions of the Green Lantern Corps!"

A little blue man stared at the red gem in Li Ming's hand and said in disbelief.

They belong to the DC worldview, and of course they have never seen Marvel's Infinity Stones, but this does not prevent them from seeing the preciousness of the Reality Stones.

"That thing must not be left outside!"

There were nine little blue men present, all of whom agreed with this view.

The Reality Stone threatens the foundation of the Green Lantern Corps. The Guardians will not remain indifferent, and the Guardians also want good things of this level.

After all, the righteous ones are the Green Lantern Corps, what does it have to do with their little blue men?

But the little blue people still have no intention of taking action. They believe that the Green Lantern Corps can defeat the attackers.

But only the Green Lanterns know their suffering.

If they were suppressed by the Justice League at first, it could be said that they underestimated the enemy, but now that the Green Lanterns have taken it seriously, it has become really impossible to win.

With the Green Lantern Ring, the strength of the Justice League members has increased beyond everyone's imagination.

The ones whose strength has improved the most are Batman and Aquaman.

Arthur mainly made up for his shortcomings of not being able to fly, and his combat range was qualitatively improved.

And Batman...

In the comics, Batman has worn many kinds of light rings, such as green light, yellow light, black light, white light, etc., and even has the title of Lantern Rejection among fans.

Although he has also been rejected by many Lantern Rings.

In this world, Bruce, who has been influenced by Li Ming, will certainly not refuse power.

Not only that, he also mastered the Green Lantern Ring without any teacher and used it to the extreme.

In his previous life, Li Ming once heard someone say that Batman lacks imagination. Even if he gets the green light ring, he will only materialize a bunch of bats.

Now, Li Ming can say it responsibly.

Batman has no shortage of imagination.

At least this one has no shortage of blues.


A violent energy burst out from Bruce, and the green light pushed the surrounding Green Lanterns back a long distance.

Only then did people see clearly what Bruce had embodied.


Steel armor.

Huge steel armor!
The power of the green light turned into a steel armored giant dozens of meters high. Batman was in the middle. The armored giant moved with his movements, and his movements were full of power.

Sinestro's eyes were a little dull, even he had never seen Green Lantern like this.

"What level of willpower is this?" he shouted in his heart.

There was also a commotion among the little blue people.

"Flash mode? It's still under development, but it's actually being used?"

"He actually used his willpower to push the authority of the Green Lantern Ring to the extreme."

"That Earthling... is so scary."

The Green Lantern Corps has been around for billions of years. Although not all the little blue men are this old, this is the first time they are so amazed.

Li Ming was also surprised. Although he knew that Batman had a high willpower, there was a hurdle that could never be overcome if most Batmans were to be given the green light.

Crime Alley.

This is a fear that many Batmans cannot overcome, but Bruce in this world, with the help of Li Ming, truly defeated the fear of Crime Alley and was able to face the death of his parents.

So this also makes Bruce extremely qualified for the light ring.

Moreover, Li Ming believes that with Bruce's willpower, even if he is not in DC and becomes a pillar in the Naruto world, he can still open Susanoo in seconds.

"Sinestro is in trouble." Another little blue man commented. He is right. Bruce's giant armor is not just superficial. Both its attack power and defense are worthy of its size. Facing such a big armored giant, he can knock down several Green Lanterns with one punch.

As for the rest of the Justice League, Wonder Woman has long been practicing with Li Ming on how to use emotional power. She quickly mastered the Green Lantern Ring, and its power doubled when used with divine power.

As for Superman and Supergirl, I have to say that their imagination is indeed not as good as others, but the Green Lantern Ring makes up for their lack of energy attacks.

The most important thing is to strengthen Superman's magic resistance.

Clark only needs to cover himself with the power of the green light, and even the kryptonite embodied in the opposite green light can isolate most of the influence.

The Superman epic is enhanced.

It's just that he didn't even realize it.

The greatly increased strength of the Justice League has largely overcome their numerical disadvantage. After all, with their increased flexibility, there are few green lights that can block them.

And despite the overwhelming number of green lights rushing to the scene, there are not many who actually contribute.

The fighting spirit of most Green Lanterns has long been shattered by a few words from Hal. Although they cannot disobey the Guardian's instructions, paddling is an innate instinct of intelligent life.

Why else would Superman be able to go on a rampage in Green Lantern?
Why is it that Hal, a green lantern rookie, can fight with a group of Green Lanterns?

It's nothing more than releasing water.

For a moment, Li Ming seemed to see the scene where the Spider-Man surrounded Miles at the Web Headquarters.

Partners of justice will of course choose to help the Justice League.

Li Ming was secretly proud that he was getting better.

But for Sinestro, things took a turn for the worse.

Clark, Diana, Bruce and their targets were firmly locked on Sinestro. Faced with the combined efforts of several people, Sinestro could only run away in confusion.

Fortunately, the battlefield is no longer limited to the temple, and there are too many Green Lanterns here. Sinestro ducked into the crowd and relied on the Green Lanterns to block his sight. Clark couldn't even tell which one was Sinestro.

At first glance, they are all little green men.

"That red-faced one is Sinestro!"

At this time, Li Ming's voice suddenly echoed across the battlefield, indicating Clark's target.

Sinestro turned red and turned pale, and quickly stepped back, but with the blessing of the green light ring, Superman was much faster than him.

Seeing Superman getting closer and closer, Sinestro became anxious and quickly hid in the crowd, then used the power of the green light to cover his face.

As we all know, adding red to green makes yellow.

But it did cause Clark to miss the mark.

But Clark was not the only one chasing Sinestro, Bruce also rushed over from the other direction in a Gundam.

"The one with the yellow face and the mustache is Sinestro!"

Li Ming's enthusiastic reminder came again.

Bruce immediately found the target, the propeller behind the green giant started, and Sinestro was once again close to him.

Sinestro was furious, but also helpless. He could only get into the crowd again, and then reluctantly shaved off his beloved mustache.

"I will repay today's shame!"

Sinestro said through gritted teeth, but he also unconsciously felt a little fear of the Justice League in his heart.

But fortunately, a huge gravitational force suddenly came and pressed Batman's armored giant down from high altitude.

Sinestro's face lit up with joy, his savior had arrived.

However, Bruce, Clark and others looked solemn because a huge green planet traveled next to the OA star.



(End of this chapter)

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