The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 568 Backup plan? Holy Heavenly Lord takes action!

Chapter 568 Backup plan? Holy Heavenly Lord takes action!

Mogo can be called the strongest Green Lantern. He is the Green Lantern of Sector 2261, and his body is a living and conscious planet.

Very similar to Ego from the Marvel world.

After all, it’s DC and Marvel, so it’s normal to learn from each other.

However, Ego is a villain, while Mogo is a planet that loves life and is full of justice.

But Li Ming is very strange. Normally, shouldn't Mogo become the Green Lantern with the help of Hal?
It actually appeared now.

Mogo's Green Lantern form is a giant green ball of light with the Green Lantern Corps' logo in the middle third.

Its size is not smaller than that of the OA star, so it generally does not get close to the OA, because this will cause gravitational changes and cause damage to the OA.

Mogo can be regarded as the trump card of the Green Lantern Corps. Li Ming can feel it. Although Mogo is worried about the OA star and does not use all his strength and even restrains his own gravity, the power of the seventh level and above cannot be faked. .

At this stage, among the members of the Justice League, except for Li Ming, no one is Mogo's opponent.

But after that, Mogo had no follow-up actions.

Clark was horrified and looked at Batman with wide eyes, thinking that he was indeed the super ruthless man that everyone in Gotham's criminals feared.

Mogo fired a green light energy, which directly defeated Bruce's armored giant, and then flashed a few more times. The irresistible energy followed its will and fell on Clark, Diana, Arthur and others, knocking them down one by one.

"Oops, this big guy seems to be difficult to deal with."

Bruce nodded: "Li, I and Arthur placed it while you attracted most of the attention."


"Mogo, deal with them!"

Clark frowned and said to Bruce beside him.

"What's the backup plan?" Clark asked.

Now that they are surrounded by a dense crowd of Green Lanterns, it seems that the only option is to capture them without mercy.

Sinestro said bitterly.

The Justice League has acted many times, and Clark has become very clear about Batman's behavior. No matter what he does, there will always be a plan B.

Although he has a super brain, every time the decision of the super brain is given to Batman.

Turn over the table if they disagree.

So when Clark encounters difficulties, he habitually asks Bruce that it's too slow and too tiring to use his own brain. It's better to leave everything to Batman and just execute it himself.

And he got the point right.

Bruce certainly wouldn't let Clark down.

The Green Lanterns all knew the Justice League's intentions, and Li Ming and others were not ruthless, so Mogo was merciful.

Bruce nodded. All of them were out of breath after this battle. There was really no chance of winning in a head-on confrontation.

At this moment, Clark suddenly felt that he was indeed a reckless man.

He whispered: "We have placed a Cybertronian super bomb inside the OA star, which is enough to blow up the OA star."

But even Arthur had this scheme, which really hit Clark's IQ a bit.

He looked around the battlefield. There were countless pits of various sizes. If any pit went deep into the ground, it would be difficult to find it in such a mess.

"But are Cybertron bombs that powerful?"

Clark knew that Star OA was very strong.

"One hundred." Bruce said concisely.

Clark fell silent for a moment.

And Bruce began to think about how to use the OA star as a bargaining chip to successfully exchange for the yellow light ring.

But unlike them, Li Ming's goal is not just the yellow light ring.

His main mission this time is to enhance the influence of King of Gotham, Gotham or the Justice League in the universe. Breaking into the OA star and stealing the yellow lantern ring would naturally complete the mission successfully, but Li Ming also wanted to form his own yellow lantern army. Where would a yellow lantern ring be enough?

He also wanted the method of casting the lamp ring.

Only by mastering the manufacturing method of light rings can Li Ming, like Sinestro, create a large number of secondary yellow light rings and use yellow light rings with higher authority to control them.

The method of casting the Lantern Ring is one of the Green Lantern Corps' top secrets, and there is almost no possibility of it being leaked to the outside world.

But Li Ming knew that the Green Lantern Corps wouldn't do it, but the little blue people would, because they bully the weak and fear the strong.

In terms of their outrageous contributions and operations, the little blue guys are the best in DC.

For example, the little blue man once targeted Apokolips.

Yes, the one with Darkseid.

But the Green Lantern Corps was killed by Darkseid. The little blue people panicked and quickly asked Darkseid for peace.

For this reason, the little blue people fought desperately regardless of the Green Lantern Corps ahead, and gave their commander directly to Darkseid to deal with as he pleased, thereby agreeing that the two parties would not interfere with each other.

This incident was completely deleted from the Green Lantern Corps' historical records by the Little Blue Man, and it was treated as if nothing had happened.

Although I don’t know if the little blue man in this world also has this past with Darkseid, things will change, and the fact that the little blue man bullies the weak and fears the strong will definitely not change.

They claim to be immortals. Most of the little blue people are deprived of their own emotions and have no shame at all. They do everything based on weighing interests.

Therefore, if Li Ming wanted them to surrender, the most direct way would be to show super strength.

Looking at the turtle in the jar on the ground, Sinestro's face flashed with joy. Just as he was about to order the arrest of the Justice League, Mogo outside the OA star kept flashing green light, frantically warning the Green Lanterns.

Sinestro and the little blue people quickly looked in the direction led by Mogo, and saw a four-thousand-meter-long interstellar battleship appearing outside the OA star.

"Is there a threat inside the starship?"

Sinestro became more vigilant and began to guess what weapons were inside this large spaceship.

Although they all know that the Earth is a civilization that has not even left its home planet, at this moment, no one dares to underestimate the Earth or the Justice League.

Everyone in the Justice League thought so too. They looked at the spaceship that sent them over and thought that indeed Li Ming still had some backup plans.

But what happened next was beyond the expectations of everyone in the Green Lantern Corps and the Justice League.

The spacecraft outside OA clicked a few times, and the giant spacecraft was right in front of them, transforming into a giant robot with a height of six thousand meters.

Holy God!
Of course, it takes level 7 to carry it. Although Mogo is strong, Green Lantern's lethal force is blocked, so he probably can't defeat the Holy God.

And even if the ban on lethal force is lifted, Sheng Tianzun's weapons will still be of the highest level.

His right arm deformed again, and the huge Star Destroyer appeared in front of the Green Lantern Corps.

Then Sheng Tianzun stretched out his hand and pointed to an uninhabited planet not far from the OA star.

"No, it won't, right?"

Some of the little blue people guessed what Sheng Tianzun was going to do, and they couldn't believe it. They knew that the planet was bigger than the OA star.

The Star Destroyer deactivated after a short period of charging, and the red-orange energy quickly penetrated the planet. In less than a few seconds——


The planet was directly blown up.

A ball of fire appeared in the distance, with rubble and debris everywhere. Although it was outside the OA star, the green lanterns unconsciously brought the OA star into it.

All the members of the Green Lantern Corps had dull eyes, even Sinestro.

It's not like they haven't seen a Star Destroyer Cannon before, but it's really shocking for a six-kilometer-tall robot to use the Star Destroyer Cannon as a conventional weapon.

The little blue people were also panicked.

"The strength of the Justice League must be re-evaluated!"

(End of this chapter)

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