Chapter 569: Scared to Death

Back on Earth, everyone in Zhenglian was still a little strange.

They only had seven people in total. Hal was leading the way. There were only six people on board. Do they need such a big spaceship?

But because it was Li Ming who took it out, even though everyone had questions, they didn't express them.

The King of Gotham must have a reason for doing this.

Sure enough, now they see the truth.

But all the Green Lantern Corps saw was unreasonableness.

"Are these savage and rude Earthlings threatening us?"

a little blue man questioned.

Although they have been deprived of emotion, they still feel uncomfortable at the moment.

His voice was not loud, but it was clearly heard by everyone.

"But compared to Parallax Monster, there is still a gap."

Everyone knows that only what the Guardians say counts. Now it's almost a deadlock. The Green Lantern Corps doesn't dare to act rashly, so they all want to see what the Guardians' attitude is.

The other little blue men nodded in agreement, so after communicating, a little blue man with white hair broke away from the guardian and came to the center of the battlefield.

They will not have any embarrassing emotions, they only have pros and cons in their minds.

The Green Lantern Corps cannot deal with the Parallax Monster because their abilities are restrained by the Parallax Monster. Fear is the enemy of will, and the Green Lantern Corps will be naturally weakened in the face of the Parallax Monster.

All the Justice League wants is a newly made ring. Even if it is given to the Green Lantern Corps, it can be remade. In fact, the problem is not serious.

"Do you agree to give them the yellow light ring?" A little blue man suggested.

The strength of the Justice League is beyond imagination, and now it directly threatens the OA planet. The reason why they gave up the earth is to save the OA.

Everyone in Zhenglian was overjoyed, and Arthur even clenched his fists and shouted "YES".

The number one enemy of the Green Lantern Corps is Parallax after all.

"Why don't you use this ability to deal with parallax monsters?" Another little blue man was very surprised.

As soon as Saint Tianzun arrived, he blew up a planet, clearly to show off his power to the Green Lantern Corps.

Everyone's eyes were drawn to him.

But the Holy Heavenly Lord and the Parallax Monster can fight each other no matter how they look at it?

It's nothing more than the damage to the dignity of the Green Lantern Corps, but the little blue people thought it was acceptable after weighing it up.

The Green Lanterns were also relieved. Except for a few people who valued the glory of the Legion, the other Green Lanterns really didn't want to continue this battle.

"Justice League, Green Lantern Corps agreed to lend you the Yellow Lantern ring." The white-haired little blue man said.

But depending on what the Justice League means, if the Earth is abandoned, then Planet OA will probably be finished before the Earth.

"After giving the Yellow Lantern Ring to the Justice League, with their strength, even if they cannot defeat the Inspector Monster, they can still greatly weaken the Parallax Monster."

The little blue people quickly reached an agreement on the strength of Sheng Tianzun, but they also encountered difficulties.

In their eyes, the Justice League is not the enemy.

Although Zhenglian was given the OA star, they didn't kill anyone, and their attacks were very measured, and not many people were even injured.

There are quite a few Green Lanterns who even have some admiration for the Justice League.

In order to save the home planet, he has the courage to face the Green Lantern Corps, the giant of the universe, and he can also maintain restraint and not harm others, which is extraordinary.

It really lives up to the name of justice.

But what no one expected was that Li Ming refused.

"That's not enough, we also need a method for casting the lamp ring!"

Arthur, the loser, had no brain to support him. He had no idea what Li Ming was talking about, and immediately shouted: "Yes, we also need a method for casting the Lantern Ring!" Suddenly the Green Lantern Corps was in an uproar.

The method of casting the Lantern Ring is firmly mastered by the Little Blue Man and is regarded as the core technology of the Green Lantern Corps. How could it be given to others?

"People on Earth, don't push yourself too far!"

The white-haired little blue man frowned and said sternly.

Bruce and others were also confused as to why Li Ming would say this, but Li Ming had a high status in their hearts, and with this halo, they soon found excuses for Li Ming themselves.

"The power of a ring is limited. Li must be worried about not having enough, so he wants to make a few more." Bruce said.

"Oh I got it."

Everyone suddenly realized, and then Arthur's voice became even louder.

Moreover, Bruce's thinking spread: "And the yellow lantern ring was made by the Green Lantern Corps, and it is likely that the permissions have been set. The ring we made ourselves must be more useful."

"Is it too late?" Kara asked.

"I don't know." Bruce shook his head, "But this will definitely give me more hope."

Hope is a quality that the Al family has always adhered to.

Hearing this, Clark and Kara no longer had any doubts, and both fixed their eyes and prepared for a larger battle.

And Diana and Hal supported Li Ming regardless of reasons.

"The Justice League is a peace-loving organization, but we don't mind doing something excessive to protect our home planet."

Li Ming said righteously.

But of course the little blue people don't have his awareness.

"The honor of the guardian cannot be challenged!" A little blue man with his head wrapped in a hood said, and he was about to take action.

Guardians are not as powerless as they appear.

On the contrary, in fact, the Guardian's strength far exceeds that of ordinary Green Lanterns, otherwise he would not be able to secure his position as the boss of the Green Lantern Corps.

And Star OA is also an asset of the Guardians, so the Guardians are the core of the Green Lantern Corps.

Although they are troublemakers, the green light cannot survive without the guardians.



The other little blue men nodded, so this little blue man flew out and attracted everyone's attention.

“The strength of the Justice League is truly amazing.”

The little blue man slowly opened his hood,
“But arrogance is a mistake that every young civilization makes.”

Then a terrifying aura appeared from his body, stimulating Li Ming's spider sense.

In Li Ming's energy vision, a beam of light emerged from the guardian's head and rushed straight to another planet outside the OA star.

Bruce and the others were unaware, but soon they saw everyone looking in the same direction, and they followed suit.

With the projection ability of the lamp ring, everyone saw that the planet was suddenly split into two. The guardian actually cut a planet directly from the middle in a way they were not clear about!
There was no fire or explosion, as if the excess energy had been consumed.

The impact this brings to people is even greater than that of Saint Tianzun blowing up the planet.

The Guardians were just demonstrating and did not take direct action against the Justice League, but the two planets that suffered as a result may not think so.

Even Mogo unconsciously flashed green light twice, and the whole ball shrank further away from OA.

Scared to death.

(End of this chapter)

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