The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 570: The Green Lantern Group is destroyed, and the little blue man surrenders!

Chapter 570: The Green Lantern Group is destroyed, and the little blue man surrenders!

The sudden attack of the little blue man caught everyone except Li Ming off guard.

Even Sinestro can't remember the last time the little blue man took action.

The term of Green Lantern is generally four years, but outstanding Green Lanterns will stay in office, such as Kilowog.

Sinestro has been a Green Lantern for even longer, and no one else has even heard of things he can't remember.

Little blue man?
Aren't they just a bunch of high-minded jerks?

This is the impression most people have of the little blue man.

So when the little blue man cut the planet open with one blow, the Green Lanterns on the field were in the same state as Arthur.

Open your mouth in disbelief.

Arthur looked at the eight remaining little blue men in the sky and muttered in his heart.

After all, Li Ming was right, it was easier to destroy than to create.

The little blue people immediately raised Li Ming's threat level by several levels. Some of the little blue people even had eyes shining brightly as they mentally estimated the possibility of obtaining time power from Li Ming.

Although Li Ming's strength and methods exceeded their expectations, after all, it was only an individual's power. It was the most important power in the hands of the little blue people. The Green Lantern Corps was different. They had a large number of people and a wide coverage. How could they bow to the Justice League?

A ring shining with green runes appeared in Li Ming's hand. He turned his palm slightly in the counterclockwise direction, and something happened that stunned everyone.

Li Ming rose to the same level as the little blue man.

But Li Ming naturally would not let them down.

This is a power that even the guardians of their universe cannot master.

Next to Planet OA, the planet that had just been smashed into pieces and cut in half by Sheng Tianzun and Little Blue Man suddenly started to go backwards in time.

It is not easy to smash the planet into pieces, but Li Ming's operation of crushing the shattered planet into whole again shocked everyone even more.

He was now finally off the ground, moving for the first time as the engagement began.

The little blue people also know that Li Ming is the leader of the Justice League, but Li Ming has been playing support before, so their impression of him only stays on the Reality Stone.

The little blue man is also keen on the power that he does not have control over.

However, despite their fears, the little blue people still showed no signs of letting go.

All the rubble that was splashed into the depths of the universe retreated along the trajectory it came from. Even the dust and even the energy that had been dissipated after the planet exploded reappeared and reorganized with the rubble residue to form a complete planet.

The planet that was cut in half continued to recover along the path that was cut. After a while, the two destroyed planets returned to their appearance before the war.

Even if he took the initiative to provoke and was beaten by Darkseid before he actively sued for peace, it was only after Darkseid killed most of the Green Lantern Corps.

The little blue people's vision is certainly much better than that of the screaming Green Lanterns. Based on their knowledge, they immediately realized that Li Ming had used the power of time.

"Many times, the difficulty is not destruction, but creation." Li Ming said.

A green light suddenly burst out from his body. Sinestro thought it was green light energy at first, but when he looked carefully, there was no green light ring on Li Ming's hand.

One of them is so powerful. If all nine of them attack together, will they still be able to come back alive?
The members of the Justice League quickly turned their attention to Li Ming. Bruce had even taken out the detonator of the Cybertron bomb in the OA star, trying to use it as a final bargaining chip.

Seeing the different expressions on the little blue people's faces, Li Ming knew what they were thinking without even asking.

So Li Ming knew that as long as the little blue people still had the Green Lantern Corps in their hands, they would not be able to accept Li Ming's conditions.

"It shouldn't be easy to create such a Green Lantern Corps, right?"

While everyone was busy being shocked and the little blue man was communicating secretly, Li Ming suddenly spoke.


The little blue man was discussing a joint attack, and immediately came back to his senses when he heard Li Ming's words.

They didn't think that Li Ming was aiming for nothing.

Sure enough, Li Ming clenched the Gotham Scepter in his hand, and the four gems of space, power, time, and reality on the scepter lit up violently.

All Green Lanterns' lantern rings on Planet OA also embody blue, purple, green, and red energy at the same time. "No, does he want it?" The little blue people reacted immediately, but before they could stop them.!
Several cracks suddenly appeared in the light rings of everyone in the Green Lantern Corps, accompanied by a heart-wrenching clicking sound, which made all the Green Lanterns' eyes wide open.

All the Green Lantern rings, except for the few worn by Zheng Lian, were shattered, and the sky was filled with Green Lanterns who fell down due to loss of energy.

Green Lantern Corps.

Destroy the group!

Seeing that some Green Lanterns were about to fall to death, Li Ming's hand flashed, and everyone's falling speed was slowed down twenty times. No one was injured, but this could not hide the fact——

Green Lantern Corps.

Destroy the group!

On OA, everyone from the Green Lanterns, to the Justice League, to the Little Blue Men couldn't come back to their senses for a long time.

Fortunately for the Justice League, they have the upper hand now. At most, they are surprised by Li Ming's power.

But the little blue people couldn't accept it.

I am such a big Green Lantern Corps, gone?

Everyone in Zhenglian doesn't know, but the little blue people know the total number of Green Lantern Corps.

7200 people.

Now, except for a few who are on missions outside, they have not yet returned to OA.

The Green Lantern Corps was actually tricked by Li Ming. There were only six rings left in the entire OA, and they were all worn on the hands of the enemy!

Seeing the appearance of the little blue man, Li Ming smiled happily.

He knew from the beginning that as long as the Green Lantern Corps was around, the little blue guy would feel like he had leverage.

So after Li Ming appeared on the scene, in addition to assisting everyone in Zhenglian, he was also charging up energy. The target was the source of all Green Lantern's power.

Light ring.

To persuade friends, you need to do what they want, and to persuade enemies, you also need to go straight to the bottom of the pot.

At this moment, the little blue people were really panicking.

Is this a slap in the face?

You must know that even Darkseid failed to destroy the entire Green Lantern Corps, but now Li Ming has done it.

I heard that the purpose of Parallax Monster is to destroy OA and Green Lantern. Everyone in Little Blue wants to ask who has the Parallax Monster phone number and tell it not to come.

Before the Little Blues could discuss the next plan, Li Ming turned the dial in his hand again, and time went back in time. All the green light rings had been restored to their original state and returned to their respective owners.

Sinestro held onto his green light ring tightly, fearing that he would lose it again.

He looked at the guardian helplessly. In this situation, even he had no desire to fight anymore.

The other Green Lanterns also looked at the Guardians, with the same gaze as Sinestro.

Although they didn't speak, their consciousness was clear.

"Otherwise, just agree."

The Green Lantern Corps is back, and the little blue people are relieved.

But after Li Ming's push and pull, everyone in Xiao Lan gave up their other thoughts.

Finally, it was the white-haired guardian who spoke.

"Okay, we agreed."

(End of this chapter)

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