The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 571: Beginning with Chaos and Finally Abandoning Bruce

Chapter 571: Beginning with Chaos and Finally Abandoning Bruce

The little blue people were very reluctant, but there was nothing they could do.

It has now entered the stage of crimes other than war.

The entire Green Lantern Corps is being held in someone's hands, and they have no bargaining chips at all.

The Green Lantern Corps is the best tool for the little blue people to interfere in the universe, and they must not be given up.

Moreover, they had already agreed to provide the yellow light ring. If they were given more light ring manufacturing technology, the decision would not be that difficult to make.

In fact, this was the reason why Li Ming had to wait for the little blue man to relax a little before making more demands.

The sudden introduction of light ring technology will definitely arouse alarm and rejection.

But if you cut off five cities today and ten cities tomorrow, your descendants will be endless.

Li Ming had read "Spring and Autumn".

My ancestors never deceived me.

Of course, the Chinese teacher might want to beat him up.

After the bosses of both sides reached an agreement, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly relaxed a lot, at least there was no longer any tension.

But the relationship between the Justice League and the Green Lantern Corps is still very tense. For example, Sinestro stared at Li Ming and others without hiding his hostility towards the Justice League.

Until Sheng Tianzun returned to battleship form, and then a small spacecraft came to OA from inside.

When they saw the people in the spaceship, all the Green Lanterns were excited, and even Hal was very excited.

And Sinestro rushed over immediately.

"Abin Su!"

Sinestro shouted and opened the door of the spaceship. Inside was Sinestro's mentor, the legendary Green Lantern Abin Sue who gave Hal the Green Lantern ring.

"You're not dead!" Sinestro said in surprise.

Abin Su smiled and nodded: "Yes, I was rescued by Mr. Li Ming, so I came back with the Justice League."

"Li Ming...Your Excellency?"

Only then did Sinestro notice the name Abin Su. He couldn't believe that it was Li Ming who turned OA upside down and saved his mentor who was destined to die.

His face changed for a while, and finally his impression of Li Ming and the Justice League completely changed.

Although Li Ming and the Justice League came to grab things, they were trying to save their home planet, and no one could fault this reason.

That's what it means to be famous.

Moreover, the Justice League has been fighting for so long without hurting anyone. They helped them when they were in danger, and even saved the "greatest Green Lantern" Abin Sue.

Look at what they did, are they the enemy?
He is clearly a good comrade of justice.

Regarding Abin Sue, his most important person in the Green Lantern Corps, Sinestro also directly changed his position.

He took the initiative to take out the yellow light ring he had hidden, although he was a little reluctant to give it up, because Sinestro also pursued power.

But he hasn't tried such a thing yet. After all, it is the energy that the Green Lantern Corps is most afraid of. Sinestro hopes to find a more reliable way to increase his power.

Sinestro is like this, not to mention the other Green Lanterns. They all still remember that the cause of the matter was that the Green Lantern Corps abandoned the earth.

Now this group of Earth's superheroes not only act appropriately, but also rescued the most prestigious Green Lantern among them. The Green Lantern Corps' previous concern for the Justice League has long been thrown out of the sky by them.

For a moment, there was no more tension on the field.

Sensing the change in the atmosphere on the field, everyone in the Justice League cast admiring glances at Li Ming. Even Bruce admired Li Ming's control of the situation and his ability to grasp the emotions of his opponents.

"It seems I still have a lot to learn." Bruce thought to himself.

"But, the Cybertron we put inside the OA star..." At this time, Clark asked quietly in Bruce's ear.

What he wanted to say was the 100 Cybertron bombs that Zhenglian had placed before, which were enough to destroy Planet OA.

"Shh!" Bruce quickly stopped him from continuing.

"Just pretend nothing happened."

Clark glanced at Bruce in surprise, and couldn't help but complain in his heart.

"As expected of someone from Gotham, he has a dark heart."

With Abin Su calming down the atmosphere, the guardian was very happy and directly gave Li Ming the yellow light ring and the method of making the light ring.

Of course, the reason why they are so straightforward is because they have their own Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts.

No matter how much they give the Justice League, they will always face the threat of Parallax.

If Li Ming and others can get rid of the parallax monster, then they will spend money to buy mercenaries.

If the earth cannot deal with the parallax monster, then the little blue people will lose at most a yellow light ring that they can continue to build.

It just so happened that they also looked at the yellow light ring to see if it was useful against Parallax monsters.

After getting the things, Bruce and others also took off the green light rings they snatched from their hands. After Li Ming released the control, the rings automatically flew back to the owner.

But the light ring Bruce had used was spinning around him, as if he didn't want to leave. The owner of the light ring turned green when he saw it.

If the light ring could talk, it would probably tell the original owner, "Don't contact me, I'm afraid Batman will misunderstand."

Finally, after repeated calls from the owner, Bruce had no intention of leaving, and the light ring finally flew back slowly and reluctantly.

There is quite a feeling of being abandoned from beginning to end.

At this time, Hal also took off the light ring on his hand. He walked up to Abin Su and handed the ring to him.

Abin Su is the owner of this ring.

And after such a fuss, Hal estimated that the Green Lantern Corps would never accept him again.

But Abin Su shook his head and pushed the ring back.

"You deserve it!"

In everyone's surprised eyes, Abin Su continued to ask.

"But you are still too immature for Green Lantern. Are you interested in accepting my guidance?"

Sinestro next to him couldn't believe it, but couldn't say anything to dissuade him.

Because the reason why Abin Sue can become "the greatest Green Lantern" is not only because of his strength, but also because Abin Sue's personal character is respected by all Green Lanterns.

Just like now, Abin Sue is using himself to guarantee Hal and admit his identity as Green Lantern.

The little blue people looked at each other and finally made a decision.

Hal can continue to stay in the Green Lantern Corps and be responsible for guarding Sector 2814 with Abin Sue.

As for the problem that Abin Sue no longer has a light ring, it can be easily solved. The Green Lantern Corps will not be short of light rings.

The little blue people also want to retain Hal as a channel of communication with the Justice League. If the earth can withstand the attack of the Parallax monster, then it is necessary to have a good relationship with the Justice League.

After Li Ming and others achieved their goal, they did not stop at Star OA.

The Parallax monster is about to arrive on Earth, and they have to deal with this big problem.

Bruce, Clark and others took the threat of Parallax monster seriously, but Li Ming was more optimistic.

Compared with the little blue people, Parallax monsters are even more brainless. Even if brainless things are powerful, they will be easier to deal with.

The worst case scenario is that Li Ming throws Hal out and lets him try to see if he can throw the Parallax Monster into the sun to get a fever like in the plot.

Hal, who was bragging to Arthur about his heroic deeds, suddenly shuddered.

 Thank you Xingxian for your monthly ticket support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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