The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 572 Shocking, the light ring that can absorb the fear of the multiverse!

Chapter 572 Shocking, the light ring that can absorb the fear of the multiverse!
Inside the Shengtianzun spacecraft.

Li Ming put on the stolen yellow light ring.

Except that the source of power of the yellow light ring is the fear it inflicts on others, its other abilities are not much different from those of the green light ring.

Therefore, for Li Ming, the Yellow Lantern Ring was mainly used to build his legion, and he did not expect to use it to improve his strength.

But after he created other light rings, Li Ming thought he could analyze the ability of the light rings to absorb emotions.

But after Li Ming put on the light ring, he found that the situation was much beyond his expectation.

The source of the power of the lamp ring is the fear of other intelligent beings against the ring bearer. The first thing Li Ming felt was the fear from Gotham, which mainly came from underground forces.

Then came the fear of Li Ming by some people on the earth, mainly from Li Ming's enemies.

There aren't many to be honest.

After all, Li Ming is an upright leader and has always been a breath of fresh air. How could anyone find him scary except for a man with arrogant ambitions?

Li Ming was a little depressed.

Li Ming's heart was shocked. He actually absorbed the fear from the multiverse!
No, it’s not just that!
Li Ming's thinking continued to improve, and he once again crossed a barrier. Even when he used the six infinity stones, he did not have such a perspective of facing the multiverse.

Of course, even in the entire universe, Li Ming could not absorb much power of fear.

At this time, in the nothingness, a little starlight lit up, and Li Ming felt a strong fear.

But then things went wrong.

[The development rate of space gems increases by 1%...the development rate of time gems increases by 1%...power gems...reality...]

His thoughts were suddenly pulled by the light ring, crossing the barrier of the Gotham universe.

In the picture, Gabriel, whose wings were cut off, became a wanderer in the world. Whenever he saw pictures of Li Ming on the street, he couldn't stop trembling.

Normally, it should have stopped here, but Li Ming found that the yellow light ring had no intention of stopping at all.

Li Ming took a rough look.

"Is this the world of Ghost Rider? Mephisto is afraid of me. I admit it. I didn't expect you, Moro, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, are also secretly afraid of me."

Li Ming kept forcing himself to remember this feeling and understand the mystery. He was sure that it would be of great help to him in developing his gem ability.

"This is Wakanda. Yes, I once stole their technology." Li Ming thought about it for a while before he remembered it. "It's so stingy to remember it for so long."

Although they beat the Green Lantern Corps violently, most of the Green Lanterns felt respect or fear for Li Ming, and few were afraid of him.

More points of light lit up in the void.


And every time it trembles, there will be a yellow energy that only Li Ming can see, traveling through multiple time and space to Li Ming's light ring.

"If I had known better, I should have poured out all the wine in the War Angel Monastery."

Sure enough, this experience alone increased the development rate of all Li Ming's gems by 1%, which was a complete surprise.

The energy absorption range of the Yellow Lantern Ring spread directly to the entire universe, which surprised Li Ming. He didn't know what the Yellow Lantern's absorption range was in the comics, but he thought it wasn't so terrifying.

So far, everything is in line with Li Ming's expectations.

Although he was complaining in his heart, Li Ming was more shocked.

The original yellow light ring definitely doesn't have this ability, not even the most perverted comics.

Li Ming realized that the yellow lantern ring must have been bound to him, and it had a chemical reaction with his identity as a reincarnator.

No, it's more likely to be the agent of the Abyss. Because Li Ming has some authority over the reincarnation space, he took advantage of the loophole.

But no matter what, Li Ming was very happy.

Now the charge of his yellow light ring has reached 150%. This is another strength enhancement method that is no less than that of the legendary bloodline.

But Li Ming was immediately slapped in the face.

He underestimated the multiverse and underestimated himself.

Because more stars suddenly lit up in the next second, Li Ming checked and found that they were all worlds he had never been to, but he found many people he knew.

Jerome, Fish, Scarecrow, Ebony Maw, Obsidian Team...

They are all reincarnations under Li Ming. Since Li Ming recruits all villains, his behavior in the mission world is certainly not as upright as Li Ming's, which will naturally cause great panic to the people in the mission world.

Now it seems that these fears have become the source of power of Li Ming's yellow light ring.

The fear that others have towards Li Ming's subordinates is all placed on Li Ming. This is really - great!

The yellow light is charged to 1000%, but that's not the end yet.

Li Ming's eyes turned to the other side, which was... the subordinate world of the hell camp!



It was all fear directed at him.

Even more than all the previous ones combined.

Because of the previous experience, Li Ming also had a guess in his mind.

There is only one person under him who has created such a large-scale panic——


Oh, no, there are also successors such as Sorus and Morlun, because Li Ming discovered that there are many fears belonging to Spider-Man.

But compared with the clown's performance, others are not impressive enough.

At this point, Li Ming knew the true scope of the energy absorbed by the lamp ring. It turned out to be all the worlds except the reincarnation space, and even included affiliations.

Whether it is Jerome or the clown Sorus, they all belong to Li Ming under the judgment of the reincarnation space, so the fear they create will also come to Li Ming.

This is simply... so crazy!
The energy of the light ring has now been directly boosted to 5000%. Even an ordinary person can explode by simply using the yellow light ring!
Li Ming recruited villains to be reincarnators many years ago just to use them as waste, and he didn't feel bad if he died. But later, Jerome and the others got used to them, and he didn't bother to change them.

Unexpectedly, it would bear fruitful fruits for Li Ming now.

Although the fear energy of the lantern ring is a consumable, as long as the clown, Jerome and the others are still causing trouble, Li Ming will have a steady stream of new energy injected into him.

As for the people who suffered in this process...

It was a clown who committed the crime, what does it have to do with me, Li Ming?
The sins are all theirs, and the energy is just a reward for Li Ming giving them the chance of redemption.

The Joker, Solus, and others don't accept redemption, and that's their own problem.

Anyone who knows him, Li Ming, would not say that he is a leader of the right path and a model for the world?
Do the Joker and others know his true identity?

Then don’t you have to say nice things?

The 100% charge of the light ring is only a unit standard. In fact, no one knows what the energy limit of the light ring is.

The energy limit of the Green Lantern Ring is actually that of the Lantern. How much power it can exert depends entirely on the wearer.

The charging of the yellow light ring is similar, but the energy source has been changed.

In the future, spreading fear in the multiverse has become a way for him to increase his combat power.

Lord of the Yellow Lantern, Lord of Fear?
The standard villain route.

But he thought about it again and realized that his Abyss was originally a thorn in the side of other camps. In the eyes of other camps, he was a complete villain, so Li Ming was relieved.

He had no choice but to become a villain, and it was all other people's fault.

Anyway, Li Ming is a non-stick pan.

"Lee, come and see!"

At this time Clark's voice sounded, and Li Ming stood up and followed his gaze.

They had arrived in Earth orbit and discovered that a shit-yellow dark cloud was rolling in the direction of the Earth.

"That... is the Parallax Monster?"

Arthur looked at it carefully and looked disgusted.

"So ugly."

(End of this chapter)

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