The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 577: Your father is here

Chapter 577 Gabriel, your father is here
Los Angeles, midnight, mental hospital.

Gabriel raised the Spear of Longinus and pointed at Angela's belly, waiting for the prayer to be finished before stabbing it.

Not far away Constantine was ready to slit his wrists.

at this time--


Not far away, the wall was suddenly broken open, and Li Ming slowly approached from the outside.

"Gabriel, you have done something wrong!"

Gabriel looked at Li Ming doubtfully, and Constantine was interrupted again before committing suicide.

But before Gabriel could ask, Li Ming fired out the fully charged Annihilation.

It was still a thin blue line that accurately landed on Gabriel's wings.


Li Ming teleported over and threw it directly into the analysis panel, with joy on his face.

Based on the last experience, this time he came to this plot point specially, directly eliminating the preliminary work, and God just gave up on Gabriel.

He only needed to wave his hand, and Gabriel's angelic power was at hand.


[Ding, the current progress of Uriel's status has been increased to 100%, and his status has been upgraded. The current quality is Archangel, and the progress is 1%. 】

[Ding, the mental attribute has been increased to B+~A-. 】

Li Ming immediately felt that his ears and eyes were much clearer. Looking at the analysis time of the Mind Stone, it used to take seven years, but now it has been shortened to two and a half years, and it only takes four and a half years.

Gabriel is indeed a great supplement.

So looking at the wailing Gabriel, Li Ming's eyes lit up.

Come here.

Seeing Gabriel like this, he probably hasn't realized his mistake yet. As an officially certified angel, no, an archangel, shouldn't he be able to discipline and discipline for God?
Li Ming directly started the time and space teleportation on the spot. For Li Ming, who now has more knowledge of the rules of time and space, it is not difficult to start a parallel time and space that goes back a few minutes.

So Gabriel still had the same posture and broke into the door in the same way.

"Gabriel, face the judgment!"

[Ding, Uriel’s status upgrade progress has been increased to 6%. 】

Is it only up 5% now?
It seems like I need to be disciplined a few more times.

"Gabriel, I will destroy you on behalf of the Holy Light!"

[Ding, Uriel’s status upgrade progress has been increased to 11%. 】

"Gabriel, do you want wings? I'll take them away if you don't want them!"

[Ding, Uriel’s status upgrade progress has been increased to 16%. 】

"Gabriel, your father is here!"


Li Ming broke through the door and didn't want to say anything, so he threw an Oblivion at you.

[Ding, Uriel’s status upgrade progress has been increased to 36%. 】

"Huh, don't tell me that I'm still a little tired from using Annihilation all the time."

Li Ming took a breath, but was very satisfied with the rising upgrade progress.

He broke open the door again, and just as he was about to speak, he found that the time and space around him suddenly stopped.

This scene?

Seem to have seen it somewhere?

Li Ming's face froze, and he looked to the side. Sure enough, he found a man sitting on a chair. It seemed that he had been there for a while.

He was dressed in a white suit, spotless, with some black lines on his body, adding a bit of evil charm.

But he didn't wear any shoes, and his feet were covered with a black sticky substance like asphalt.

Satan Lucifer!
Judging from Li Ming's feelings, Satan may not have reached the level of the ninth-level supreme, but it is certainly not far away.

There was just a hint of doubt on Lucifer's face, but how could Li Ming dare to care so much.

"Nice clothes haha."

Li Ming said this, but behind his back he directly mobilized the portal and planned to run away.

Seeing that Li Ming wanted to run away, Satan quickly reached out to stop him.

"Hey, hey, don't leave, I have no ill intentions towards you."

Li Ming stopped immediately when he heard this. He wanted to see what Satan wanted to do.

However, Li Ming set up a portal with a 60-second countdown in case anything unexpected happened.

"Actually, I came here to see a good show. After all, I have never seen anyone kill Gabriel like a chicken." Satan smiled evilly. He is most happy to see misfortune in heaven.

But Li Ming heard something was wrong.

"When did you come?" he asked.

"The third time you came here." Satan shrugged.

Then he spread his hands.

"I was hiding and watching happily, but suddenly I was squeezed out."

"It seems like someone can't stand it anymore."

Satan can escape the constraints of time and space, and a certain old silver coin must be even better. It is self-evident who threw Satan out.

Li Ming and Lucifer rolled their eyes at the same time.

But this made the atmosphere between them much better.

"Now that someone has pulled me out, you uh..." Lucifer paused for a moment.

"Li." Li Ming introduced himself.

Satan nodded: "Li, just stop."

It's like this. Li Ming will definitely not be able to cut off his wings today, but he is also a little confused.

"Does Satan also listen to God?" he asked.

"You do know who I am."

Satan immediately felt happy, and then said helplessly with a grimace: "Who can disobey God?"

"Didn't you leave heaven? And I heard that you made an agreement with God to fight for the human world?" Li Ming did not expect that Satan in front of him was so cowardly, and he did not have the style of the king of devils at all.

"Yes, I betrayed Him, but everything was done with His tacit approval."

Satan moved his chair and sat closer, and told Li Ming enthusiastically: "Light and darkness are opposites and balanced. Even if there is no Satan, there will still be a dark side in the world. Rather than letting darkness grow at will, it is better to provide some guidance."

Li Ming understood.

"Such as letting the strongest angel in your hands fall, become the Lord of Hell and publicize it, setting a benchmark for the sinful world?" He said with a strange expression.

Satan slapped the back of the chair suddenly, as if he had met his soulmate: "That's it!"

But Li Ming himself knew that he didn't understand Satan, he clearly saw himself.

God's approach to Satan is exactly the same as what He did to the Fish Gang in Gotham.

There will always be enemies anyway, so just create an enemy that you can control, so that you can be invincible.

The old silver coin is actually me?

Li Ming shook his head. He was not an old silver coin. Who didn't know that he was a model of righteousness?


It seems that God is also the holder of the right path...

No wonder the evil way usually cannot beat the righteous way!
Li Ming puffed up his chest. Since he was so similar to God, then what he did was just. Otherwise, questioning him would be questioning God!

He is very good at finding legal basis for himself.

"But why are you telling me this?"

Li Ming was even more confused. The information revealed by Satan should be the top secret among the top secrets. He told himself directly, wasn't he afraid that God would beat him?

But Satan chuckled: "It's definitely not possible to tell others, but you are a special case."

"I have never seen God favoring anyone so much, allowing you to ravage one of the most famous archangels, and letting you cause trouble in parallel time and space for so long before stopping you."

Satan actually knows that this is parallel time and space?
Li Ming raised his eyebrows: "Then you also know that I beat your son last time?"

Satan waved his hand nonchalantly: "I have many sons, so it's okay."

Then he stared at Li Ming with burning eyes: "What interests me most is you, come and work with me!"

"With God's blessing, we will definitely achieve great things!"

Li Ming's heart was calm. Those who didn't give benefits were trying to spread the pie. He had already eaten enough in his previous life.

"No matter what we gain, we get 50-50!" Satan continued.

I have to say that Li Ming was moved.

But then he thought that what Satan was interested in was probably God's special treatment of him, and it would be difficult if God didn't agree.

So Li Ming rejected Satan's invitation with great perseverance.

"No, I am a righteous leader, how could I do such evil things?" Li Ming held his head high.

But Satan's eyes lit up.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, this shameless energy is more suitable for me to fuck."

 Thank you infinite Tao v
  The two pure book worms have great monthly support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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