The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 578 Satan lights up the cigarette, the King of Gotham’s card

Chapter 578 Satan lights up the cigarette, the King of Gotham’s card
No matter what Satan said, Li Ming would not agree to it.

Although he doesn’t know how he did it, he has embraced heaven’s lap, so how can he collude with Satan?

"What do you want to do with me?" Li Ming suddenly said, and then added, "I'm just curious, so I asked."

Know yourself and know the enemy.

"Hey, I understand, I understand." Satan replied with a playful smile.

Then he asked Li Ming: "You are from another world, right?"

Li Ming nodded. This matter could be hidden from others, but in front of Satan, who transcended time and space, there was no need to lie.

Satan became even more enthusiastic. He stood up and directly put his arm around Li Ming's shoulders.

"You know that although I have the title of Lord of Hell, I have always..." He stretched out his hand and turned around a few times, "I am only limited to this world."

He rubbed his palms together: "Do you think other worlds also need a Satan?"

Li Ming smiled in his heart, this devil also knew how to grow slowly.

Satan patted Li Ming on the shoulder: "It depends on you."

"When you go to other worlds, aren't you afraid of fighting with Satan there?" Li Ming said worriedly.

Li Ming immediately knew what he wanted to do.

"But I can't take you out."

At this time, Satan continued, his tone full of temptation: "If you help me, I will help you. If you have any difficult enemies, you can come to me."

Then it's easy to understand why he wants to go further.

Look, this is called pattern.

Satan is acting as a thug and the multiverse is running sideways?
But he pretended to be a little moved, but not that moved. He frowned and said to Satan, "I can't take people away even if I want to."

What if Satan turns against you after you take him out?
But these did not prevent Li Ming from taking the opportunity to inquire about information.

"You can go to a world without Satan first, and then go to a world where Satan is weak."

Li Ming shook his head helplessly. If he could bring Satan out through the Gotham Scepter in Gotham, he couldn't in this world.

But Li Ming immediately thought of something - the origin of the world!
It seems that after reaching a higher level, the origin of the world is needed as a means of improvement.

And...ahem, the benefits are not there either.

Then he quickly shook his head in denial: "Rely on me? I didn't promise you, and how can a world with such a low energy level help you?"

To be honest, Li Ming was really moved.

Satan's eyes lit up and he patted his chest: "Don't worry, I'll figure it out."

Lucifer is already one person below God in this world, standing at the top of the world.

"At my level, it doesn't matter the energy level anymore. The key lies in different worlds." Satan did not go into too much detail.

It's just that he doesn't know or can't contact the outside world. Now that a living person from another world is standing here and can travel through it at will, no wonder Satan is unexpectedly polite.

Li Ming couldn't help but look at this Lucifer with admiration. Other Satans were still struggling with how to snatch the world from God, or scheming with their own sons, but the Satans in this world had actually set their sights on the multiverse.

"You asked Mammon to get you a totem before, right?"

Li Ming nodded.

Last time he came here, he not only harvested a totem that could transform into an eighth-level demon, but also dug out a large piece of Mamen's flesh and blood.

However, demon flesh is still waiting in line for analysis.

Satan put his hand into his pocket and immediately took out a black emblem with an inverted five-pointed star and a ram pattern in the center.

Satan handed it to Li Ming.

Li Ming's eyes immediately lit up, and he took it over unceremoniously.

[Devil Totem-Satan (Gold)]

Quality: Legend

Type: Totem

Effect: Satan's token can communicate with Satan Lucifer across the world. Lucifer's projection can be summoned to help fight, lasting 3 minutes, and the available points can be extended to 10 minutes at most.

You can communicate with Lucifer across worlds, and it is estimated that Lucifer can also go to other worlds through this.

And Lucifer’s projection? What level of strength is it?
Eighth level?

But it should be stronger than Mammon.

However, after Li Ming took a closer look, he discovered that this totem was actually a one-time use.

He immediately pursed his lips and looked at Satan like he was looking at a cheapskate.

Your son has been given permanent skills, but you are giving him a one-time skill?

It's a small road, you're not on the right track.

Do you still want to make progress?
Satan could see the meaning in Li Ming's eyes. Although he knew in advance that Li Ming had a bad character, he was still a little frustrated.

"A projection is very precious. One like Mammon can be played for fun." Lucifer said.

Level 8 just for fun?
Li Ming calmly put the [Satan Totem] into his personal space, and then also stretched out his hand to wrap his arms around Satan's shoulders.

"Easy to say, buddy."

Satan also smiled: "Of course, aren't you still Mammon's uncle?"

Lucifer took out another pack of cigarettes, skillfully pulled one out and handed it to Li Ming.

Li Ming waved his hand in astonishment.

"I don't smoke this."

"Oh?" Lucifer put away the cigarette, "I saw that Constantine liked it so much, I thought all humans were good at it."

Li Ming wiped away the non-existent cold sweat.

Satan lights up a cigarette.

Just saying it can scare a lot of devils to death.

But if he kept to the words, Lucifer would be able to find that Li Ming said "easy to say" instead of "good".

Because Li Ming suddenly thought, since Satan has the need to go to other worlds, does God also have the need?
Otherwise, how can we explain that God gives Him so much special treatment?

So Li Ming had to see what price the old man God offered before making a decision.

And he remembered what Satan had just said.

Who can disobey God?

So is Satan listening to God now?

Seeing that Satan had no intention of giving any other benefits, Li Ming also said goodbye.

"Good brother, walk slowly." Satan was too flattering to be Satan, and Li Ming was so confused.

After Li Ming left Constantine's world, Satan's face suddenly returned to normal.

"I did what you wanted, don't come out and kick my ass again." Lucifer shouted to the sky.

"You obviously want it yourself, but you still drag me out as a shield..." Satan muttered.

After dealing with God for so many years, Satan understood what God meant from the moment he was kicked out of hiding.

But he didn't refuse.

No matter which world God's holy light shines on, it will eventually need a Satan.

If God can reach a higher level, he can finally drink some soup.

Lucifer has completely looked away, and he understands that God himself cannot play with it.

In this case, it's pretty good for him to be this one person.

Satan seeks freedom?

Stop making trouble. If you continue to chase, you will die.

As for why Lucifer is so polite to Li Ming?

The reason actually has little to do with God’s favor.

"That kid behaves so much like God. He looks old at first glance... ahem, if you can make friends, you must not offend him." Satan said in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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