The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 579 Heaven fights hell, and the abyss suffers

Chapter 579 Heaven fights hell, and the abyss suffers
Li Ming returned to the biochemical world and immediately prepared to contact his inner ghost to inquire about the current situation of the two camps, heaven and hell.

Unexpectedly, Michelle contacted him first and gave him bad news.

"Angel is going to hit the abyss first?"

Li Ming's face was full of questions, but his tone was very calm, as if he had expected it.

But his heart was churning.

Hasn't the angel's attention been diverted to the devil?
Why are they crazy if they attack the abyss first without attacking the demons?

After hanging up the communication, Li Ming contacted the other two moles around Neptune and Michelle, and then figured out the situation.

However, after taking a closer look, Li Ming suddenly discovered.

It seems that he has to bear the responsibility himself.

Go back to a few days ago.

The paradise space is still the high-rise conference room.

"Your Excellency Michael, after investigation, there is indeed a problem with the hell camp." Riel, the female boss in black, reported to Michael Hui, the leader of the angel organization, respectfully.

"We found that not only the spider totem that caused great chaos among the reincarnators came from the hell camp, but even the steel suit that swept the low-level reincarnators before is very likely to come from hell."

"Steel suit?" Michael had an impression, because they had investigated it before when the steel suit became popular in the reincarnation space.

After all, tens of millions of points are involved, and even the angel organization at the top of the reincarnation cannot ignore it.

But no clues were found later, and the steel suit was also put on the shelves of the reincarnation space, so the investigation came to an end.

"What evidence is there?"

Michael's voice seemed to come from the deep valley, echoing in the meeting place for a long time.

"When the steel suit appeared, the reincarnators in the hell camp were almost isolated from the outside."

Riel explained.

"When the news reached the Hell camp, an armor called Iron Patriot suddenly appeared in Hell. The price was lower than that of the Samsara Center. We have reason to suspect that this is the Hell camp's protection and preferential treatment for its reincarnations."

Although he was doubtful, Ruier was confident.

"Furthermore, the steel suit and the spider totem match perfectly. Almost 90% of reincarnations are affected by them. It is difficult to say that it is an unplanned coincidence."

For reincarnators, having suspicion, motive, and benefit is considered conclusive evidence. After all, it is not a court.

Reincarnators always pay attention to the suspicion of guilt.

Michael nodded and then spoke.

"The spider totem, the steel suit, and the possible consciousness of the hell camp are enough to start a holy war."

When they heard the word jihad, all the senior officials present became energetic.

Since it is called a jihad, it is no small matter.

But neither Hayes nor Riel had any objection.

On the contrary, they are eager to try.

Because war is bound to be accompanied by benefits.

Many of them even emerged from the last holy war.

"Then let's discuss which world to start with?" Michael asked.

He gave his subordinates a lot of autonomy, because even if it was a holy war, a strong man of his level would usually not take action.

At least not in the early stages.

So everyone began to speak freely and proposed various subordinate worlds of hell.

But Hayes said nothing. After the others had finished speaking, he suddenly said something shocking.

"We can fight...the abyss first!"

"Abyss? Are you kidding? We are talking about holy war, and the enemy is hell!" Loren, the white-bearded old man, immediately retorted.

Not only because of the subject, but also because Loren's previous mission was to investigate the Abyss, and he concluded at this meeting that the Abyss was not a big threat. Hayes said it like a slap in the face.

After being at odds with each other for so long, Hayes knew what Loren was thinking when he saw Loren blowing his beard and staring.

But Hayes still felt that the abyss was a breakthrough, and he thought that recently his disciple Michelle always mentioned the abyss in front of him intentionally or unintentionally. He must be trying to avenge his previous mission failure.

Although they are reincarnations, as long as it does not affect their own interests, even a dog will have feelings, let alone a dog that has been a disciple for thousands of years. After all, there is some real feeling.

Moreover, among Hayes' many disciples, only Michelle took the shortest time to upgrade to the seventh level, and he also attached great importance to it.

"Don't worry, Michelle, I will definitely let you wash away your shame!" Hayes said in his heart.

He knew that Michelle had always wanted to pursue status, but there were strict rules in the Angel organization, and even he could not be selfish, so Hayes also wanted to create credit for Michelle by attacking the abyss.

So Hayes presented various evidence at the meeting, showing that the abyss and hell were definitely involved.

"We can invade the abyss on a small scale, but most of our war preparations are still in hell."

"If we use the abyss as a breakthrough first, we will definitely be able to find more clues. Even if we can't find them, we can paralyze the hell side and make them relax their vigilance."

"After all, no camp would find it strange that Heaven is attacking the Abyss."

Hayes argued.

Michael thought for a while and then affirmed Hayes' proposal.

"The Abyss is also a key target that we need to guard against, especially since they have begun to recover. We really need to find out the extent of the collusion between the Abyss and Hell as soon as possible."

After hearing what the boss said, no one else dared to refute. Even Loren only dared to whisper: "But there is no room for subordinates in the abyss. If you want to attack, you can't find a place."


Hayes immediately told what happened when Michelle failed in the infinite Ultron world last time, and gave the coordinates of that world.

Loren glared at Hayes slightly, and then she understood why Hayes was against him.

He actually wanted to stand up for his disciples.

Others such as Michael also understood, but no one criticized him.

Even Michael thinks it is normal to have selfish motives. As long as the reason is legitimate and does not affect the overall situation of the angel organization, Michael will not object.

So the matter was settled.

"Hayes, you will lead the team yourself. I will grant you C-level combat readiness authority. You must understand the intelligence of the abyss."

Michael gave the order.

"Others use Hayes' cover to carry out A-level combat preparations, and I am personally responsible for it!"


Everyone quickly took orders.

After the meeting, Hayes told Michelle the good news. As expected, Michelle was very excited.

But the reason for the excitement may be different from what he thought.

"His Excellency Hayes is indeed from the Abyss. He knew that he had the task of attracting angels to attack the Abyss Alliance, so he did this on purpose!"

"This way, Li Ming will definitely be very satisfied. My angelic status is expected!"

It was precisely because of this mood that Michelle informed Li Ming of the good news as soon as he could be contacted.

In the communication, Michelle also took the initiative to say that he understood that Li Ming must be waiting for this opportunity.

This makes Li Ming feel very depressed now.

Did the boomerang hit him?
I understand you bubble teapot!

 Thanks to Jay Bird for wearing the red mask
  Feng Feixing and Feng Feixing are supported by their monthly votes! ! !

  Thanks to Jie Niao with a red mask for your support of 3500 starting coins! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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