The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 580 Li Ming: I want to play a game

Chapter 580 Li Ming: I want to play a game

After Li Ming was depressed for a while, he began to think about countermeasures.

The matter has come to this, and the most important thing now is how to deal with it.

Fortunately, Li Ming had thought ahead and specifically targeted the most powerful Marvel world, so he didn't panic.

As long as there aren't too many eighth-level or ninth-level horses, that's fine.

After asking Neptune, Li Ming knew the lineup sent by the Angel organization this time.

Eighth-level reincarnator Hayes led the team, plus three seventh-level, ten sixth-level, and three cosmic-level civilizations served as pawns.

The number of participants in the war is directly measured in hundreds of millions!
But what Li Ming cares about most is high-level combat power. In a real fight, anyone below level seven is cannon fodder in his eyes.

Not counting Michelle, the only ones who pose a threat are Hayes and two other seventh-level reincarnators. They don't need to use the Abyss Alliance to assemble. Li Ming can handle it alone in the Marvel Universe.

After all, he can use six Infinity Stones here.

Normally speaking, last time Michelle witnessed the Abyss Alliance violently beating Infinite Ultron, there was no way the Angel Organization would just send an eighth-level reincarnation over.

But this must be attributed to Michelle.

When he was doing the mission report, he didn't mention the infinite Ultron at all. He only said that there were two seventh-level powerhouses in this world.

The two seventh-level ones were just stuck in a range that Michelle couldn't defeat, but could escape, and it also kept the angels alert and not too fearful.

Therefore, Michael sent Hayes, the eighth level, who could completely penetrate this world.

After all, no one would have thought that Michelle, as a direct descendant of Heavenly Steel, would actually play tricks on them.

At this time, Michelle was still immersed in the joy of completing her mission and gaining status.

So when Li Ming contacted him again, Michelle's attitude towards Li Ming was obviously very enthusiastic.

Now that he has determined that his backer is from Abyss, he will also follow Li Ming from now on, so he will naturally have to build a good relationship.

Li Ming contacted him mainly to inquire about information about Hayes. Although Neptune could obtain information through his new supporter Loren in the Angel, it was a bit abrupt to take the initiative to inquire about the strength of other eighth-level powerhouses.

As a disciple of Hayes, Michelle must know many inside stories.

"It's not convenient for Hayes to receive communication now, so please convey it to me." Li Ming said in a natural tone.

Michelle frowned. He looked at Hayes, who was studying information alone not far away, and wanted to say that Mr. Hayes was obviously free.

But then he felt a shiver in his heart. Since Li Ming said so, something must be wrong with Mr. Hayes.

Could it be that... Archangel Michael is paying attention to this place?
Michelle thinks it is very possible that Michael's holy light is all over the heavenly space, and it is not surprising to appear anywhere.

So Michelle pretended to be normal and walked away.

"Well, it is indeed inconvenient for Mr. Hayes." What he thought in his mind turned into sentences, and he seemed very solemn.

Li Ming raised his eyebrows, wondering what happened to this child?

He just made an excuse and took it so seriously.

"Let Hayes pay attention. There is something threatening him in your target world." Li Ming said deliberately.

"Your Excellency Hayes is a Plague Knight who has practiced the Holy Light. Apart from personality crushing, he has almost no weaknesses..."

Michelle was naturally involved by Li Ming.

"Oh, yes, that world is desolate and the plague cannot be spread. Sir Hayes' strength will be greatly weakened. If enemies like robots appear again, they will indeed be a threat to Sir Hayes."

Li Ming just likes to fool smart people, because they can take the initiative to help Li Ming lie.

Plague Knight?
Li Ming has heard of this name, the famous Four Horsemen of the Doomsday, also known as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, among them the White Horse Rider.

It is said in the church that at the end of the world, the Four Horsemen, representing plague, war, famine, and death, will kill a quarter of the world's people.

From what Michelle said, Hayes is the enhancement, or person, of Plague Knight. It seems that even within the angel organization, not everyone has the status of an angel.

However, the same characters have different strengths in different worldviews. Since Hayes can become an eighth-level reincarnation and still uses Plague Knight to strengthen him, he must be very strong.

Moreover, Hayes, the Plague Knight, also learned the Holy Light, which is not Holy Light at all.

"Without being able to spread the plague, Hayes' strength will be weakened, which sounds a bit like my God of War power." Li Ming thought to himself.

The effect of Li Ming's God of War power is that the greater the scale of the war in the world, the greater the divine power bonus and achievements he will obtain.

I think Hayes' Plague Knight is similar. I guess the larger the scale of the plague, the greater the strength bonus.

Michelle has been to the infinite Ultron world and knows that there are only two people left in the universe, Black Widow and Hawkeye, who cannot spread the plague at all.

This is good news for Li Ming, and Michelle said that Hayes will be suppressed by higher rankings.

That's a coincidence, isn't it?

Li Ming is an archangel and can be upgraded temporarily. His status should be higher than that of the Plague Knight, right?
And the ability to absorb the plague doesn't mean that you can't use your hands and feet...

When it comes to deceiving people, Li Ming is very good at it, and he quickly formulates a plan.

However, Li Ming's plan was not just about blocking this invasion.

Now is the best opportunity to develop Hayes into one of our own.

So he needs to arrange it well.

But before coming, Li Ming paused the time of Gotham Universe. After all, he didn't know how long the invasion mission would take.

Infinite Ultron Universe.

Of course, it is now renamed the Abyss Alliance Headquarters.

Although the only original inhabitants of this universe are Black Widow and Hawkeye, they are not alone.

Because the alliance members who fought side by side last time were given teleportation watches, people often came to visit or ask for help.

Moreover, someone from the Abyss Alliance will be on duty every month in case a crisis suddenly occurs.

When Li Ming returned to the alliance, Loki was guarding here.

"Sylvie is so terrible, she actually wants a child!"

Loki started complaining as soon as he saw Li Ming.

"Obviously she has seen the two children of Mobius, they are so noisy."

Li Ming shrugged: "Although she is Loki, she is also a woman."

He couldn't help Loki with this problem.

"So what happened this time?"

Loki shook his head and changed the subject.

Natasha and Clint also came over.

Li Ming told them about the upcoming invasion. Natasha immediately planned to notify others, but Li Ming stopped her.

The danger this time is not great. Even if it is a head-on confrontation, Li Ming can handle it on his own in the Marvel universe without the need to mobilize troops.

"I have a plan." Li Ming smiled at the three of them, "I want to play a game with the intruders."

After hearing what he said, Loki's eyes lit up first.

"I want a leading actor's position!"

 Thanks to Xiaoyao X9 for your monthly ticket support! ! !
  \( ̄︶ ̄)/
(End of this chapter)

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