The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 582 You’re from out of town and you’re so easy to fool

Chapter 582 You’re from out of town and you’re so easy to fool
"Make a wish?" Loki's face was full of shock, "Are you from out of town?"

"This is something everyone in the universe knows."

From out of town?

Hayes hadn't heard anyone call him that for a long time, but Loki was right, and he nodded.

Xu knew that he was no match, and Loki acted very cooperatively.

"Making a wish is the greatest thing in this universe. The thing in your hand is called the Dragon Ball." Loki pointed to the ball in Hayes' hand and introduced.

"There are seven dragon balls in the universe. After collecting them all, you can summon the dragon and realize one of your wishes."

"Any wish is okay?" Hayes asked.

"Of course!"

Loki opened his hands and motioned for Hayes to look at the surrounding universe.

"What was their last wish?" Hayes asked.

"The Abyss Alliance that made three wishes?"

"Can everyone make a wish? What are the rules?"


Anyway, until the end of the mission, the world will still be an abyss.

In the Star-Lord T'Challa universe, an old purple sweet potato farmer who was growing vegetables in the garden suddenly sneezed.

"Then the wish you just made was heard by the entire universe?"

If it cannot be completed, the control will still be in the hands of Abyss, so the Abyss Alliance would rather be a coward and let the monopolized Dragon Ball make a novice like Loki make wishes, rather than leak information and be found by them.

Even the wish to eliminate 99% of all life in the universe can be fulfilled, which means that this wish can be effective for Hayes, an eighth-level reincarnation. How can he not be tempted?
"As long as it's an intelligent life, it's fine, as long as the interval between making wishes is more than 180 days. The only restriction is that after making a wish, you can't make another wish within three years." Loki spread his hands and honestly came up with the settings.

Hayes' tone was still calm, but his heart was beginning to heat up.

If the Abyss Alliance were gone, the main mission this time would not be to defeat them, so there is only one truth - the Abyss Alliance is hiding!
Because Hayes thought of the rules of the world invasion mission and completed the goal within a limited time, the Paradise camp would be able to take control of the world.

Hayes thought he had discovered the secret to why the Abyss was growing so quickly.

But he didn't forget about business.

Loki answered immediately, gritting his teeth.

"There used to be a madman who felt that there were too many people in the universe, so he collected all the Dragon Balls and made a wish to eliminate 99% of all life in the universe, so the universe became like this."

After hearing Loki's answer, Hayes immediately listed collecting Dragon Balls as a must-do for this mission.

"Have you heard of the League of the Abyss?" he asked Loki.

"Do you know why this universe is so desolate?"

three years ago?
Hayes immediately thought that it was the last time Michelle brought someone here. After that time, the Abyss Alliance knew that they were exposed, so they voluntarily gave up on this world?

"That's right, they have monopolized the Dragon Balls for more than 20 years, but three years ago they had a fight with others, made one last wish, and then disappeared."

Loki shook his head: "I don't know."

"You can choose whether to disclose your wishes or not. I am here to demonstrate to others." Loki scratched his head.

Hayes turned his head in disappointment, but he could roughly guess it without Loki telling him.

The Abyss Alliance must have made a wish to hide themselves. No wonder he, an eighth-level reincarnationist, couldn't find him.

But after thinking about this, Hayes sneered: "Naive."

He quickly realized the flaws of the Abyss Alliance.

Dragon Ball.

They can use the Dragon Balls to make wishes and hide, and Hayes can naturally use the Dragon Balls to wish to destroy them. Then the world will be heaven, and you can make whatever wishes you want.

Then Hayes thought that the Abyss Alliance must also know this, so it will definitely come out to stop it, and once it takes action, more flaws will definitely be exposed.

So the theme of this invasion mission is - looking for the Dragon Balls!

Although the task changed greatly, Hayes, an experienced eighth-level reincarnator, quickly accepted it. He pulled Loki up and brought him before everyone in heaven, and asked Loki to repeat what happened.

Everyone was excited when they heard this, and Hayes issued a new mission.

Looking for the Dragon Balls.

He also promised the three major civilizations that if they could gather them all and successfully make a wish, he would give them a world for every dragon ball found, causing the leaders of the three major civilizations to fall into madness at the same time.

Even the reincarnators, Hayes gave generous rewards, which completely aroused everyone's desire.

But among the enthusiastic crowd, there was also a slightly confused face.


"What's going on? I didn't have so many tricks last time I came here?" He was doubting life.

If others don’t know, doesn’t he know?

It was Li Ming who took the initiative to guide Heaven to this universe. If there were treasures like Dragon Balls here, how could Li Ming be so generous?

"Hey, I know you!"

Loki suddenly pointed at Michelle and shouted.

"Last time you brought people here to fight against the Abyss Alliance, and then they disappeared!"

Looking at the probing eyes of others, Michelle couldn't say that she surrendered to the enemy as soon as she saw that the Abyss Alliance was too strong, so she could only nod in agreement.

Since Mr. Hayes dares to say this, he must have a reason.

With the double verification of himself and Loki, Hayes had no doubts anymore and immediately ordered his subordinates to act quickly.

Michelle also went out to do things, but was stopped by Hayes.

"You did very well."

Hayes nodded affirmatively at Michelle.

He was referring to the fact that Michelle kept hinting that he had come to this world. It turned out that there was such a treasure as the Dragon Ball. No wonder Michelle did not reveal it in the mission report.

If Hayes had obtained this treasure earlier than Angel, he would have received enough benefits before handing it over.

However, Michelle mistakenly thought that Hayes was saying that he and Rocky played well together.

"It's not convenient for me to say a lot of things, but I'm very relieved that I didn't misjudge you." Hayes was very happy that Michelle thought of himself first.

Of course, it was inconvenient for him to talk about such suspected favoritism.

Michelle nodded fiercely.

He has his own understanding.

The matter of colluding with Abyss must not be discussed conveniently.

"Sir Hayes, I understand!"

Hayes had a cowardly expression on his face and patted Michelle's shoulder approvingly.

"Good job!"

When Michelle walked out of the office, he felt really motivated.

It turns out that this incident was really Mr. Hayes’s plan!
Looking for Dragon Balls?

It must be to separate the reincarnators so that Mr. Hayes can go to Li Ming.

Otherwise, Mr. Hayes would not specifically say that he is inconvenient now.

Michelle continued to strengthen her faith in her heart.

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Hayes, I will create convenience for you and make sure you can see Li Ming smoothly!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Hayes, I will definitely do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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