The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 583 Secretly assassinating Chen Cang

Chapter 583 Secretly assassinating Chen Cang
"Please come in, Mr. Hayes, welcome to my palace - Asgard!"

Loki's attitude was very enthusiastic, like a bitch.

But when they saw his "royal palace", many people's eyes were dull.

This is a planet the size of the entire Earth, with many large-scale entertainment facilities built on it, as well as a dazzling array of rare treasures.

"You call this...a palace?"

The leader of the Star Ring Civilization swallowed.

"Of course, aren't you also from a large civilization? Don't be so surprised." Loki waved his hand as if nothing had happened.

The leaders of the three major civilizations nodded shamefully, but there were mutterings in their hearts.

The civilization they live in is indeed not small, but it is impossible to use a large planet for enjoyment.

It is common for capital stars or force headquarters to completely occupy a planet, but you want to say that the entire planet is just a larger castle?

If you dare to play like this again, you deserve to be destroyed.

The first person to come out was a red-haired woman.

Sorry, can't do it.

"After the destruction of the universe, only a handful of people are still alive. Now including me, there are three major forces in total."

After everyone sat down, Loki introduced them to the existing forces in the universe.

The leaders of the three major civilizations suddenly thought that when they heard Loki's voice for the first time, he seemed to be rebuilding his own power.

Of the seven Dragon Balls, Hayes caught one. Although the remaining six could not be caught, Hayes recorded the location where they flew out.

"King Lucy."

Although Loki's power is not as good as the three major civilizations, because he belongs to the local power and is familiar with Dragon Ball, Hayes settled here with Loki.

The leaders couldn't help but curse secretly, but they always felt a little sour in their hearts.

Energy spurted out from Loki's hand, drawing images.

I understand the truth, but I am really envious.

Which civilization dares to be so extravagant? Unless the individual's power is so great, it will definitely be overthrown by hostile forces.

"Except for Asgard, these two are the more hateful ones."

However, although the entire planet has become Loki's palace, what is rare is that there is no matching beauty here, because Loki is also afraid that Sylvie will find out and will be angry with him.

Hayes is the boss, and his base is wherever he is in heaven.

Loki said nonsense seriously.

Michelle and the other three seventh-level people did not follow. They had already designated areas to look for the dragon beads.

"She was originally an ordinary person, but she accidentally took a mysterious drug and became facially paralyzed. But she cannot be underestimated. King Lucy has many high-tech weapons at her disposal."

Hayes had already asked Loki that the Dragon Ball would not turn around in the middle, so the three Michelles were divided into two positions, which could greatly save time in searching.

Then there was a man dressed all in black with a solemn face.

"The Elf King, he is very good at archery. Even I have suffered losses at his hands." Loki showed an archery gesture.

"Piu! Piu! Piu!"

"This Elf King was once my subordinate, but he was seduced away by King Lucy, but he didn't expect that King Lucy was not interested in him."

The two sentences Loki said were barely consistent with the truth.

"The Elf King's subordinates are basically people who know magic, and their strength is similar to that of King Lucy."

"As for me……"

Loki stood up and danced exaggeratedly and passionately, imitating the performance he had seen in the stage play. "As the great King of Asgard, the Lord of the Nine Realms, and the King of Kings, I, the God King Loki, am certainly the strongest among them!"

In addition to the three major civilizations, all reincarnators have heard of Loki, the legendary god of trickery.

Of course, what they know is that Loki is the version of Uncle Thor and has an illegitimate daughter named Hela.

Hayes ignored Loki's boasting and continued to give orders.

"Let Sonny take the Star Ring Civilization to King Lucy's territory, and Cherubim take the Sekirei Empire to deal with the Elf King."

The Star Ring Civilization focuses on the development of technology, while the Sekirei Empire focuses on cultivation, which can just cope with the different characteristics of King Lucy and the Elf King.

Little did he know that Loki, who was talking eloquently, also smiled slightly.

Collecting enemy intelligence is also an important task of the Abyss Alliance. Therefore, in order to evaluate the strength standards of the invaders, in terms of role arrangement, Black Widow and Hawkeye were specially arranged into forces with different priorities.

Li Ming originally thought that Black Widow and Hawkeye wouldn't want to participate because it was a bit evil, but he guessed that they were usually too boring, and the two of them were also very dedicated.

Moreover, both of them are agents, so Black Widow's acting skills are not to mention, while Hawkeye is a little weak, but the Elf King only needs facial paralysis.

But Black Widow also has questions.

"The Elf King can still understand, but why should I call you King Lucy?"

To commemorate a certain U disk.

Li Ming said in his heart.

"It's a random name, don't worry about it." He waved his hand and brought the topic back on track, "How about the two major civilizations that are at war with you?"

It has been two months since the invasion of heaven. Because the focus was on finding the Dragon Balls, there was no large-scale invasion of their native systems, but there were a few encounters.

"The three major civilizations all came to this world through portals. There are three portals, and they are all heavily guarded."

"We also found that the portal is two-way. Even people who are not from their universe can pass through, but there is a very strict censorship agency on the other side of the portal."

"The technology of the Star Ring civilization is much higher than that of the Chitauri, but it is far from the Cybertron civilization." Natasha replied.

Li Ming had expected this, but don't underestimate the technology of Cybertron civilization. Li Ming's current Cybertron inheritance progress has only reached 18%, but the technology he has unlocked has exceeded that of many civilizations.

Li Ming estimated that his Cybertron inheritance not only had the technology in the movie, but also had other versions.

Don’t forget, “Transformers” comes from anime.

The technology in the animation world can only be described as incredible.

For example, punching through the universe, increasing and decreasing dimensions are commonplace, and there are even fantastic black technologies such as converting everything into metal and making objects disappear when they are hit.

"The individual strength of the cultivators of the Sekirei Empire is not too outrageous, but they have mastered a combat skill that integrates energy. They can combine the energy of many people to exert a more powerful force. An ordinary interstellar fleet cannot stop it at all. live."

Hawkeye also said.

"Biochemical Ebony Maw, and Kama Taj's team cannot stop the advance of the Sekirei Legion."

The people under Hawkeye are ability users that Li Mingdong and Xiping gathered together. They are good for small-scale battles. Legion operations can only deliver food.

However, these are enough for Li Ming to understand the approximate intensity of C-level combat preparations. In a world with low energy levels, he can indeed walk sideways.

But it poses little threat to reincarnations above level seven.

Interstellar civilizations are also strong or weak, depending on the cosmic environment in which they are located.

After learning that the threat from these three civilizations was limited, Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief, at least he didn't have to waste any more effort.

As for losing ground on the battlefield?

Li Ming didn't care at all, because it was all within the plan.

Those brought out to fight are all Li Ming's clones in stock, so guess where Li Ming's active clone army is?
(End of this chapter)

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