The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 584 For the glory of the Northern God!

Chapter 584 For the glory of the Northern God!

"The infiltration plan is progressing very smoothly. With the help of the war, we have infiltrated many spies."

Black Widow said.

Li Ming nodded.

This is their real plan. On the surface, they are fighting a frontal war, but in reality, they are fighting a spy war.

And what Black Widow and the others don't know is that there's more to the spy than they know.

Li Ming secretly asked Friday to capture many prisoners, and then directly took measures to replace the memories, creating many clones with the memories of the original owners, which can be called perfect lurkers.

These clones are Li Ming's tentacles that extend into the subordinate space of Paradise, and can help Li Ming find out the intelligence of the Paradise camp.

Li Ming even prepared a surprise for Heaven.

I believe that before too long, some extremely talented natives will appear in the universe where the three major civilizations are located.

Among the three seventh-level reincarnations, he is the one who is lagging behind, and of course he is not happy.

"This is your area of ​​responsibility, don't let me down."

"You mean, Loki collected a dragon ball?"

"What? A test?"

Hearing this, Sonny could only turn around and leave angrily.

To achieve all this, Li Ming only needs to run the Dragon Ball show well.

According to Li Ming's understanding of the camp, most of the talented people in the subordinate world will be recruited as reincarnators or work in the reincarnated organizations.

At that time, whether the group of clones arranged by Li Ming are recruited as reincarnations or go to help angels, it will be a big profit for Li Ming.

No matter what Loki wanted, he had to do his best to satisfy it.

Michelle and Cherub each found a dragon ball, but Hayes searched for a long time and failed to discover the secret of the dragon ball's wish.

Sonny, a seventh-level reincarnator, replied with a sullen face. He was tall and thin, and dressed in black skin, but now his already dark face had become even darker.

Sonny looked stunned.

When he found Loki, he thought he would be blackmailed, but Loki actually said that he only needed to pass the test.

Hayes is not worried at all. Anyway, the Dragon Ball is in Loki's hands and will eventually be handed over to him. Only Sonny's credit will be affected.

"So you want me to wipe your ass?" Hayes frowned slightly and glanced at Sonny with some dissatisfaction.

Hayes asked casually as he studied the three dragon balls in his hand carefully.

Among the three seventh-level reincarnations brought this time, Sonny is not his direct descendant. Now it seems that he is not doing his best.

"Yes, a test."

"Yes, Sir Hayes, I asked for it but he refused."

But Rocky was the popular one in front of Hayes, and Sonny didn't dare to be aggressive.

This is also a way for the faction to control the world of its subordinates.

King Loki sipped the wine in his hand and shook his head intoxicatedly.

"The test must be experienced on the way to find the Dragon Ball. The Dragon Ball will generate wonders of the universe on its own where it stays. You must pass the test inside to obtain the Dragon Ball."

"Haven't I told you before?"


Sonny gritted his teeth and said, he didn't quite understand Loki's intention.

Even if there is a test, what does it have to do with Loki?

It was about Dragon Ball, and even Hayes couldn't sit still and came to the field.

"What's your test?" Sonny asked directly.

Loki stood up and thought hard for a while, and then his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Well, I won't embarrass you, you just need to send someone to defeat my pet."

That's it?

Sonny looked at Loki with a fool's expression on his face. Even if he didn't take action, he still had three sixth-level reincarnations in his hands, each of which was enough to kill seven in and seven out of Loki's "palace".

And beat the pet? Where did Loki get his confidence?
"Wait? Loki isn't letting things go, right?" Sonny thought in his mind.

"Loki is also the king of several galaxies. Handing over the Dragon Balls directly would affect his authority. He didn't want to offend me, so he deliberately gave a childish condition?"

The more Sonny thought about it, the more it seemed possible, and his eyes on Loki couldn't help but soften a lot.

"Okay." He agreed gently. Even though it was Loki, he was a little confused seeing his sudden change of attitude.

What's going on with this guy?

Rocky shook his head and ignored Sonny's attitude. He quickly released the show he had been waiting for.

"Thor, come out!"

Hearing the name, Hayes and Sonny both looked a little weird.

They are all Nordic gods. They know Loki and they naturally know Thor.

Now Thor is Loki's pet?

Although each universe has different developments, this development is too... curious.

And Sonny had a sudden thought.

"Am I wrong? Isn't it because Loki wants to let Thor out?"

At this time, a small yellow figure jumped out from behind Loki, wearing a red cloak and holding Thor's hammer, telling its identity.

But Hayes and Sonny both stared.

Because the figure standing in the field is clearly a Shiba Inu!
The Shiba Inu stood upright on two legs, holding the meow hammer in its paws, and frowned after seeing the expressions of the two people.

There were three buttons on its chest. The Shiba Inu tapped the first one, and a sound immediately came out of the button.

"I am Thor!"

Hayes's expression was a bit solemn, because he didn't know what expression to use. He turned to Loki and asked: "Are you sure you want this dog...Thor to be used as a test?"

"Of course, don't underestimate it, that's Thor!" Loki smiled so brightly that his face could no longer contain it.

He raised three fingers: "Only three chances!"

"It turns out that I misunderstood him. Loki was really letting off steam."

Sonny felt very ashamed and thought that Loki was a good brother. He was already thinking about some compensation for Loki later.

Three chances?

No need.

It's too embarrassing to beat a dog three times.

Sonny directly ordered the reincarnator behind him: "Douglas, you go."

A sixth-level reincarnator named Douglas took the stage, his expression very relaxed.

Not only because his opponent was a dog, but also because he didn't feel any threatening aura from this Thor.


Loki ordered.

The expression of the little Shiba Inu who was standing obediently changed immediately. The cloak on his body moved without any wind. Suddenly, the sky was filled with dark clouds, there was a loud thunder, and the dazzling lightning made Douglas's face turn pale.

Everyone present was shocked when they sensed that the amazing power erupted from Thor's small body was no weaker than Douglas's.

This dog is truly a god of thunder!

Douglas was facing a formidable enemy. He took out his strongest weapon, a big sword, and faced Thor who was rushing towards him.

Douglas' figure suddenly dwarfed.

In the competition of strength, he actually lost to the Shiba Inu, which was less than one-tenth of his size!
The thunder of the Meow Hammer in Thor's hand became more and more intense, and the puppy's paws danced rapidly. With that irresistible force, Douglas took a step back every time he struck it, and Sonny frowned.

They all could see that Douglas couldn't hold on anymore.

Sure enough, the two sides exchanged less than ten blows before Douglas's hands were extremely sore, and the sword was knocked away by Meow Meow Hammer.

The outcome has been decided.

Douglas lowered his head, not daring to look at anyone else.

He is a sixth-level reincarnation, a being who can walk sideways in any world. I didn't expect that he didn't defeat a dog today!

The little Shiba Inu Thor stood there, raising his head proudly, and patted the button on his chest with his paws again.

"I am Thor!"

Then it clicked a second button.

"For the glory of the Northern God!"

(End of this chapter)

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