The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 585: Michelle talks about selling her teacher

Chapter 585: Michelle talks about selling her teacher
Sonny realized he was wrong.

How wrong.

He actually thought that Loki, the god of trickery, would show favor to him?

Sonny gave Rocky a hard look for embarrassing him so much in front of Lord Hayes.

But the bet has been made and there is no way to go back on it.

He had no choice but to pull out his strongest reincarnator, whose strength was at the peak of the sixth level.

"Even Neptune, the most favored sixth-level reincarnator at the moment, dare not say that he can beat him."

Sonny was confident.


"I am Thor!"

Loki reminded "kindly".

With the item in hand, Loki whistled to Thor with satisfaction.

But Sonny has no choice now. Although he is a seventh-level reincarnator, there is an eighth-level person like Hayes pressing on him, so he can't force himself.

Compete with the Power Stone for strength?
Not to mention the sixth-level reincarnation, even if Sonny came to arm-wrestle with the Shiba Inu Thor, he would only have the dog's claws stuck in his face and be unable to move.

Moreover, this gambling battle was obviously unwinnable, so although it was very painful, Sonny could only admit defeat.

"For the glory of the Northern God!"

Loki was already dancing on the throne at this time, laughing so hard that he couldn't stand upright.

Loki spread his hands and replied innocently: "You know, it's a test."

By this time, Sonny also understood why Loki came to such a test. He just wanted more benefits.

This group of reincarnations have no idea what they are facing.

The ending didn't change much, except that Thor the Shiba Inu's nostrils were almost raised to the sky.

But he also saw hope. In this case, Loki must have something to ask for.

Of course Thor, the Shiba Inu, was created by Li Ming using the Reality Stones, and all of his power comes from the Infinity Stones.

But Sonny was stumped.

"You have one more chance, so seize it."

After a few nonsense words, Loki finally stated his condition, which was an amount of resources that Sonny would never agree to under normal circumstances.

"What do you want?" Sonny walked directly to Rocky and got straight to the point.

Then, while Sonny was stunned, the Shiba Inu, who was majestic and full of spirit just a second ago, immediately became sluggish, lying on the field and sticking out his tongue, looking like he was paralyzed from exhaustion.

His strongest reincarnators have all failed, and no matter who he tries, they will all be the same.

Loki didn't want to let himself win!
Sonny finally reacted.

"Okay then... A new virus has spread among the galaxies recently. I am not doing this for myself, but for my people."

Seeing this scene, Sonny felt not the joy of spending money to clear the way, but the feeling of shame.

Although he knew that even if he sent a cat up at this time, he could still win the test, Sonny still waved his hand and let the last sixth level come on the field, retaining the last dignity for his side.

The sixth-level reincarnator also just wanted to end this farce quickly, but before he could hit him with a punch, the Shiba Inu whined and jumped off the stage.

Seeing the pitiful appearance of the Shiba Inu, the sixth-level reincarnator also had black lines on his head.

Loki laughed and explained: "The fist flew away before it hit the dog. Doesn't this show that you are strong?"

Sonny didn't want to talk nonsense anymore, so he grabbed the dragon ball directly from Loki's hand, handed it to Hayes respectfully, and then walked away without looking back.

But Hayes stayed.

To Sonny it was just a farce, but Hayes was concerned that Rocky had revealed the information. "Is there really going to be a test in Dragon Ball?" he asked.

Loki nodded: "Yes, and the test will become more and more difficult."

"What are the general tests?"

Hayes will not let go of any information about Dragon Ball.

"There are many ways to fight, solve puzzles, or complete something." Loki answered.

But Hayes mainly asked, but he didn't have much worry in his heart.

He has brought three seventh-level reincarnations and three cosmic-level civilizations with him. No matter what test there is, he should be able to crush them all the way.

Just like Hayes thought, Michelle and the three of them made very fast progress.

Michelle obtained a Dragon Ball after fighting a two-headed dragon.

The cherubim were a little more difficult. He searched through the trial illusion and couldn't find anything. The Sekirei Empire could only launch a blanket search.

Finally, someone from the Sekirei Empire helped an elementary school student with his summer homework. The kid took a dragon ball from his pocket and gave it to him.

By this time Hayes had collected six dragon balls and was just short of the last one.

But until five months have passed, there is still no clue as to the whereabouts of the last dragon ball. The three seventh-level reincarnations can only lead people to search deeper into the universe.

At this time, they were already very far apart from each other.

And Michelle finally got new instructions from Li Ming.

"Ask Hayes to come to this coordinate." Li Ming said.

Michelle was quite vigilant. He took a look first and found that there was a space barrier in front of this coordinate, which even he could not break.

"This must be the place prepared by Li Ming to meet Mr. Hayes." Michelle thought to herself.

"No wonder Mr. Hayes said some time ago that Michael is paying close attention to him. Time is running out, so he needs to be so secretive." He added in his mind.

In fact, Hayes was just making casual remarks to create a sense of urgency for his subordinates.

Michelle immediately contacted Hayes: "Sir Hayes, I found a location where Dragon Balls may exist."

He came up with the perfect excuse, and even if Michael was paying attention, he wouldn't be suspicious if he heard it.

Yes, Michelle already calls her immediate boss's immediate boss by his first name in her mind.

Now in his mind, he was already going to do something big with Hayes. Whether Michael was strong or not had nothing to do with him.

Hayes' emotions were indeed aroused, and his tone was a bit urgent: "Oh? Where is it?"

Great acting.

Michelle said in his heart, so he also explained seriously: "I found a space barrier, which is very similar to the illusions in other Dragon Ball trials, but I can't break through the barrier with my strength."

Upon hearing this, Hayes said directly: "I will come personally."

Hayes arrived quickly and found that just as Michelle said, he infused the space barrier with extremely strong energy and consumed 30% of the energy to open it.

Now Hayes was sure that the last dragon ball was inside. He looked at Michelle approvingly, very satisfied with what he had done during this time.

"You can call me teacher from now on." Hayes said.

Although he is nominally Michelle's master, Hayes is at the teaching stage at most when it comes to teaching, teaching and solving doubts. Now he really wants to train Michelle well.

Michelle was also overjoyed, thinking that she had indeed done the right thing. That's why Mr. Hayes is so close to him.

Now that he's here, and just opening it requires eighth-level strength, Hayes plans to take the last test in person.

Of course Michelle would not object or dissuade him from this. After all, in his eyes, Hayes came just for a private meeting with Li Ming.

I know!

(End of this chapter)

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