Chapter 586 Confused Hayes
As a senior reincarnator, Hayes still pays attention to playing it safe.

So he didn't dive headlong into the illusion, because he thought that just entering would require eighth-level strength, and there might be some kind of test in it.

Then a black energy appeared on Hayes' hand. From Michelle's perspective, the black energy gave him an extremely depressing feeling.

After the black energy appeared, a large-scale plague suddenly broke out on the territory of Loki, Black Widow, and Hawkeye, covering almost all the people.

At the same time, Hayes's aura continued to rise, and his strength was also rapidly improving.

Li Ming guessed right, he did have skills similar to the power of the God of War.

Hayes clenched his fists. Now his strength has almost doubled, and he is among the top batch of eighth-level reincarnators.

"I hate to say it, but there is definitely nothing that can threaten me now."

Hayes thought so.

He also had basis. If this universe was so dangerous, there would have been no chance for Michelle to lead the team back last time.

Li Ming smiled: "Aren't you looking for us?"

"Little trick." He said to himself.

However, the white horse only lasted for a few seconds before it turned into a black smoke and dissipated, reappearing in front of Hayes.

Hayes looked at Li Ming in astonishment, only to see Li Ming snap his fingers.

At this time Li Ming suddenly asked.

So he quickly took out his weapon, a dark scepter. Not only that, Hayes even directly activated his strongest form.

"I have long admired your name, Mr. Hayes."

"It turns out to be a white horse that is the embodiment of authority. No wonder he is so obedient." Li Ming shrugged.

He summoned a white horse from the void. After riding on it, his momentum reached its peak. The white horse was in sharp contrast with the strong black energy, making it appear beautiful and dangerous.

"Who are you anyway?" he asked.

After a sound, Hayes' white horse disappeared instantly, and then appeared directly under Li Ming's crotch.

Hayes walked into the illusion with confidence, and then felt like he was transported to another place.

"Is the show over?"

"Your horse is nice, but now it's mine."

Then he saw Li Ming, Supreme Strange, and Glove Thanos staring at him playfully. The auras on each of them were no weaker than his.

"Is this... a test?"

Hayes still didn't believe that he was ambushed until Li Ming spoke.

What surprised Hayes was that when he did all this, there was no one on the other side to stop him.


But the fear in Hayes's heart has reached the extreme. It is easy for him to recall the white horse, but it consumes a lot of energy.

Hayes was shocked, and immediately reacted and wanted to retreat, but he had already been teleported into the supreme and strange diamond space. Even Infinite Ultron couldn't break free, let alone him.

Hayes' pupils tightened: "Abyss Alliance!"

After all, it was Lao Jianghu. He immediately regained his composure and tried his best to hide his shock.

"I didn't expect you to run out on your own initiative." He said calmly.

But Li Ming ruthlessly destroyed the situation: "Don't hide it. In our ears, your heartbeat is louder than the thunder of Thor the Shiba Inu."

Hayes' face suddenly froze.

He could only sigh and ask: "What are you going to do?"

He could tell that Li Ming and the other three had no intention of taking action, otherwise there would be no need to talk nonsense to him.

In fact, Hayes didn't want to start a fight. There was no one on the opposite side who was weaker than him, so he wanted to fight with his head?
Since there is something to talk about, it’s easy to talk about it.

As long as he can get away, Hayes can negotiate any conditions.

"I formally invite you to join the Abyss." Li Ming got straight to the point. Hayes' expression remained unchanged: "You know this is impossible."

Li Ming went straight to the point again and gave Hayes a sharp look on his face: "Michelle is one of ours."

"Ahem..." Hayes' expression suddenly became unbearable. He asked in disbelief, "What?"

"Impossible! Michelle is a loyal believer in angels, how could he join the abyss?" He shouted loudly.

Hayes was not only shocked by the news, he also foresaw the trouble behind it.

If the angels and Michael find out that his disciples are colluding with the abyss, he, as a teacher, cannot escape the blame.

But before Hayes could think of a countermeasure, Li Ming gave him another bombshell.

"By the way, the reason why Michelle joined was because he thought you were one of ours."

When Hayes heard this, his first reaction was to feel relieved, thinking that there was still a chance to redeem himself, but after he realized it, his expression completely lost control.

There's... a damn chance!
Regardless of the reason why Michelle joined the Abyss, now that he is a member of the Abyss, Archangel Michael will not care whether there is a hidden secret.

Even if Michelle knew that he was not from the Abyss, in the current situation, Michelle would definitely drag him into the water.

Hayes is very confident in the integrity of reincarnations like himself. No one will throw away his life in order not to hurt innocent people. He will only seize every opportunity to save his life.

At this moment, Hayes desperately wanted Michelle to be in front of him and then strangle him to death.

But he knew that he couldn't do it. These three super strong men in front of him were the confidence of Abyss.

Whether he wanted it or not, he was already half-foot on the pirate ship.

"What do you want me to do?" Hayes asked, giving up the struggle.

Of course, this is just his test. Let's see what Li Ming wants him to do first. If it's not too much, he can agree to it first.

The worst he could do was go back to Angel and confess to Michael. Even if he had to cut off his flesh, he would get rid of Michael as a troublesome person.

But Li Ming can also negotiate. He coerced ahem... and persuaded so many people to surrender. How could he not know what Hayes was thinking?
So Li Ming waved his hand.

"It's not what we want you to do, but..." He smiled slightly and stared into Hayes' eyes, "What do you want?"

Hayes was not fooled by Li Ming's hypocrisy. He sneered: "You can give me whatever I want?"

Li Ming shrugged and spread his hands: "Absolutely, unless you want something as dirty as Michael's love."

"Since you know Michael, you should know that no matter what you want to do, you can't get around the ninth-level reincarnation." Hayes said solemnly.

"Ah, yes, Michael is very strong." Li Ming did not deny it, "But the premise is that he knows our existence."

"After all, A-level preparations are for hell."

"Is it you?"

Hayes looked horrified. He did not expect that Hell would take the blame for Abyss.

Now he must admit that the abyss is indeed very secretive, and everyone has been misled by them.

"And what's the point of being strong? What you want has to be limited to the rules of angels. There are many things that even heaven can't give you, not to mention angels."

Li Ming continued to confuse.

Hayes' curiosity was aroused: "What about?"

"for example?"

Li Ming leaned close to Hayes' ear, not worried at all whether he would take the opportunity to make a sneak attack.

"For example, you can control a camp by yourself."

Hayes' eyes widened instantly, and his heart pounded again, but this time it was caused by excitement.

Even if it was just a word without evidence, it gave Hayes a great shock and temptation. This is the charm of mastering a camp.

This is especially true for someone like Hayes who has a deep understanding of the operation of the camp.

He was moved.

(End of this chapter)

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