The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 587: Abyss turns out to be a template for Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty?

Chapter 587: Abyss turns out to be a template for Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty?

For many reincarnations, even knowing that the camps are competing for the origin of the world has no effect.

Because they don’t have access to this level at all.

But Hayes is different. He is also a senior member of the Angels organization and naturally knows more about the inside story of the camp.

For example, space can leave the camp, and reincarnation space allows the creation of new camps.

It's just that under the suppression of the eight major camps, there is almost no room for other small camps to survive.

However, who can refuse to be the boss?
In the past, Hayes had his back to heaven and had not thought about this at all, and there was no way out.

Now Li Ming used this as bait, and he immediately took the bait.

Anyway, even if he cuts off from Michelle now, he will cause a lot of trouble. Others will not let go of this opportunity to attack him, which will definitely greatly affect his status in the heaven camp.

It's better to go all the way to darkness.

As for how to let Hayes control the camp, Li Ming didn't have any.

Seeing Hayes's equally surprised reaction, he immediately calmed down and asked with some surprise: "You actually know this. I thought the camp had completely blocked this matter."

The reincarnation space was actually established by the abyss?

Unexpectedly, Hayes sighed: "That's right, after all, the reincarnation space was created by the abyss."

"The specialties of the eight major camps all have the shadow of the abyss. There will always be people like me who are both curious and have the authority to understand them."

Was it possible to establish a camp in the abyss before? Isn’t that a permission that only exists in the reincarnation space?
Looking at Hayes' probing eyes, although Li Ming was confused, he smiled deliberately.

Li Ming thought that he would take off his clothes as soon as possible.

"The camps are indeed sealed off, but the higher-ups always know something."

But fortunately, Li Ming has learned acting skills and has excellent psychological quality.

What does it mean to re...create...a camp?
Li Ming immediately started brainstorming.

Li Ming's heart exploded instantly.

He shook his head and sighed.

This time he was just cheating. He just found an excuse to get Hayes on board. Li Ming never thought about fulfilling his promise.

Hayes saw that Li Ming was so natural and didn't find anything wrong.

After all, if Hayes got on the pirate ship, there would be no room for him in heaven, and he would never get off the ship.

Li Ming immediately thought of the reincarnation pool in the special building in the abyss, which was almost exactly the same as the resurrection of the dead in the main god camp.

Then Hayes' next words gave Li Ming a sudden shock.

No matter what, just fool it first and then talk.

"The abyss is unfathomable."

Even though Li Ming was controlling his expression, he was still shocked by the news.

"Abyss has regained the authority to recreate camps?"

At first, Li Ming thought that Shen Yuan had robbed someone else's things, so he was attacked by a group of people.

Was it me who had my feelings robbed?
Because he now has most of the authority over Abyss, and Abyss' consciousness is also an idiot, Li Ming has regarded Abyss as his own.

In the past, he thought that Abyss was a separatist warlord who was ambitious and wanted to cause trouble. In the end, all the princes joined forces to suppress it.

Unexpectedly, it would be the eight vassal kings who rebelled and formed a group to rebel, leaving only a cub who knew nothing to hold the thigh of the regent Li Ming.

What Abyss took was actually the script of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty?
The thief is myself!
Ah, bah, Li Ming spat in his heart.

He is not Prime Minister Cao.

Abyss has such a good relationship with him, they almost call him daddy.

At this time, Hayes said again: "I originally thought that the abyss would never recover, but I didn't expect that the lean camel was bigger than the horse, and the abyss was actually dormant."

He looked at the three super strong men in front of him who were even more powerful than him, and secretly lamented that Abyss didn't know how long it had taken him to build up this family fortune.

However, someone with such strength does have the capital to cooperate with him.

But it's not enough. Although he was very interested in Li Ming's idea of ​​controlling the camp alone, after the enthusiasm from above came back, Hayes realized how strong the Heaven camp was, and it was impossible for him to switch to another place without being completely sure.

"You can't deal with Michael, so all that is empty talk."

Hayes shook his head. Even if he could control the camp, he would have no objection if he was destroyed by Michael the next day.

Hearing Hayes's rebuttal, which also seemed like a further understanding, Li Ming knew that half the battle was won.

In his eyes, Hayes seemed to be saying - find a reason to convince me.

So of course Li Ming had to work harder.

"If Michael can't find us, no matter how strong he is, it will be nothing."

Li Ming asked confidently: "Have you heard of the abyss rift?"

Hayes looked even more surprised and murmured to himself: "Have you recovered to this extent?"

"No wonder I can't find any subordinate worlds under Abyss's name. It's actually been hidden."

It seems... something has happened?
"If I join, what do you want me to do?" Hayes asked directly.

He has to take the initiative when he is tempted, and Hayes has not forgotten that he is currently on the disadvantaged side.

"For meritorious service, we will create opportunities for you to further enhance your voice within the Angels." Li Ming replied.

"Being a spy?"

Hayes' body is no longer so tense, and being inside should be one of the most acceptable conditions he expected.

In this way, he can not only maintain the existing sphere of influence in heaven, but may even go further.

Of course, there must be danger, after all, he is doing something small under the eyes of a ninth-level reincarnation person.

But risky things often also have high returns.

"You don't have to worry about being exposed. We are more than just you and Michelle among the angels." Li Ming continued to fool around.

Of course, he doesn't have to worry about whether Hayes is exposed. Anyway, it is Hayes who will die after being exposed. Hayes himself will try his best to keep himself hidden.

However, Li Ming couldn't say that, so he gave Hayes a shot in the arm.

"The reason why Michelle believes you are one of ours is because every time we have a high-level meeting, I will tell him the details immediately."

He explained, and then asked with a smile: "We all know that it was not you who delivered the news, so guess who told me?"

Hayes was shocked. Less than ten people could participate in the high-level meeting, all of whom were core figures of the Angels. There were actually people from Li Ming?
"Who is it?" he blurted.

But Li Ming shook his finger at him: "I can't tell you this yet."

Hayes understands, after all, he hasn't fully joined yet.

However, Hayes' mind flashed one by one, the list of eighth-level reincarnations in heaven, and he thought about who was the mole.

But the more he thought about it, the more confused he became, as if anyone could do it.

After all, we are all reincarnations. Who can be absolutely loyal to an organization?
But then his heart tightened and he suddenly asked: "What does that person want?"

Li Ming smiled mischievously before responding to him: "I have to say that you, the higher-ups of the camp, have ambitions that would rather be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix."

Hayes quickly understood what Li Ming meant. It turned out that the spy also wanted to control a camp himself.

He thought and knew that even if this rare opportunity could come back, it would have to be done on a first-come, first-served basis, and the first one was definitely the easiest.

With competitors, Hayes doesn't have much to think about.

He understood that Li Ming had told him so much. If his answer did not satisfy the other party, he might not be able to get out of here today.

And once you say yes, there's no turning back.

But the other high-level people in heaven have already joined the abyss, and others will not be fools.

So Hayes finally made up his mind.

"Okay, I'll join!"

(End of this chapter)

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